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 The 2nd At-Large Summit (ATLAS II) 
 Final Declaration items for TTF
 No.RecommendationRecipientThematic Group SourceAssigneesNotes

The next evolution of language services must adopt further extension of live scribing for all meetings and generally extend the current interpretation and translation processes and make
translation available in a timely manner.

ICANN Staff (language service)TG2
  • Accessibility
  • Technology Task Force

ICANN could implement in it's online Adobe Connect session an interface to permit instant transcription which has the option of translation into 70 languages. Captions First as an example used in the plenaries have provide those with English as a Second Language, Deaf and hard of hearing members an opportunity to fully understand the proceedings. This tool provides a more effective way to communicate with the community

     11ICANN must implement a range of services to facilitate access according to various criteria (gender; cultural diversity) and user needs (disabilities, etc…).ICANN Board; ICANN StaffTG2
  • Accessibility
  • Technology Task Force
The range of services is cognizant of the barriers to access. In communities with very low bandwidth ICANN can incorporate ___________( Liquid Fluid????) Liquid Feedback‏ or other tools to enable those individuals access. Also the colloborative tools must be compatible on all platforms for all type of computer users and people with disabilities
     17ICANN needs to be sensitive to the fact that social media are blocked in certain countries and, in conjunction with technical bodies, promote credible alternativesICANN GSE Staff; ICANN CIIOTG2
  • Technology Task Force
  • Social Media

The range of tools available to participants in countries that limit an Open Internet can include VPN, For example


Other tools include TOR and ONION .....


     26Current policy management processes within ICANN are insufficient. ICANN must implement  a workable Policy Management Process System, available for use across the SO/ACs, in order to:
• enhance Knowledge Management,
• improve the effectiveness of all ICANN volunteer communities,
• improve cross-community policy-specific activity,
• enhance policy development metrics,
• facilitate multilingual engagement,
• create a taxonomy of policy categories,
• provide policy development history as an aid for newcomers.
ICANN Policy Staff; ICANN BoardTG5
  • Social Media
  • Technology Task Force
  • Capacity Buildingc
  • Chairs of these 3 WGs to discuss how to tackle this task


ICANN is burdened by a large volume of random pieces of information without integration of the topics, leaving the end user frustrated and ineffective


We suggest the creation of an proactive Open Data system or The Knowledge Management System( KMS) which requires cross community integration of specific tagged topics so that the feeds to the KMS

     29The ALAC should implement an automated system for tracking topics of interest currently being discussed among the various RALOs, and accessible by everyone.ALACTG5
  • Capacity Building
  • Technology Task Force
  • Social Media

A tracking system for key topics would help to sort out the specific topics of interest to the end user.

We suggest......

     31ICANN and the ALAC should investigate the use of simple tools and methods to facilitate participation in public comments, and the use of crowdsourcing.ALAC; ICANN GSE StaffTG5


A common practice of organiztions which deal with a large volume of discussion is the use of Crowdsourcing to help weigh the value and importance of specific topics. The community votes or adds LIKE to a topic which pushes it up the ladder of community interest

     39ICANN should encourage “open data” best practices that foster re-use of the information by any third party.ICANN StaffTG5
  • Technology Task Force

Open Data practices with ICANN information provides more access to information and provides analytical capability to demonstrate trends