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1. Please present a precise definition of the "public interest".

2. What would you say is the relevance of the "public interest" in the ICANN context?

3. What is the relevance of the PI for the candidates and how best it could be pursued by them (once seated on the Board)?

Questions to specific candidates prepared by Adam Peake on behalf of EURALO:

Pierre, Sebastien:

I understand you are both involved in potential applications for new gTLDs: Pierre, dot AFRICA (perhaps already controversial, with rival applications in play), Sebastien perhaps a few projects. If I am wrong about this, you have no involvement, please accept my apologies.

However, if correct, my concern is whether you will be able to participate fully in discussions about new gTLDs. I think we can be sure issues arising from the new gTLD program will be among the most important ICANN will face over the coming 2-3 years.

Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

Public Interest is a complex concept and political economist hardly agree on it. Generally, public interest’ will refer to a sort of common well-being or general welfare which then become central to policy development and policy debates. Public interest also refers to the concept of public goods which should be made affordable and accessible to the public.

Alan Greenberg

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

2. What would you say is the relevance of the "public interest" in the ICANN context?

Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

In the ICANN context, I see Internet itself as a public goods and therefore, ICANN should be promoting public interest from the coordination of internet resources. It is therefore important that the ICANN ecosystem integrates more actions and policy towards promotion of the public interest. Thus, domains name system as well as numbering systems should all be handled to the benefits of all, be they the business, the user at large.

Alan Greenberg

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

3. What is the relevance of the PI for the candidates and how best it could be pursued by them (once seated on the Board)?

Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

Public interest for me requests that actions and policies benefit the population at large. Therefore, this calls for more inclusive policies. If elected on the Board, I will certainly aim at promoting the interest of the users at large as this is my sincere belief. I was once a member of the advisory Board of PIR and could appreciate how best to include the users community into policy making. My close to 15 years within the UN also prepared me for an inclination towards the promotion of public interest.

Alan Greenberg

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Questions to specific candidates prepared by Adam Peake on behalf of EURALO:

Pierre, Sebastien:

I understand you are both involved in potential applications for new gTLDs: Pierre, dot AFRICA (perhaps already controversial, with rival applications in play), Sebastien perhaps a few projects. If I am wrong about this, you have no involvement, please accept my apologies.

However, if correct, my concern is whether you will be able to participate fully in discussions about new gTLDs. I think we can be sure issues arising from the new gTLD program will be among the most important ICANN will face over the coming 2-3 years.

If selected as At Large Director will you stop any involvement with new gTLD application?  Or how would you handle the possibility of having to recuse yourself from some or all discussions? Can a Director be involved in both an application and making policy that affects that or all applications?

Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

Dear Adam, thanks for these questions. I do appreciate. In fact, I am not at all involved in any future application for the new gTLD round. As for DotAfrica, my contribution so far should be put within its context. I happen to be one of the promoters of the African stars (AF*) which is a loose organization which has been promoting African related Internet institutions and associations. My position within the UNDP as a regional Adviser on ICT prompted me to assist those nascent groupings which have now become AFRINIC, AFNOG and AFTLDs. The Africa Union has now appointed a group of Experts to assist it understand the new gTLD process and work out a registry for dot Africa in an open manner. I am one of those experts, and I do not plan at all to apply for the dot Africa registry. Whatever I have been doing was to facilitate a process.

Of course if I were elected on the Board, I will stop any advisory services that could hamper my participation to the Board. As you say, I will easily recuse myself from any on going discussions in Africa as relates to the dot Africa registry.If selected as At Large Director will you stop any involvement with new gTLD application?  Or how would you handle the possibility of having to recuse yourself from some or all discussions? Can a Director be involved in both an application and making policy that affects that or all applications?

To be fair: Alan, are you involved with any potential/planned gTLD applications?


2. Please describe your experience with the following, as relevant to ICANN's mission "public policy, finance, strategic planning, corporate governance, negotiation, and dispute resolution".

Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Alan Greenberg

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.


Question from Carlos:
We heard skills and capacities of his own voices. But, and the direct question is: Why not the other two candidates?  What are the weaknesses of the other two candidates?

Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Alan Greenberg

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.


Questions for all Candidates:


Questions to specific candidates:

Question for Pierre:

17. Some longtime participants in At-Large have expressed concern about your level of participation and achievement during your tenure on the Interim ALAC. Can you please describe some specific initiatives in which you had leadership or significant participation while on ALAC?

Question for Sébastien:

18. If selected as Director, will you resign your NomComm seat on ALAC or retain it?

Questions from Individuals

1. Question for the Candidates:  The Root Scaling Study Team wrote:  "Beyond the very near term, we can’t know in advance exactly how many TLDs can be added to the root, or how fast they can be added, because as soon as you start to add entries to the root each of the root system components adapts and changes in ways that cannot be predicted or effectively coordinated. That’s why it’s so important to build an “early warning system” that can (a) detect signs that one or more of the root system actors is reaching its limit for absorbing changes without major replanning, and (b) take effective mitigating action when those signs are detected." 

As an ICANN director, would you approve the launch of new gTLDs prior to having this "early warning system" built? 


Danny Younger

2. Question for the Candidates:  The IGF process effectively uses "remote hubs" for participation.  These hubs are the focal point of local discourse and workshops.  While some remote hubs were established on an ad-hoc basis for the ICANN Nairobi meeting (in Bangladesh, Virginia & San Francisco), there has been no institutional support to encourage and develop a sustainable approach to further such efforts.  As activities within ALAC's remit include "Establishing an outreach strategy about ICANN issues in each RALO's Region", will you, as a Board director, see to it that a program is established by the ALAC to support an ongoing regional "remote hub" outreach strategy?


Danny Younger

3. Question for the Candidates:  The ICANN Board's decision with respect to Vertical Integration has the potential to negatively impact the registrant community.  Registrants "may be harmed by an integrated registry/registrar operation’s ability to identify high value domains, hold those domains off the market (either directly or through affiliates) and to then monetize them at a premium price. These practices render the domain name unavailable to the “first-come” registrant or force that registrant to pay a higher price than the standard retail offer."  What action will you take as a board director to monitor the domain name marketplace so as to ensure that registrants aren't abused by domain name scalping?


Danny Younger

