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Draft Agenda as of 1907.0911.2013*


(*GNSO issues to be discussed in the NCSG meeting, 13:00-15:00)


9:00-9:15                    15      Welcomes and Introductions


9:15-9:45                    Pending Elections45       Buenos Aires => Singapore Period: Internal Matters

a.  2013 elections

b.  New EC initial tasks (appointments, etc.) & retreat in Singapore

c.  Membership issues

d  NCUC Archive  

e.  Website & print material content 

f.   Staff administrative support initiative

g.  Staff regional outreach initiative

h.  ICANN’s Five-Year Strategic Plan & Fadi’s strategy panels


9:45-10:40                  Bylaws Revision


            -Policy Committee Reboot vs. Other Options 

00       Visit of Bruno Lanvin, incoming Nomcom-appointed board member


10:00-10:30    Buenos Aires => Singapore Priorities: External Activities

 i.  Proposed civil society roundtable with Fadi

 j.   Engagement with the post-Montevideo => Brazil meeting process

 k.   Singapore policy conference


10:30-10:50    Coffee


10:50-11:00     Preparation for ATRT II Team visit

             -Other Pressing Issues
10:40-11:00    Coffee

11:00-11:45    Visit 45      Visit of the ATRT II Team


11:45-12:30    AOB20     Bylaws Revision

 a.  Overview

  b.  Policy Committee reboot vs. other options


12:20-12:30     AOB