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a. At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule

b. Open Public Consultations for which ALAC will be preparing statements: (volunteers are welcome)




Proposed Agenda Items

4. Review of Board Selection Process (Andres)(15 mins)


  • 13 November, 1300 UTC: Community call the final slate of candidates
  • 15 - 22 November (RALOs can extend this until 25 November if desired): RALO discussions on candidates
  • 22 - 25 November: First round of online voting on final slate of candidates;
  • 26 -- 28 November: Second round of online voting on final slate of candidates (only if necessary)
  • 10 December: Successful candidate takes seat on ICANN Board.

5. Review ICANN's Strategic Planning Development


(Kurt Pritz, Senior Vice President Stakeholder Relations, ICANN, Akram Atallah, Chief Operating Officer, ICANN, David Olive, Vice President Policy Development, ICANN)(20 mins)

a. Presentation of ICANN's Strategic Development Planning Process (PPT) (Kurt Pritz) (15 mins)

b. Q&A on the Strategic Planning Process (Kurt Pritz, Akram Atallah, David Olive) (5 mins)

Reference Documents:

At-Large Community Workspace on Strategic Development Planning 2011

6. Update on LACRALO Events in Cartagena (Dev, Andres)(15 mins)

a. Update on LACRALO Showcase (Monday, 6 December 1800 - 1900)

b. Review Draft Agenda LACRALO Meeting (Tuesday, 7 December, 1700 - 1830)

DRAFT Agenda:
Standing Issues:

1. Roll Call (2 minutes)
2. Review of Summary Minutes and Action Items from the 18 November call (5 minutes)
3. Open Public Consultations (5 minutes)

Proposed Agenda Items:

4. Update from the ICANN Cartagena Meeting (15 minutes)
- Critical Policy Discussions
- ALAC Matters
5. Review Draft Bylaw Modifications (15 minutes)
(an online vote on the draft Bylaw modifications will start shortly after the meeting)
6. Review of Past Trimester (15 minutes)
See: Secretariat Report to the ALAC
7. Set Priorities for the Coming Trimester (20 minutes)
- Policy Focus
- Organisational Matters (In-reach, Outreach)
8. Any other Business (5 minutes)
