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Title: Chief Executive Officer

Memorándums tomados como ejemplo:


This MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING is signed on this on February 11, 2015




DOTASIA ORGANISATION a not-for-profit, community membership-based organization incorporated as a “limited by guarantee and not having a share capital” corporation (in Hong Kong), hereinafter referred to as “DotAsia



ASIAN AUSTRALASIAN AND PACIFIC ISLANDS REGIONAL AT LARGE ORGANISATION a membership based organization of At Large Accredited Structures comprising of individual internet user communities in the Asian-Australasian and Pacific region who are committed to participating in ICANN through the At Large community hereinafter referred to as “APRALO




                    I.            APRALO is committed to ensuring the growth of its members and the wider Internet Community in the region through access to training, information, outreach, strategic engagement and partnership;

                  II.            APRALO is committed to building meaningful participation of its members through direct engagement with DotAsia;

                III.            DotAsia has a mandate to promote Internet development and adoption in the Asia Pacific region;

                IV.            DotAsia is committed to facilitate the sharing of Information and organize Education in collaboration with APRALO in accordance with its vision;

                  V.            Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to be legally binding and enforceable in any court of law;

                VI.            The DotAsia and APRALO hereinafter referred to as the “Parties” in this agreement agree to the following:


1.0 Sharing of Information - The Parties agree to share information to enable research and development for the purposes of facilitating development in the Region.


2.0 Research - From time to time, the Parties may agree to commission joint research in priority areas of mutual interest.


3.0 Meeting Attendance - The Parties are welcome to attend each other’s Open Meetings at their own cost except where Fellowships may have been offered by either Party to facilitate attendance.


4.0 Training - The Parties shall endeavor to each year identify areas of training and to share costs and resources that they will jointly facilitate or enable their members to mutually benefit.


5.0 Awareness and Outreach - The Parties shall agree to encourage and facilitate awareness and outreach amongst its members to facilitate growth of the other party and outreach into new countries and territories that are underserved


6.0 Capacity Building - The Parties shall collaborate to facilitate joint capacity building events in the area of policy engagement where Top Level Domains are concerned.


7.0 Appointment of Liaisons - The Parties shall each appoint Liaisons for the purposes of communicating with each other.  This MOU also confirms APRALO as a Co-Sponsor member () of DotAsia, and have the option to appoint a liaison to serve on the Advisory Council of DotAsia, as well as to participate in the governance of DotAsia, including in member voting and elections.


This MOU has been duly sealed and executed as of the date above.




By: Siranush Vardanyan__________________________________________


Title: APRALO Acting Chair_______________________________________




By:  Edmon Chung


Title: Chief Executive Officer

MOU Firmado entre NARALO y ARIN




This MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING is signed on ________________












NORTH AMERICAN REGIONAL AT LARGE ORGANISATION a membership based organisation of At Large Accredited Structures comprising of individual internet user communities in the North American region and US Protectorate territories who are committed to participating in ICANN through the At Large community hereinafter referred to as “NARALO”.






And the American Registry for Internet Numbers, Ltd., ARIN, a nonprofit, membership-based organization that supports the operation of the Internet through the management of Internet number resources throughout its service region. ARIN is one of five Regional Internet Registries. Representatives from the ARIN region sit on the Address Supporting Organization of ICANN.








  1.                     I.            NARALO and ARIN recognise the benefits of mutual support between the Parties in the area of Internet number resource policy development.
  2.                   II.            NARALO and ARIN anticipate that each Party will benefit from the complementary skills, knowledge and experience of the other Party in their respective roles.
  3.                 III.            Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to be legally binding and enforceable in any court of law;
  4.                 IV.            The NARALO and ARIN, referred to in this agreement as the “Parties”, agree to the following:






2.0  To maintain an open communication channel for the mutual development and benefit of both organisations.




3.0  To potentially facilitate joint capacity building events and related activities of mutual interest from time to time including meetings, training, projects, workshops and research and development related to Internet number resource policy and registry operations.




4.0  To work to create regional participation through potential joint outreach and fellowship programmes on matters relating to Internet number resource policy development.






This MOU has been duly sealed and executed as of the date above.














By:  Garth Bruen




Title: NARALO Chair_______________________________________




Signature: ___________________________________




American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)






By:  __John Curran________________________________________________



Title: __ARIN President and CEO__________________________________________