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Finally, I am a member of the DC chapter of ISOC.


Holly Raiche

Director, Internet Society of Australia

Research Associate, Communications Law Centre, UTS Sydney Research Fellow Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, University of NSW (UNSW) Adjunct Lecturer UNSW (communications Law UGrad and Post Grad) Deputy Chair, Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (peak telco consumer body) Member, Executive committee, ALAC formerly Communications Advisor Australian Democrats (small middle of the road political party in Oz) formerly, member Consumer Consultative forum, Australian Communications and Media Authority (communications regulatory in Oz)

Ccwg IG Observers

Hago Dafalla


Member, Presidential Panel, ICANN's Role in the Internet Governance Ecosystem


Jordan Carter

I am shadowing Keith Davidson in learning these issues, having started in my role at InternetNZ in August last year.

My other engagement is as part of the technical community nomcom process that helped pick people for the 1net steering group and for various other representative spots associated with the Brazil meeting


Stephanie Perrin

I am a recent member of NCUC, and a member of the NCSG policy committee.

I am a member of the EWG looking at directory services revision. 

I am on the privacy and proxy services working group.

I have been nominated as one of the three civil society representatives on the High Level Committee for planning for Brazil, but we do not seem to have done anything yet.

Finally, I am a recent retiree from the Canadian federal government where I worked for many years on policy matters respecting privacy, risk, cryptography, international telecoms policy and IT impact assessment. 

I run my own consulting company and I am a PhD student at the University of Toronto Faculty of Information.