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APRALO Leadership Team Selections

The following positions required a suitable Regional Leader to be appointed to serve in the




2017 APRALO Leadership Team (AP-LT)

1. An ALAC Representative for 2 year term ending in November 20162017

2.The APRALO A  Vice Chair to serve a 2 year term ending in November 2016

3. A  Vice Chair to serve a 2 year term ending in November 2016

4. A Vice Chair to serve a 1 year term ending in October 2015



*Please note that the following positions will also be appointed: 

NomCom Selectee for the Asia-Pacific Region will also be appointed for the 2015-2017 Term.

The Secretariat will be appointed for the 2015-2016 Term. This is a discretionary appointment.


The following The Following extract of our new Rules of Procedure are relevant to this process 




*Section D: Selections, Elections and Appointments* 

*28. General Provisions*

28.1 According to the ICANN by-laws, the APRALO appointments, and selections should be made wherever possible by Consensus, but failing that, elections can always be used and the methodology for such is outlined in these RoP.


29.1.1 Ordinary selections of the APRALO Chair and Vice Chair(s) shall be held so as to have the new selections prior to the start of the end of June each year. The selection should preferably be completed  at least three weeks prior to the start of the June/July ICANN Meeting to facilitate travel arrangements IF the selectee is expected to attend that ICANN Meeting. They are expected however to attend  the ICANN Meeting were the ICANN AGM is held and where they will effectively 'take their seats' for the roles that are appointed to.


Self-nominations are welcome. Self-nominations are deemed to also act as formal acceptance of 'nomination'.

The following 'slate' of people were proposed for these roles via the APRALO mail list for deliberation by the Region prior to the May 27th Regional Conference Call where all proposed selections were discussed and overwhelmingly supported by the unanimous agreement  all those present at the meeting (NB. the meeting was quorate)  It was further agreed that these positions will  however stay "open" until Tue 3rd June for any additional comment or considerations  by RALO Members who were unable to attend this meeting; (as usual with any consensus call via our list silence will be counted as agreement to the proposal, and any contention should be sent to the AP-Discuss Mailing list by 2369hrs UTC on Tue 234d 2014 .  Therefore if there is no contention to these proposed selections  then at this time all roles will be deemed to be finally selected and the members of the new 2014-20126 AP-LT will be considered in their Roles as 'Elect' until formal confirmation of these appointment during the APRALO General Assembly to be held in London on Wednesday 25 June 11:00 - 13:00.APRALO Leadership Team positions will be open:

1. An ALAC Representative for 2 year term ending at the end of the AGM in November 20162017 - Holly Maureen currently serves in this role and she is willing and able to continue for another term. Proposed Holly Raiche

2. The APRALO Chair to serve a 2 year term ending in November 2016 - Siranush is currently Acting Chair having stepped in for Holly and it is proposed by the current Leadership of the RALO, that she continue in this role for another complete term of office. Proposed Siranush Vardanyan

. She is eligible for re-selection.

2. A 3.Vice Chair to serve a 2 year term ending in November 2016October 2017 - Fouad Satish currently serves in this role and the suggestion is that Ali would be proposed for this role. Proposed Ali AlMeshal

4. A Vice Chair to serve a 1 year term ending in October 2015 - this is currently "vacant" as Siranush held this role but stepped in as Acting Chair when Holly resigned her role in this capacity, earlier this year and the suggestion is that Satish would be proposed for this role. Proposed Satish Babu.


Rationale: Noting that all the aforementioned people are highly active either in the roles already or in APRALO activities, and all have offered or agreed to serve in these roles, this would mean that the APRALO Leadership team would have the best possible geographic and time zone spread as well as gender equity that we can manage for our Region as the two RALO Reps and Chair (Female) and the two new Vice Chairs and our Secretary (Male) would be a 3:3 ratio that covers most of our Geo sub regions. He is eligible for re-selection.

Nominations for APRALO Representative to the ALAC (AGM 2015-AGM 2017)

Nominations for APRALO Representative to the ALAC  term Oct 20142015- Nov 20162017

Please click the member's name
for a copy of the member's SOI

Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Re-election Possible)Results

Holly Raiche

May Regional  Meeting and ListConsensus

27 May (at meeting)

Holly Raiche (Yes)Appointed as 'Elect in the role of ALAC Representative to Nov 2016',  on May 27 - confirmed by Regional Consensus as at June 4th 2014




Maureen Hilyard (Yes) 

Nominations for APRALO Vice-Chair Position (AGM 2015-AGM 2017)

Nominations for APRALO Leadership (AP-LT) role


Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By ( is Reelection Re-election Possible)





APRALO Chair term to Nov 2016  

Proposed:  Siranush Vardanyan

May Regional  Meeting and ListConsensus

27 May (at meeting)

Holly Raiche - replaced by then Vice-Chair Siranush Vardanyan as Acting in the role at end 2013 (Yes)Appointed as 'Elect in the role of ALAC Representative to end 2016',  on May 27 - confirmed by Regional Consensus as at June 4th 2014

APRALO Vice-Chair term to Nov 2016  

Proposed: Ali AlMeshal

May Regional  Meeting and ListConsensus

27 May (at meeting)

 Fouad Bajwa (Yes)Appointed as 'Elect in the role of ALAC Vice-Chair to end 2016',  on May 27 - confirmed by Regional Consensus as at June 4th 2014
Satish Babu (Yes) 



APRALO Vice-Chair term to Oct 2015  

Proposed:  Satish Babu


May Regional  Meeting and ListConsensus

27 May (at meeting)

Siranush Vardanyan  (yes)  position has been 'vacant' since late 2013 when this Vice-Chair took on the Acting Chair role for the RALOAppointed as 'Elect in the role of ALAC Vice-Chair to end 2015',  on May 27 - by Regional Consensus as at June 4th 2014

APRALO Secretariat Position is a discretionary appointment :-

(APRALO ROPs V 1.4 following the original Operating Principles) 

As our ALS 'ISOC Hong Kong' currently fills this role and allocate Pavan Budhrani to act in this capacity for APRALO; this arrangement is proposed to be confirmed as "to continue for the 2014-2016 AP-LT".


NOTE: if the ALAC seek RALO advice or proposals for consideration of names to hold the 2015 AP Regional Representative to the Nominating Committee a call will go out via the mailing list for names to be considered and details of that process will be archived on this page in the space below.


ALL 2015 At-Large Elections, Selections and Appointments may be followed at:  2015 See: 2014 ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments Workspace.