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PPSAI ­ Category D - Question 4 - 2 June 2014


MP 3 Recording:


Meeting Transcript:



Steve Metalitz - IPC

Justin Macy – BC

James Bladel – RrSG

Laura Jedeed – BC

Sarah Wyld - RrSG

Michele Neylon – RrSG

Chris Pelling – RrSG

Jennifer Standiford – RrSG

Osvaldo Novoa - ISPCP

Don Moody – IPC

Darcy Southwell - RrSG

Graeme Bunton – RrSG

Don Blumenthal – RySG

Phil Marano – IPC

Jim Bikoff – IPC

Susan Prosser- RrSG

Kristina Rosette – IPC

Val Sherman – IPC

Tim Ruiz – RrSG

David Heasley – IPC

Griffin Barnett – IPC

Tatiana Khramtsova RrSG

Libby Baney – BC

Paul McGrady – IPC

Kiran Malancharuvil – IPC

Roy Balleste – NCUC

Susan Kawguchi – BC

Carlton Samuels-ALAC

Volker Greimann - RrSG



Kathy Kleiman – NCUC

Christian Dawson – ISPCP

Holly Raiche – ALAC

Alex Deacon - IPC


ICANN staff:

Mary Wong

Marika Konings

Amy Bivins

Terri Agnew


Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 10 June 2014:

  Terri Agnew:Welcome to the PPSAI WG Meeting of 10 June 2014

  Chris Pelling:afternoon all, just listening to the blues on the system

  Osvaldo Novoa:Hello all

  Graeme Bunton:Good morning all

  Libby Baney:Good morning everyone

  Val Sherman:Good morning

  Michele Neylon:AFK - BRB

  Tim Ruiz:Hello, just joined.

  Jennifer Standiford:Hello

  Terri Agnew:Jennifer Standiford has joined

  Terri Agnew:Jim Bikoff has joined

  Terri Agnew:Darcy Southwell has joined

  Terri Agnew:Phil Marano has joined

  Kristina Rosette:Good morning!

  Terri Agnew:Kristina I have added you to attendance list

  Graeme Bunton:onwards and upwards

  Mary Wong:The list of principles the EWG recommends for accredited P/P services is on pp. 100-101 of the EWG Final Report.

  Chris Pelling:prompt shuld not be a defind period

  Carlton:Howdy to all

  Graeme Bunton:Agreeing with steve re: designated,   dedicated would be burdensome to many

  Michele Neylon:sorry - office network is b0rked

  Darcy Southwell:Agree with Steve and Graeme that it should be designated (not dedicated).

  Val Sherman:+1 @steve

  steve metalitz:+1 on "capable and authorized" as per James

  Mary Wong:The Compliance and LEA feedback is what you're seeing now on screen in AC.

  Terri Agnew:Carlton has joined

  Graeme Bunton:spam volume has increased more than 10x into our monitored emails

  Terri Agnew:Kiran Malancharuvil has joined

  steve metalitz:I believe question D.4 gets directly to the types of abuse complaints to be acted upon. 

  Bladel:Borked?  Is that a technical term?

  Graeme Bunton:That's a sign. For sure, Michele

  Don Blumenthal:Apparently. From Michele earlier - sorry - office network is b0rked

  Michele Neylon:not sure what happened - something went pop

  steve metalitz:Move on to D3

  Carlton:So the consensus is for "designated" contact?

  Graeme Bunton:That was my understanding, Carlton

  Michele Neylon:Carlton - I think so

  Carlton:Great. That is the sensible choice

  Carlton:Re Q3, Is there a common understanding of what 'full WHOIS contact details" mean?

  Michele Neylon:No idea

  Michele Neylon:I don't even know what that means

  Mary Wong:The Whois RT recs for P/P services reads in part: "Clearly labeling WHOIS entries to indicate that registrations have been made by a privacy or proxy service;ô° Providing full WHOIS contact details for the privacy/proxy service provider, which are contactable and responsive; ... "

  Jennifer Standiford:'full WHOIS' is not a defined term in the 2013 RAA

  Carlton:I'm presuming the qualifier 'full' was intentional. Aaah....

  Mary Wong:Per James' comment, Section 2.1 of th Temporary P/P Spec in the 2013 RAA reads: "P/P Provider shall publish the terms and conditions of its service (including pricing), on its website and/or Registrar's website."

  Mary Wong:And in 2.3: "P/P Provider shall publish its business contact information on its website and/or Registrar's website.."

  Carlton:@Michele: +1. I would think this is the real requirement, for the website as a absolute requirement foraccreditation

  Jennifer Standiford:All registrars are very familiar with the PP spec in the RAA.


  Jennifer Standiford:there is no men tioning of the term "full whois"

  Tim Ruiz:Perhaps to be accredited you are required to use a gTLD.

  Michele Neylon:Tim - why?

  Bladel:Why the heck isn't everybody doing that. :)

  Michele Neylon:Carlton - yup

  Tim Ruiz:Seriously, I think what Mary posted regarding 2.3 covers this. Can't we just adopt that?

  Jennifer Standiford:I concur Tim

  Tim Ruiz:@Michele, I guess I will have to be clearer when I am kidding. Sorry.

  Tim Ruiz:+1 Michele.

  Volker Greimann:the user going to whois is a rare case though

  Kiran Malancharuvil:@Volker - not in the case of consumer protection organizations.  As discussed before, we are on Whois all day, every day

  Volker Greimann:Right, but you are not the typical user. you are a service provider

 Kiran Malancharuvil:we represent consumers, who are users

  Volker Greimann:I thought you represented brand owners?

  Kiran Malancharuvil:"consumer" protection

  Chris Pelling:I thought the same Volker

  Bladel:THat's not exactly what Steve is saying, I think.

  Tim Ruiz:Registrars also represent consumer protection, IMHO.

  Kiran Malancharuvil:Great, and getting back to the point, we all use Whois, as consumer protectors

  Kiran Malancharuvil:No one said otherwise Tim

  Michele Neylon:we can't change whois for cctlds

  Tim Ruiz:Not responding to anyone, was just making a statement.

  Michele Neylon:I don't have an issue with ICANN listing accredited companies

  Graeme Bunton:Agreed with James

  Carlton:Contact details that resultin contactability 24/7 is an absolute requirement for accreditation

  Bladel:How could something like that be accredited?

  Bladel:Accredited entities should -want- to be found, IMO.

  Tim Ruiz:What about IANA IDs in some way. A new list of IDs for Accredited P/P services with a list of names and associated website addresses. Then use that ID somewhere in the P/P services' clients Whois.

  Bladel:Some background noise on the call.  Microphone?

  Graeme Bunton:It's difficult to build a privacy or proxy business when you're really hard to find.

  Michele Neylon:Unless that's your plan ..

  Chris Pelling:is someone trying to strangle their phone ?

  Chris Pelling:gettings some serious noise

  Tim Ruiz:Wow, a lot of noise on the call. Sounds like my joints on a rainy day.

  Osvaldo Novoa:The noise is quite disturbing

  Tim Ruiz:Noise is gone now.

  Tim Ruiz:It's back, must be on Don's line?

  Chris Pelling:its back

  Michele Neylon:Don is generating it?

  Kiran Malancharuvil:It's on your line Don.  It only happens when you speak.

  Chris Pelling:its quite now

  Jennifer Standiford:i hear the noise

  Chris Pelling:yes it notmally is

  Chris Pelling:statue like :p

  Kristina Rosette:It's the sound that one's phone makes when one is trying to balance the phone on one's shoulder and do something else with one's hands.

  Volker Greimann:It sounds a bit like you are kneading the mike


  Jennifer Standiford:sounds like the phone cord rubbing up against something

  Val Sherman:much better!

  Volker Greimann:sorry

  Michele Neylon:Jennifer - apparently he's using a headset ..

  Kristina Rosette:A template for reports to abuse contact?  Has the potential to by very helpful, IMHO.  Would make reports less burdensome all around.  Although I think you'd still need a space  for free form text.

  Kiran Malancharuvil:Agreed Kristina, that would be very helpful!

  Michele Neylon:Kristina / Kiran - free form is fine

  Michele Neylon:BUT putting the "meat" at the top is key

  Kiran Malancharuvil:Well maybe a tiny bit of guided form with free form after?

  Paul McGrady:I like the idea of standardization.

  Kristina Rosette:What about the "template" of the information that needs to be in a DMCA takedown notice?

  Carlton:Starnardisation is always long as it enforces the datainfo that must be collected

  Volker Greimann:+1 for Michele's comment

  Susan Prosser:I agree standardization would be very beneficial to all. 

  Chris Pelling:DMCA would be to the hosting co, rather than the PP service

  Michele Neylon:maybe wait to see what Don can get back?

  Volker Greimann:Also always fun and helpful: "Your customer is spamming me, stop him now!!!"

  Michele Neylon:I know ther's been work on it

  Kristina Rosette:@Chris: I know, but the DMCA sets out the information that's required.  (I was thinking of it as a  starting point.)

  Tim Ruiz:Thanks Don, bye all.

  Bladel:Thank you, Don.

  Kristina Rosette:Bye.

  Volker Greimann:thank you all

  Osvaldo Novoa:bye

  Carlton:Thankd Don. Thanks all

  Darcy Southwell:Thank you.

  Susan Prosser:thanks Don

  Michele Neylon:ciao

  Chris Pelling:Bye all :)