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  Nathalie  Peregrine:Dear all, Welcome to the At-Large Regional Secretariats Meeting on Thursday, 18 December 2014 at 19:00 UTC
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Meeting Page:
  Barrack Otieno:Hi Nathalie, Hi Jana
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Hello Barrack!
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Welcome Siranush!
  Siranush Vardanyan:hello, Nathalie and all
  Barrack Otieno:Hello Siranush
  Alberto Soto:Hello all!
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Hello Alberto
  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all
  Silvia Vivanco:We still need EURALO
  Judith Hellerstein:Hi All
  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Judith
  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Jana Juginovic
  Silvia Vivanco:NARALO Decertification wiki:
  Humberto carrasco:Hello
  Barrack Otieno:AFRALO is currently discussing metrics that will measure member perfomances with the RALO
  Barrack Otieno:the objective is to set minimum standards for ensuring that ALS's within the RALO are active
  Judith Hellerstein:Yes that is correct
  Silvia Vivanco:@ Barrack you are correct
  Silvia Vivanco:so far each RALO does it ad-hoc
  Barrack Otieno:indeed
  Silvia Vivanco:no common benchmark for all RALOs
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Dev Anand Teelucksingh has joined the AC room
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone
  Humberto carrasco:Hi Dev
  Alberto Soto:Hi Humberto
  Humberto carrasco:HI alberto
  Barrack Otieno:Siranush i have posted my comments
  Maureen Hilyard:Hi all.. just connected to the Adobe but also on the phone bridge
  Silvia Vivanco:Is there common criteria for all RALOs?
  Silvia Vivanco:shall we have a common standard?
  Barrack Otieno:i think it is possible
  Barrack Otieno:since we have a common objective across the regions
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:it would be good to find some harmonisation across RALOS
  Maureen Hilyard:@Silvia - Is this not what the ALS certification group will work on
  Silvia Vivanco:@ Maureen I am not aware that  this group is looking at decertification as well
  Silvia Vivanco:but it may do that
  Maureen Hilyard:True.. not sure what its brief is...
  Humberto carrasco:That's is a good idea
  Humberto carrasco:Silvia
  Silvia Vivanco:Okay I will contact the Secretariats
  Barrack Otieno:great thanks
  Nathalie  Peregrine:please allmute AC mics when not speaking
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:yes we can
  Barrack Otieno:we can hear you
  Barrack Otieno:Hi Jana
  Evan Leibovitch:hi. sorry for the disconnections and reconnections
  Barrack Otieno:interesting ideas
  Barrack Otieno:i hope you can share the presentation with the Secretariats
  Heidi Ullrich:@Barrack, we will be happy to share the slides
  Barrack Otieno:indeed  AFRALO is currently going through an exercise that will benefit greatly from this, thanks
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Link to Jana's video:
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Nathalie
  Humberto carrasco:Thanks, It good be god to have this presentation
  Humberto carrasco:it would be good to have this presentation
  Barrack Otieno:Jana, are flyers effective?
  Barrack Otieno:or would you recommend social Media?
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for your agreement re electronic means
  Jana Juginovic:there are more effective pieces of content than flyers, not that printed materials should never be used
  Jana Juginovic:flyers became dated very quickly
  Evan Leibovitch:My personal benchmark for making difficult tech issues accessible to a lay population is the John Oliver video segment on Net Neutrality:
  Barrack Otieno:not sure whether including flyers in delegate  packs is as effective as e-shots
  Jana Juginovic:we suggest creating more visual content that could be used as printed material and digital platforms
  Jana Juginovic:multi-use
  Barrack Otieno:ok
  Barrack Otieno:good point
  Evan Leibovitch:It's all about the content. Visuals are compelling and bring people in, but the material itself has to be presented in a casual, maybe even humorous way.
  Evan Leibovitch:Experiment: Next time each of you are at a family gathering, try to explain what you do in ICANN within five minutes.
  Barrack Otieno::-)
  Barrack Otieno:thats a mouthfull evan
  Alberto Soto:@evan: five day??
  Judith Hellerstein:I agree with Evan.  People want smaller docs
  Barrack Otieno:indeed
  Judith Hellerstein:I really like the business card idea and it works well to give out to people and carry around
  Humberto carrasco:yes
  Maureen Hilyard:+1 to Evan for a cheaper version of getting people engaged with RALO activities and referring them to the website
  Maureen Hilyard:Speaking more from APRALO perspective because we won't get an updated version till 2016
  Siranush Vardanyan:back to adobe
  Heidi Ullrich:So would you like to have the docment be postcard size?
  Heidi Ullrich:or both?
  Evan Leibovitch:It's almost like one side is a bold headline, the other side is the call to action.
  Evan Leibovitch:I will send to Heidi examples of what ISOC Canada has done.
  Heidi Ullrich:The Outreach Sub-Committee will be discussing this later today. We will provide feedback from this meeting.
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Good suggestion, Jana
  Maureen Hilyard:Great idea Jana
  Judith Hellerstein:@evan send a link to how the isoc canada cards look
  Jana Juginovic:I'm canadian so proud that is the example
  Silvia Vivanco:Post  ATLAS II activities:
  Silvia Vivanco:Rec 28: The ALAC should work with all RALOs and ALSes to map the current expertise and interests in their membership, to identify Subject Matter Experts and facilitate policy communication.
  Humberto carrasco:he did it
  Silvia Vivanco:yes he did
  Barrack Otieno:great
  Silvia Vivanco:Rec 42: ICANN should enable annual face-to-face RALO assemblies, either at ICANN regional offices or in concert with regional events
  Barrack Otieno:agreed Sylvia
  Silvia Vivanco:Yes there is a need to report on progress
  Barrack Otieno:we can hear you
  Silvia Vivanco:and tick off recommendations as completed-in progress
  Silvia Vivanco:or some sort of feedback
  Evan Leibovitch:I know this is backtracking a bit... but I have a full license account for SurveyGizmo. I can duplicate Albert's survey for viewing and testing using that tool.
  Siranush Vardanyan:
  Evan Leibovitch:Silvia.... you .... are .... sounding ... very ... quiet
  Silvia Vivanco:Its Heidi speaking
  Alberto Soto:evan, ok, is better
  Barrack Otieno:good suggestion
  Evan Leibovitch:I know. I meant before when you were talking
  Barrack Otieno:AFRALO will consider that
  Silvia Vivanco:OH Ok I will speak closer to the phone
  Heidi Ullrich:@Barrack, thanks!
  Heidi Ullrich:good opportunity, I would think
  Barrack Otieno:The CROPP Program is quite usefull, AFRALO leadership  participated in the recent AFRINIC 21 meeting where it had a chance to contribute to ICANNs Africa Strategy as well as strengthen cooperation with the regional  internet registry
  Barrack Otieno:This was facilitated by the CROPP program
  Maureen Hilyard:APRALO has also used the programme which facilitated APRALO leadership to participate in a Pacific event. Excellent for both the Cook Islands and for ICANN
  Siranush Vardanyan:i was disconnected
  Judith Hellerstein:@evan you made it to the big time here
  Siranush Vardanyan:can you dial me out again
  Nathalie  Peregrine:yes right now
  Judith Hellerstein:i have received approval for my trip to south by south west
  Siranush Vardanyan:go ahead, Dev
  Siranush Vardanyan:waiting for dial out
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Siranush, are you hearing the call, Adigo are trying to dial out to you
  Siranush Vardanyan:no, Nathalie
  Siranush Vardanyan:no calls received
  Maureen Hilyard:Thank you for the update Dev.. APRALO is putting in another application soon
  Nathalie  Peregrine:ok
  Siranush Vardanyan:i am back
  Nathalie  Peregrine:yes!
  Siranush Vardanyan:thanks
  Humberto carrasco:We will present more than 1 application soon as well
  Barrack Otieno:good suggestion
  Heidi Ullrich:Hi All, I will need to leave for another call.
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks for all the good progress today!
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Heidi !
  Siranush Vardanyan:thanks, Heidi
  Alberto Soto:So is Barrack. Lacralo held two events this year; in Haiti and Dominican Republic. As a result, we will have three organizations to certify as ALS, and a member of the GAC. That events was open
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@alberto: that's excellent news!
  Alberto Soto:Thanks Olivier. We nedd French...
  Maureen Hilyard:@Dev.. that is very valuable information
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:bravo!
  Alberto Soto:need
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:The presentation url :
  Judith Hellerstein:Thanks Dev
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Dev for this report
  Silvia Vivanco:I will send you the AIs and will post them
  Silvia Vivanco:and we will act on the ones assigned to staff
  Humberto carrasco:thanks Dev
  Barrack Otieno:thank you Siranush
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all! very fruiftul discussion!!
  Barrack Otieno:very usefull meeting
  Barrack Otieno::-)
  Alberto Soto:Thanks Dev, see you in Januery for CROPP
  Barrack Otieno:bye see you in Singapore
  Maureen Hilyard:Thank you Siranush and all
  Judith Hellerstein:Great looking forward to it
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:Thank you, bye
  Nathalie  Peregrine:thank syou everyone!
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks all, the Outreach SC call is 2100 UTC
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:and great holidays
  Siranush Vardanyan:bye all
  Barrack Otieno:Merry christmas
  Humberto carrasco:thanks
  Alberto Soto:Thanks, bye bye
  Humberto carrasco:bye