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Most Recent Blog Update

October-November Monthly Update by Theresa Swinehart

First things first, thank you to all of you who joined us at ICANN 51 in Los Angeles! Whether you did so in person or as a remote participant, you may have noticed the evolution in both the IANA Stewardship Transition and Enhancing ICANN Accountability and Governance processes. There's been a distinct shift in conversation over the past month from process to substance, a validation of community achievement in these two critical endeavors.

IANA Stewardship Transition

As soon as the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) published its Request for Proposals (RFP), the operational communities of IANA began developing their responses.

The Names community established a Cross Community Working Group (CWG) to develop a proposal on naming related functions. The group, chaired by the GNSO's Jonathan Robinson and ccNSO's Lise Fuhr, includes 19 members and 84 participants. Its charter [PDF, 156 KB] has been adopted by theccNSO, SSAC, GNSO, ALAC and GAC, and ICANN is providing staff support to the working group as well. The CWG held its first face-to-face meeting at ICANN 51, and is holding its next face-to-face meeting to develop and discuss its draft proposal on the 19th and 20th of this month in Frankfurt.

The five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) who make up the Numbers community are currently consulting within their respective regions. To coordinate the various proposals that will emerge from these consultations, the Number Resource Organization (NRO) created a Consolidated RIR IANAStewardship Proposal Team (CRISP) to produce a unified response to the ICG's RFP. A Timeline for the RIRs Engagement in the IANA Stewardship Transition Process can be found here.

Lastly, in the Protocol Parameters community, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has established the IANAPLAN Working Group (IANAPLAN WG). The IANAPLAN WG has adopted an Internet Draft as a basis for developing a response to the ICG's request for proposals and has already developed a draft response to the RFP. This draft proposal was discussed in more depth at their IETF 91 meeting in Honolulu from November 9-14.

The ICG has requested that all three of the community proposals be submitted by January 15, 2015.

As for the ICG itself, it is developing a set of FAQs about its work, and is in the final stages of selecting an independent secretariat.

Enhancing ICANN Accountability and Governance

As was noted in my previous blog, ICANN launched a 21-day open comment period to ensure that as many stakeholders as possible could review, post questions and comment on the Enhancing ICANNAccountability and Governance process posted on August 14th. ICANN received 17 comments and, based on that community input, published a Revised Enhancing ICANN Accountability process.

The strong community request for integrating the originally- proposed dual structure Cross Community Group and Coordination Group into a single Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) was recognized, and the process was revised to incorporate that feedback.

In addition, input over the course of the comment period suggested that the CCWG have two work streams:

  • Work Stream 1 will focus on mechanisms enhancing ICANN accountability that must be in place or committed to within the time frame of the IANA Stewardship Transition; and

  • Work Stream 2 will focus on addressing accountability topics for which a timeline for developing solutions and full implementation may extend beyond the IANA Stewardship Transition.

Drafting Team for the Accountability CCWG has been formed with Supporting Organization and Advisory Committee representatives from the GNSO, ccNSO, ASO and ALAC, in addition to a non-SO/AC representative from the broader ICANN community.

Recognizing the need to move this process forward quickly, the Drafting Team has met twice a week since ICANN 51, and on November 3rd, distributed a Charter for adoption by chartering organizations. The final version and working drafts of the Charter are located on the Wiki.

The GNSO elected to adopt the CCWG charter on November 13th, and each SO/AC is expected to consider the proposed Charter during their upcoming November meeting(s). The CCWG will commence with its deliberations in late November or early December.

A call for volunteers to join the CCWG will be launched so that anyone interested in this effort may join and participate. Additionally, all members of the group formerly known as the Cross Community Group will be added to the CCWG as "participants", with the exception of those appointed by chartering organizations to serve as "members".

As you can see, both processes are now in full swing. Continue to check the ICANN website, followICANN on Twitter, or like ICANN on Facebook for immediate updates.


Joining the Global Discussion at ICANN 52

With ICANN's 52nd Public Meeting taking place this week in Singapore, I wanted to highlight the numerous opportunities to get involved in the conversation on the IANA Stewardship Transition and Enhancing ICANN Accountability processes. To date, the community has logged more than 90 public calls or meetings, over 5,200 working hours and some 10,000 email exchanges during the various stages of proposal development necessary to transition the stewardship of the IANA functions to the multistakeholder community.

Alissa Cooper, Chair of the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG), published a well-received opinion piece during which she says, "The efforts of the individuals in each of the operational communities have been nothing short of extraordinary." I couldn't agree more.

The numbers reflect the hard work and dedication that has gone into this transition, but we still have a long way to go.

IANA Stewardship Transition

January 15th was the target date for each operational community of the IANA functions to submit a transition proposal as requested by the ICG. Each community was asked to assess their use of the IANAfunctions with a description of those functions, their existing arrangements, propose post-transition oversight and accountability arrangements and any transition implications.

The Protocol Parameters and Numbering communities met the target date, while the Naming community made good progress but continues its work.

One of reasons for missing the target date is due to the interdependence of the Cross Community Working Group on IANA Naming Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship) interdependence with the work of the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability). The Chairs of both working groups created a schematic illustration of this interrelation with a flowchart that can be found here [PDF, 154 KB].

The ICG has begun its initial assessments of the protocol parameters and naming community proposals both over its publicly archived mailing list and at its two-day face-to-face meeting in Singapore on 6-7 February. In addition, members are working on an updated anticipated timeline to reflect the extended amount of time the CWG-Stewardship needs to complete its proposal.

Enhancing ICANN Accountability

Meanwhile, the CCWG-Accountability held a two-day meeting in Frankfurt, Germany on 19-20 January, attended by more than 50 members and participants with an additional 40 participants and observers attending remotely. The meeting was considered to be a success, leading to an initial agreement on a problem statement, a list of "stress tests" and requirements for Work Stream 1 – those accountability measures necessary to complete the IANA stewardship transition.

Since the meeting, the group has created two new Work Parties to further organize the dialogues of Work Stream 1.

  • Work Party 1: Community Empowerment
  • Work Party 2: Review & Redress

The working group is currently recruiting members and participants for each Work Party, and will continue its discussions further in Singapore.

Lastly, the Public Experts Group (PEG), tasked with selecting up to 7 external Advisors to the CCWG-Accountability selected the last  Advisor to join the working group. Lee Andrew Bygrave will join the discussions of the CCWG-Accountability as an expert in International Law/Jurisprudence.


In addition to an Informational Session on Sunday evening in Singapore, the ICG, CWG-Stewardship and CCWG-Accountability will be hosting several individual sessions at ICANN 52. Here's the list:

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All of these sessions will be live-streamed, and non-working session meetings will also be interpreted into the six UN languages plus Portuguese. So whether you have the opportunity to join us in Singapore or want to engage in the discussions from home, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved.

You can also follow along with all of these discussions through the ICANN twitter (@ICANN), where we will be live-tweeting many of the events.

I am confident that our community will come out even stronger at the end of this undertaking. As Assistant Secretary of Commerce Larry Strickling reinforced at the State of the Net Conference in Washington D.C. last month, "We all have a stake in this transition and in ensuring the Internet remains an open, dynamic platform for economic and social progress." Remember, it's never too late to have your voice heard.

Safe travels to everyone coming to Singapore, and be ready to work!And again, please join the numerous community discussions taking place: