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Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

Thanks to my colleagues from APRALO and greetings to Hong Xue!


2.At-Large Community had expressed strong interest in supporting the Independent Objector mechanism defined in Final Guidebook, i.e. "acts solely in the best interests of the public who use the global Internet", particularly at Mexico At-Large Summit. What is your view on IO and at-large's involvement as the public-interest goalkeeper?

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

As the Independent Objector mechanism is meant  for objecting to anomalous applications on behalf of Internet users, and particularly in the public interest, I see it as a necessary  and required safeguard in the process. This will promote more independence in the dispute resolution process, while also addressing risks to the process by ensuring that the proposed TLDs that are clearly encompassed by the limited Community-based and morality & public Order objection standards are not entered into the root. Because the At large community represents the users at large, I will be in favour of a close relationship of the AC with the process of the selection of the Independent objector.


3. ICANN's fast-track IDN ccTLDs program meets the pressing need of IDN communities but also introduces a couple of ad hoc solutions, such as character variants allocation and management. Do you believe new gTLD program should maintain these policies when evaluating IDN gTLDs for consistence or overrule them?

Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

Ideally, I would say the new gTLD programme should maintain these IDN ccTLDs related policies for consistence reasons. However, there will be a need for an assessment of the impacts of those policies in a set of IDN ccTLDs before any generalization of the policies.

Alan Greenberg

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

4. Enhancement of involvement and participation of 4. Enhancement of involvement and participation of at-large community is essential for ICANN's next decade. Do you have a holistic plan to outreach user community? Would you support another at-large summit or make summit a regular channel for users' direct participation in ICANN activities?. Do you have a holistic plan to outreach user community? Would you support another at-large summit or make summit a regular channel for users' direct participation in ICANN activities?

Answers from Candidates (in order of the candidates' surname)

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

I believe the next decade will see an increase of other billions of Internet users, namely due to the broadband facilities and mobile telephony. Issues related to security and personal data handling as well as privacy will be come paramount. I also believe the key challenges of ICANN in coming decades will be how best to preserve its multistakeholders structure in the face of  those creeping’ missions’ Enhanced participation of the at large community is hence unavoidable and any holistic plan to outreach user community should include use of social networks as well as other mechanisms to make the users more aware of their rights and up coming issues. Outreaching the user community will mean that we strive to highlight their interests and needs, and while ICANN with its technical coordination role will still have a central role in helping with the outreach, other stakeholders might come on the fore to deal with security issues, and privacy issues. An action plan should integrate who and how best to approach these stakeholders so that they also contribute to integrating the user community in their overall policy making process.

I will favor the users the Summit as a regular channels for direct participation of the users in ICANN’s activities.

Alan Greenberg

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

5. ICANN Board recently approved the policy regarding vertical integration in gTLD domains. Do you believe the new policy would enhance competition and benefit Internet users, including but not limited to registrants? Under the new policy, how would ICANN would ICANN strengthen oversight over registries that acquire the opportunity to directly provide registration services?

Sebastien Bachollet

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

Pierre Dandjinou

I believe vertical integration in gTLDs domains should enhance competition and lower the costs for the end users and registrants. I believe ICANN could strengthen oversight over registries that acquire the opportunity to directly provide registration services?direct registration services through strict and specific agreements on the one hand, and through a facilitation of constant evaluation by an independent consumer authority or group; by the way, the RALOS of the ALAC could play that role in a certain measure!

Alan Greenberg

Candidate has not yet submitted answers.

6. Under the present policy, at-large director elected will replace ALAC Liaison on the Board. Do you think, despite the addition of at-large director, ALAC Liaison should be retained, through which at-large community's views could be streamlined to the Board?
