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11.03.2014Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information Working Group SO-AC Input RequestAt-Large IDN Policy WG to confirm if a Statement is necessary12.02.201428.02.201403.03.2014
00:01 UTC 
00:01 UTC 
07.03.201310.03.201411.03.2014Glen de Saint Géry 

Dear Olivier,

As you may be aware, the GNSO Council recently initiated a Policy Development Process (PDP) on the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information; the relevant Issue Report can be found here. A more detailed background is available online on the Working Group’s Wiki where you can also consult the Charter. As part of its efforts to obtain broad input from the ICANN Community at an early stage of its deliberations, the Working Group would very much appreciate receiving your views.

 Any provision of input or information you or members of your respective communities may have (either on the charter questions or any other issue that may help inform the deliberations) would be very welcome. Please send these to the GNSO Secretariat ( who will forward these to the Working Group. If possible, the WG would greatly appreciate if it could receive your input by Tuesday 11 March 2014 at the latest. Please note, if you cannot submit your input by that date, but your group would like to contribute, please let us know when we can expect to receive your contribution so we can plan accordingly.

 Your input will be very much appreciated.

With best regards,

Chris Dillon (Co-Chair)

Rudi Vansnick (Co-Chair)


Input Request

Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information Charter Questions

  1. Whether it is desirable to translate contact information to a single common language or transliterate contact information to a single common script
  2. What exactly the benefits to the community are of translating and/or transliterating contact information, especially in light of the costs that may be connected to translation and/or transliteration?
  3. Should translation and/or transliteration of contact information be mandatory for all gTLDs?
  4. Should translation and/or transliteration of contact information be mandatory for all registrants or only those based in certain countries and/or using specific non-ASCII scripts
  5. What impact will translation/transliteration of contact information have on the WHOIS validation as set out under the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement?
  6. When should any new policy relating to translation and transliteration of contact information come into effect?
  7. Who should decide who should bear the burden translating contact information to a single common language or transliterating contact information to a single common script? This question relates to the concern expressed by the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group (IRD-WG) in its report that there are costs associated with providing translation and transliteration of contact information. For example, if a policy development process (PDP) determined that the registrar must translate or transliterate contact information, this policy would place a cost burden on the registrar.
  8. Who does your SG/C believe should bear the cost, bearing in mind, however, the limits in scope set in the Initial Report on this issue?

Please click here to download a copy of the PDF below.
