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SECTION B. Professional and Educational Background


1. Provide details of your current job, role, title, employer and affiliations

Member of the ALAC (2010-12, again 2012-14): 
- initiator and Co-Chair of the Future Challenges Working Group (FCWG), which notably produced the ALAC White Paper entitled "Making ICANN Relevant, Responsive and Respected" (R3), . Co-initiator (with Evan Leibovitch) and co-author of this R3 document. 
- In November 2013, the ALAC accepted my proposal that the FCWG take up a new task, under the title "The Internet as a space of freedom: the user perspective". This will identify trends throughout the Internet which are already affecting, or have the potential to affect, the Internet user, and to propose recommendations. The study will cover a number of areas which are of prime importance to the user: fundamental rights (freedom of speech, protection of personal data, privacy), Internet governance issues (effective representation, linguistic and cultural diversity), and enhancing the user experience (reliable and clear information about software and systems, default settings in line with fundamental rights). Work on this is about to start (January 2014).

2. Describe your educational and professional history. Provide all information that you believe may be relevant to being an effective member of the ICANN Board

Education: childhood and adolescence in China, with barely any formal education. Arrived in my country, France, when almost 20. Was a volunteer in the French Navy (1960-63), studied on my own while working. Successfully passed a special entrance examination to university (Lyon, 1963). Was granted a national scholarship, admitted to the University of Bordeaux in 1963 (got a BA in English language and literature, 1965) and continued at Sorbonne University in Paris 1965-68 (BA in Chinese language and literature 1967, doctoral degree ("Doctorat du troisième cycle") 1968. Research fellow at the French national centre for scientific research (CNRS) in Paris (1966-70). Japanese scholarship (Mombusho) to study and carry out research in Japan (1967-71), starting with a 5-month course to learn Japanese (Osaka Foreign Languages University, 1969). 

Professional history: 

(Volunteer in the French Navy 1960-63: see above) 

(Research fellow, CNRS 1967-71: see above) 

French ministry of foreign affairs (successfully taking the Attaché and Secretary level competitive exam 1971, then Secretary and Counsellor level 1972). 
Career diplomat 1972-2005. Some highlights: 
- Secretary, French embassy in Singapore 1973-75 
- Policy planning staff, Paris 1976-78 
- seconded to the Ministry for industry to help set up the Solar Energy Agency, was its first Director for International affairs, Paris 1978-80 
- Diplomatic Adviser to the Minister for European affairs, Paris 1980-81 
- Counsellor (political affairs), French embassy in Japan 1981-84 
- Adviser, Administration, Budget and Human resources department, Paris 1984 
- Deputy director, Asia and Pacific department, Paris 1984-86 
- Alternate Director, Technical, Scientific and Educational cooperation department, Paris 1986-88 (initiation, oversight and audit of projects worldwide, with a budget of about one hundred million French francs) 
- Minister-counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission, French Embassy in Japan 1988-92 (replacing the Ambassador when absent, oversight of all the embassy departments) 
- Alternate Director, department for the Americas, Paris 1992-95 
- Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Western European Union, Brussels 1995-98 
- Ambassador to Estonia, 1998-2002 
- Ambassador to Finland, 2002-05 
- (interim) Governor for France, Board of Governors, the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) 2005

3. Describe any current and past volunteer community positions, roles and accomplishments. We are particularly interested in similar Board directorship and committee experience

Public diplomacy & advocacy in Education and Research: 
- IIAP (Institut international d'administration publique, Paris) 1986-88 
- lectures & conferences in various universities and research centres (France, Luxembourg, China...) 
- Tutor at the French School of Public Administration (ENA, Ecole nationale d'administration), Strasbourg 2006-07 

Board experience (cultural affairs, public diplomacy, advocacy): 
- Chair of the Advisory Board, Institut Pierre Werner (IPW), Luxembourg 2008-10 
- Special Adviser to the Board, Centre culturel et de rencontres Neumunster (CCRN), Luxembourg 2009-10 
- Member of the Board, European Centre of National Cultural Institutes (EUNIC), representing CCRN 2009-10 

Board experiece (Internet related): 
- Member of the Board of Directors, ICANN, 2007-10. Member of a large number of 
- Board committees (first Chair of the Public Participation Committee; initiator of the Global Relationships Committee,...) 
- Working groups: ccNSO Review as Chair; member of the ALAC Review which recommended that one voting Board member be appointed by the At-Large community (familiarly known as "Seat 15"); also recommended funding for the first-ever At-Large Summit in Mexico 

Other Internet-related experience: 
- Member of the ALAC, 2010-12, again 2012-14 
- conferences on Internet governance in various universitites and institutes (Luxembourg, France, China, India...)

4. List any relevant personal or professional web pages

Articles on Internet matters (some examples): 
- "Selecting ICANN's next CEO: a letter to the Chair of the Board", in CircleID 
- "Selecting ICANN's next CEO..." follow-up letter, in CircleID 
- "Making ICANN relevant, responsive and respected", in CircleID, 
- "Global surveillance: towards convergence?", in CircleID 
- "Time for outrage!", in CircleID 
- "Mass surveillance: a turning point in the history of the Internet", in CircleID 
- "Global surveillance: legal action taken by 2 NGOs", in LinkedIn 


Personal blog: 
1/ Selection of Internet-related articles on this blog: 
- "Tunis, Cairo... Teheran?...", reflecting on the "Arab Spring" and the role of social media, 
- "Tunis, Cairo... New York?", 
2/ Example of an article not related to Internet matters: "Letter to a friend in the United States", the day after the election of B. Obama,

SECTION C. Internet Involvement and Interest in ICANN

1. Describe how you meet the criteria for the At-Large selected ICANN Board Director position

My global experience includes: 

1/ Board membership or leadership 
- as Chair of an Advisory Board (Institut Pierre Werner, Luxembourg) 2008-10 
- as a Director (Board of Directors, ICANN) 2007-10 

2/ A high level of responsibility in public affairs 
- in a multilateral framework (as Ambassador, Permanent Representative to an European institution) 
- in nation-to-nation relationships (as Ambassador) 

3/ A wide experience in 
- public diplomacy, advocacy, communication 
- oversight, management 
- initiating, funding, overseeing and auditing projects (public development aid, scientific and educational cooperation worldwide) 
- negotiation, decision-making, reporting 

4/ An international perspective 
- familiarity with a wide range of working methods and social codes in a variety of countries 
- high-level experience in international affairs (analysis, recommendations to public authority, implementation, reporting, communicating) 
- working languages: English (fluent, including drafting, speaking in public), French (native tongue), Chinese (good), Japanese (good), Finnish (some) 
- familiarity with all the tools used by the ICANN Board, including for frequent telephone or teleconference meetings 

5/ A committment to the At-Large community, and more widely to the Multi-Stakeholder model: 
- During my service on the ICANN Board, I was an active member of the ALAC Review, whose recommendations called for (among other things) the appointment to the ICANN Board of a voting member to be chosen by the ALAC. I also supported the call for ICANN to fund the At-Large Summit in Mexico 
- While serving on the Board, I promoted the creation of the Public Participation Committee, of which I was the first Chair 
- Also during my service on the Board, I proposed the creation of a Board Committee to oversee ICANN's institutional commitments and international relations. It took me more than 2 years to get this idea finally approved by the Board, which thus created its Global Relationships Committee 
- On the Board, I called for the further "internationalization" of ICANN. Two examples: as a member of the President's Strategy Committee, I was one of the main drafters of the "Improving Institutional Confidence" document and recommendations. Among our recommendations: the creation of ICANN offices "in different legal environments", outside of California and the USA. 
- While on the Board, I frequently spoke in favour of the launch of IDNs. 
- Also on the Board, as Chair of the PPC, I often helped top-level management and Staff in extending ICANN's linguistic capability. 
- In the ALAC, I initiated the Future Challenges Working Group (FCWG) which drafted ALAC's White Paper on "Making ICANN Relevant, Responsive and Respected", which examined the future challenges to the multi-stakeholder system, and made recommendations 

6/ An independent mind, and a dedication to problem-solving: 
- As a retired professional, I have a pension which allows me to remain independent of any lobby or pressure group. 
- During my service on the ICANN Board, on several occasions I opposed decisions which, in my judgment, were not in the global public interest, even when this put me in a highly visible minority, or even set me all alone. Acting on the same principles, I also abstained on several occasions, always providing an explanation for my position, as part of a Board member's duty of accountability. 
- Clarity, simplicity, inclusiveness, sound judgment, the ability to work in a truly international context. 
- Due to past responsibilities, I am in a position to bring to the ICANN Board a measure of gravitas. And when needed, I can cut through byzantine discussions: no brutality, just authority gained from experience.

 2. Describe current and past involvement in, contributions to, and leadership roles in activities and organizations involved in the development and operation of the Internet, its naming and addressing infrastructure and/or its security and stability

Please refer to the preceding chapter C.1.

 3. Provide a statement about what you would contribute in the At-Large selected ICANN Board Director position to ICANN and its mission

As detailed under the preceding chapters, I am confident I can bring to the ICANN Board: 

- An independent mind, freedom from lobbies or interest groups, and gravitas where needed. 
- The ability to listen and understand, to work with a team in various linguistic, cultural and professional contexts. 
- Sound judgment, clarity, the ability to express complex issues in understandable terms (in writing and orally). 
- A wide international experience, acquired as a diplomat (including 10 consecutive years as an Ambassador), which was widened to Internet-related matters over the past decade. 
- Familiarity with working with, and sometimes leading, teams of international professionals from different backgrounds and a variety of cultures. 
- A record of active service on Boards, as Chair (IPW Luxembourg) or Member (ICANN). 
- A thorough knowledge of At-Large issues, concerns and aspirations, thanks to my involvement in those matters during my service on the Board, and since 2010 on the ALAC. 
- Familiarity with the issues, working methods, structures and constraints of the ICANN Board. 
- Availability to carry out the obligations of a Director of the ICANN Board.


Poll Heading: 4. Provide a statement about what you would contribute in the At-Large selected ICANN Board Director position to the At-Large Community
1/ Having served on the ICANN Board (2007-10), I am familiar with its structure, working methods, occasional traps, and various types of problem-solving. Because of this, it would take me only a short while to serve fully as a Board member. 

2/ Thanks to my experience outside of the Internet world, I could help improve ICANN's international standing and credibility, not by encroaching on the role of the CEO and senior Staff, but by helping them, through the appropriate Board committees, in 
- acquiring a better grasp of international issues, 
- formulating longer-term policy choices, 
- choosing "default settings" in all of ICANN's activities, in such a way that the international dimension would become second nature, rather than an unusual choice, 
- positioning ICANN in the upcoming phase of global Internet governance, initiated by some countries (Brazil...) and the leaders of some organizations (CEO of ICANN...). 

3/ My familiarity with At-Large issues would not be lost: if elected to the Board, I would bring (this time around) the added experience gained on the ALAC since 2010. Some of the wider issues are: 
- proper representation (geographic, cultural, linguistic, gender), 
- equal access to knowledge and training (including through the "Academy" initiated by the ALAC), 
- simplification of structures (the R3 White Paper, of which I was an initiator and co-author, analyzed the current "constituencies" and made recommendations on this topic).

 5. Please describe specifically how and why you will be able to advance, at the ICANN Board, the interests of the At-Large Community and the broader global community of Internet end-users

My familiarity with At-Large issues would be an advantage: if elected to the Board, I would bring (this time around) the added experience gained on the ALAC since 2010. Some of the wider issues in our community are: 
- proper representation at all levels of ICANN (geographic, cultural, linguistic, gender), 
- equal and fair access to knowledge and training (e.g. through the "Academy" initiated by the ALAC), 
- a necessary simplification of current structures within ICANN, such as its system of "constituencies" (the ALAC White Paper known as "R3", of which I was an initiator and co-author, analyzed the structures and made recommendations to that effect).

6. Is there any additional information you would like to submit that would be helpful to the BCEC in making its decision? If so, please summarize it here

This time I am sending in only one Statement of Interest for a position on the ICANN Board, and this is for Seat 15.