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2. How do you plan to balance your commitment to doing what you believe is best for ICANN as a California corporation with your role as a representative of the members of the At-Large?  How do you propose handling it when your vote runs counter to the advice of the ALAC and At-Large.

3. What do you plan to do about the Culture of Secrecy that exists in ICANN.  What role does the Board have to play in making ICANN more transparent and accountable?

4. What degree of oversight do you think the Board should exert over the Staff and its activities.

5. Do you accept that ICANN remains a US based corporation or do you have a plan for increasing its International status.

6. Do you agree with the current salary levels of the senior managers in ICANN.  Do you think the Board should change the levels of compensation to be more in keeping with the non-profit of ICANN.  If so, how do you plan seeing this dealt with?

7. What is your plan for any excess funds that may be derived from new gTLD auctions? 

Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

The question is a tricky one. As per the by-laws of ICANN a Director does not represent a constituency as such. However, seat no15 being a special one for the At large community, I believe there should be a way in which the Director find the good balance between what he thinks is good for ICANN and also what better for the At-Large group.

I understand the Board acts on consensus and I will strive to defend the ALAC position and advice. When faced with a situation where my vote runs against the advice of the At large I will seek to dialogue and built a consensus. If I failed to pursuade other Directors, then I will certainly vote according to my personal conviction or abstain.

Alan Greenberg

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

3. What do you plan to do about the Culture of Secrecy that exists in ICANN.  What role does the Board have to play in making ICANN more transparent and accountable?

Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

I have no plan as such to deal with the ‘culture of Secrecy’ in ICANN. But I do hope I  could work toward more transparency and accountability as I think this is key to maintaining that multistakeholder structure of the ICANN. The board should be in a position to design new mechanisms for promoting more accountability and transparency. The ATRT has listed a few recommendations to that effect and I believe the mechanisms will be worked out. One idea should be that the Board members be more specialized in key areas that are crucial to accountability, transparency and the overall corporate governance. Another means will be to increase independent reviews and audits.

Alan Greenberg

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

4. What degree of oversight do you think the Board should exert over the Staff and its activities.

Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

The Board should not deal with the day to day activities of the staff. However, it will demand regular reporting from the Executive Director, and appoint Board members to special task force to provide any oversight deemed necessary.

Alan Greenberg

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

5. Do you accept that ICANN remains a US based corporation or do you have a plan for increasing its International status.

Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

While I do think current situation is due to historical reasons I strongly believe that ICANN should increase its international status; It has started some points of presence through a few offices outside the US, but there should be ways in which it could retain a formal international status. This possibility was debated within the president strategy committee and some useful recommendations were made. There is a need to revisit them and act upon them.

Alan Greenberg

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

6. Do you agree with the current salary levels of the senior managers in ICANN.  Do you think the Board should change the levels of compensation to be more in keeping with the non-profit of ICANN.  If so, how do you plan seeing this dealt with?

Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

I must confess I do not have much insights on the level of compensation of the senior managers of ICANN, but I do agree that their compensation should be more in keeping with the non-profit status of ICANN. I will suggest that an evaluation be made and that some benchmark be used to revisit the levels of salaries.

Alan Greenberg

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

7. What is your plan for any excess funds that may be derived from new gTLD auctions? 

Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

I have no plan per se, But I will strongly advise that any excess money be used to boost participation to the ICANN processes and the outreach of our current ALS. Also, for the sake of inclusiveness, such excess money could be used to develop more capacities in areas where the Internet revolution is still slow.

Alan Greenberg

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

8. Do you think it is necessary for ICANN to make serious adjustments to the new gTLD process and application fees in order for it to be possible for there to be applicants from the developing economies.  what sort of changes would you be in favor of seeing?

Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

Yes, I think it is necessary to make serious adjustments to the new gTLD process in order to promote applications from developing economies. The applications fees should be revisited and wavers should raised on specific TLDs (namely the geographic and/or community ones. Plans should also be made available for providing some more capacities to the few registry/registrars from those developing economies.

Alan Greenberg

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.8. Do you think it is necessary for ICANN to make serious adjustments to the new gTLD process and application fees in order for it to be possible for there to be applicants from the developing economies.  what sort of changes would you be in favor of seeing?

The following 3 questions were prepared by Wolf Ludwig on behalf of EURALO:
