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PPSAI - Work Plan v5 - 17 Nov 2014


MP3 Recording:


Meeting Transcript:



Steve Metalitz - IPC

Graeme Bunton – RrSG

Frank Michlick – Individual

Don Blumenthal – RySG

Chris Pelling – RrSG

Justin Macy - BC

Susan Kawaguchi – BC

Kristina Rosette – IPC

Val Sherman – IPC

Volker Greimann - RrSG

Theo Geurts - RrSG

Stephanie Perrin - NCSG
David Cake - NCSG

Michele Neylon – RrSG

James Bladel – RrSG

Tatiana Khramtsova – RrSG

Griffin Barnett – IPC

Christian Dawson-ISPCP

Darcy Southwell – RrSG

Dick Leaning – no soi

Alex Deacon – IPC

Brian Winterfeldt – IPC

Carlton Samuels – ALAC

Kathy Kleiman – NCSG

Jim Bikoff – IPC

Paul McGrady – IPC

David Hughes – IPC

David Heasley - IPC


Sarah Wyld – RrSG

Holly Raiche ALAC

Osvaldo Novoa – ISPCP

Phil Corwin – BC


ICANN staff:

Mary Wong

Marika Konings

Amy Bivins

Nathalie Peregrine

Terri Agnew

Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 18 November 2014:

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Welcome to the PPSAI call  on 18 November 2014

  Chris Pelling:afternoon all :)

  richard leaning:afternoon evryone

  Theo Geurts:Good afternoon all

  Theo Geurts::)

  Kathy:Hi All - sorry to be gone for two weeks.

  Bladel:Morning.  Don't have much of a voice today, so I'll probably be in listen-only mode. :(

  Don Blumenthal:James, don't invite cheap shots. :)

  Frank Michlick:Good morning.

  Graeme Bunton:Here-ish, currently in frankfurt.

  Kathy:Maria did not run for Council again from NCSG

  Bladel:Ah, ok.  Thought she was term-limited.

  Kathy:Could be both -- we'll certainly miss her on Council! (NCSG)

  Kathy:And there would be lots of questions!

  Bladel:Did I lose audio?

  Stephanie Perrin:Sound?

  Frank Michlick:So quiet

  Griffin Barnett:I don't have any audio either

  Kathy:No sound problem now

  Graeme Bunton:Sounds OK to me via Adobe

  Theo Geurts:all good here on adobe

  Bladel:No, it's back now. 

  Darcy Southwell:All good for me

  Alex Deacon:loud and clear on adobe

  Justin Macy:Sounds ook

  Mary Wong:Thanks!

  Frank Michlick:Michele is having problems connecting to Adobe

  Frank Michlick:He's trying to join us

  richard leaning:its ok with adobe

  Bladel:Lets dive in!

  Terri Agnew:Carlton Samuels and David Cake have joined

  Carlton Samuels:Morning all. Apologies for late connection. Real challenge this morning with my ISP

  Kathy:Glad you are here, Carlton!

  Kathy:and David!

  Mary Wong:Just a note on Cat A - there are a couple other charter questions that the WG agreed to defer to the end of our deiliberations. We will therefore have to deal with these after our review of A-G.

  Kathy:Can we add this to the technical issues that we are looking at -- e.g., the transfer issues?

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Michele Neylon

  Michele Neylon:I've been on the audio bridge

  Michele Neylon:just having issues with browsers

  Carlton Samuels:Implementation issue

  Michele Neylon:ended up installing firefox

  steve metalitz:+1 to Carlton , best to leave to implementation -- which could include new field

  Chris Pelling:I remember the point of adding a field to the whois

  Carlton Samuels:FWIW, the EWG did not have a problem recommending new fields for the RDDS record but this decision was predicated on a whole new definitional class of interests


  Kathy:@Mary, can you add to the Notes: any implications to adding a field in the Whois?

  Carlton Samuels:A P/P identity may be recorded by a flag, too. All would be processed by the EPP or new RDAP protocol

  val sherman:+ 1 to Susan

  steve metalitz:What Susan is advocating is what we have in prelim conclusion "as an exmaple" 

  steve metalitz:example

  Graeme Bunton:Thats a reasonable point James

  Bladel:It's a good point, Stephane, but probably not part of B1.

  steve metalitz:@Stephanie, That's covered by B3. 

  Carlton Samuels:@Steph: Domain transfer process would actually benefit, IMO.

  Stephanie Perrin:Just please let the record show that Michele asked me to expand on my comment :-)  This does not happen often..

  Stephanie Perrin:ON a serious note, thanks Steve, we can expand on it in B3

  Kathy:That's an important point.

  Kathy:Great, tx Paul.

  Terri Agnew:Volker Greimann has joined

  Stephanie Perrin:It would be great to resend this interim spec, please.

  Stephanie Perrin:+1 Kathy

  Carlton Samuels:@Kathy: +1 to adding details - at least the labels with examples here.

  Bladel:STephanie:  It's section 2.1 of this spec:


  Carlton Samuels:@Steve: +1 Minimum standards but for completeness, I again recommend the EWG's approach; say what we mean with enough detail to allow a sense of the room to be carried forward

  Kathy:@Steve, I like the idea of telling the customer directly -- the details directly (whatever they are - baseline or more...)

  Kathy:@Carlton, are we saying the same thing?

  Bladel:Publication on the provider's website allows customers to investigate services before registration. 

  steve metalitz:  is interim spec

  Carlton Samuels:@Kathy: Yes, I think so

  steve metalitz:sorry for duplication of link James already sent!

  Carlton Samuels:@Kathy: Again, +1

  steve metalitz:Sorry, have to drop off a bit early. 

  Kathy:@Mary, can we add "consideration of parity and clarity" to the Notes

  Stephanie Perrin:Carbon monoxide warnings on hibachis are a better analogy from my perspective.   I was just going with Michele's example.

  Chris Pelling:I agree with Michele

  Kathy:Agree with Michele

  Frank Michlick:Agree with Michele

  Alex Deacon:also agree

  Stephanie Perrin:+1 Michele.

  Kathy:+1 James

  Kathy:Tx Don and All!

  Frank Michlick:bye

  richard leaning:thanks everyone

  Chris Pelling:thanks everyone