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Chat: AC Chat transcript 9 March 2015             

Recording: EN




1. Welcome and Roll call - Evan/Judith (5 min)

2. Update on open action items - Staff (


5 min)




Issues related to a potential application to NARALO by an ALS whose members are by US Citizens but located within Latin America

3. Community Updates (10 minutes)

3.1 ALAC (Glenn/Eduardo/Alan)

3.2 NARALO Newsletter (Eduardo)

3.3 CROPP (Evan/Glenn/Staff)
(link: At-Large RALOs)

3.4 NARALO-originated Special Budget requests (Staff)
(link: At-Large FY16 Budget Development Workspace)

     2.2  Comments on term limits and ALAC positions

     2.3 Issues of the possible Panamanian application by US Citizens to be an ALS within NARALO and not LACRALO

3. Update on Public Consultations  (5 mins)

    1. Statements approved by the ALAC: 

4. CROPP Update (member of CROPP team) (10 min)

4.1   Evan and Glenn's attendance at NTEN, held March 3-6. What was learned?

4.2   Call for recruitment of members to serve on as new CROPP RTs and to serve on this new Committee

4.3  Restructuring of the Outreach Committee and new goals and mission for this group


3.5 Capacity building Survey


5. Update on NARALO's submissions for Special Budget request from ICANN (5 Minutes).


See: ALAC/At-Large FY16 Special Requests


5.1   NARALO Assembly

5.2   Pilot program for Captioning

5.3   e-Books

5.4   Indigenous people mentorship program

6. At  Large Review - Holly Raiche (10 min)

See At Large Review Workspace

6.1  Recruitment to serve as the NARALO member on the ALAC Review Team (5 minutes)


7. NARALO Newsletter (Eduardo Diaz) (5 Minutes)

8.  ICANN Compliance Issue (5 Minutes)

9. ALAC member update - Eduardo, Alan and Glenn (5 min)

10. IANA/Accountability activity update + Q&A - Alan (5 min)



4. Community vacancies and leadership selections (30 minutes)

4.1 NARALO leadership positions (Evan/Staff)

a) ALAC Representative
b) Chair
c) Secretariat
d) Unaffiliated Member Representative
e) Nominating Committee Representative

4.2 Committee vacancies/reviews

a) CROPP RT (Allan/Darlene/Staff)
b) Outreach and Engagement Subcommittee (Glenn/Murray/Staff)

4.3 ALAC Review Team (Holly Raiche)
(Link: At Large Review Workspace

4.4 Processes and timelines (Evan/Judith/Staff) 

5.  ICANN Compliance Issue (Garth) (5 Minutes)

6. Any Other Business (5 min)

7. Adjournment