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Draft TOR for Working Group on APILP v2.docxOpen Invitation to Working Group for Asia Pacific Internet Leadership Program (APILP) during ICANN49 (March 22, 2014)


At the sidelines of the ICANN49 meeting, members of the APAC community discussed the direction and objectives of Asia Pacific Internet Leadership Program (APILP). The salient points of discussion are captured below.  A draft TOR is attached for discussion. Comments from all are welcome. (Please send in your comments to and copy by 6 June 2014. If you wish to be a part of this working group, please also send your request to the same email addresses).



  • Draw up terms of reference, target audience (young professionals) objectives, end goal for the APIL
  • Determine the gap, areas of research that is missing
  • Work on 3-5 year plan, meanwhile continue programs that are in the pipeline
  • Form a working group to look into the details
  • Consider having community support to gain legitimacy



  • Consider including into mainstream curriculum and/or having diploma on specific topics such as TCP/IP, ccTLD management
  • Consider including non-technical aspects, such as internet governance, policy making and socio-economic implications.
  • Build repository/database of all available courses and capacity building programs in the region (ICANN is developing an "ICANN Learn" one-stop-shop online platform, we could see if we can build on this)


Funding and support

  • Need to seek funds to run program
  • Need for strict accountability measures and transparency  
  • Determine the managing secretariat of the program (ICANN, AP*, APNG raised as possibilities. AP* as home institution for APILP?)


Call for Action

As a follow up to the meeting, a draft terms of reference (TOR) document is attached for discussion. Comments from all are welcome. (Please send in your comments to and copy by 6 June 2014. If you wish to be a part of this working group, please also send your request to the same email addresses).

Attachment: Draft TOR for Working Group on APILP v2.docx