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Alan Greenberg is the GNSO Liaison for 2011-2013.

GNSO Council Meeting - 31 October 2013  





Opening Remarks - Chair: The GNSO Review, which was tentatively postponed, will be going forward next year, as the first of a new series of institutional reviews.

MOTION – Adoption of the Thick Whois Policy Development Process Final Report and Recommendations: The Final Report on Thick Whois has been prepared as required by the GNSO PDP in the ICANN Bylaws. The Final Report is based on the Initial Report of 21 June 2013 and has been updated to reflect the review and analysis of the Public Comments received by the Thick Whois Working Group, in addition to further deliberations. The recommendations are:

  1. The provision of thick Whois services, with a consistent labelling and display as per the model outlined in specification 3 of the 2013 RAA1, should become a requirement for all gTLD registries, both existing and future.
  2. Following the adoption of this report and recommendations by the GNSO Council, the subsequent public comment forum (prior to Board consideration) and the notification by the ICANN Board to the GAC, specifically request input on any considerations related to the transition from thin to thick Whois that would need to be taken into account as part of the implementation process.
  3. As part of the implementation process a legal review of law applicable to the transition of data from a thin to thick model that has not already been considered in the EWG memo2 is undertaken and due consideration is given to potential privacy issues that may arise from the discussions on the transition from thin to thick Whois, including, for example, guidance on how the long-standing contractual requirement that registrars give notice to, and obtain consent, from each registrant for uses of any personally identifiable data submitted by the registrant should apply to registrations involved in the transition. Should any privacy issues emerge from these transition discussions that were not anticipated by the WG and which would require additional policy consideration, the Implementation Review Team is expected to notify the GNSO Council of these so that appropriate action can be taken.

The motion carried unanimously among those present, but there were two Councillors absent who will have an opportunity for absentee voting, but the current threshold is sufficiently high to ensure its passing with a super-majority and thus go to the Board for their ratification.

MOTION – A charter for the Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation PDP WG: ICANN staff prepared a paper to summarise the outcomes of the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) negotiations in order to set the scene for subsequent associated policy development work to be managed by the Council.  This is an ICANN Board initiated PDP.  The staff paper contained a draft charter for the PDP WG and the Council has discussed this.  Refinements to the charter have been proposed as has a title for the PDP WG.

This item originally came out of the joint GNSO/ALAC group that was convened after the 2009 RAA was approved. The motion originally read that this was the last of the items out of that process that were illegible for the PDP process. In fact, it was the last of the items from that group that were deemed to be high priority, with other issues still potentially to be acted on. I requested that the motion be suitably changed to reflect this, and the change was accepted as a friendly.

The motion passed unanimously (among those present), despite some reservations on the part of two NCSG Councillors.

MOTION – To approve a charter for the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP Working Group: On 13 June 2013 the GNSO Council initiated a Policy Development Process (PDP) on the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information and decided to create a PDP Working Group for the purposes of fulfilling the requirements of the PDP.  Following a call for volunteers, a Drafting Team was formed and its members have developed a charter for consideration by the GNSO Council.  The drafting team has submitted the charter and so the GNSO Council, having reviewed the charter, will vote on whether to approve it as submitted by the Drafting Team.

4.1 - Review motion 1
4.2 - Discussion
4.3 - Next steps
Voting Threshold: > ⅓ Both (3 CPH, 5 NCPH) or > ⅔ One (5 CPH, 9 NCPH)



Item 8: INPUT & DISCUSSION – Prospective improvements to the Policy Development Process (10 mins)

The Council is committed to on-going enhancements to the methods of working of the Council and the work initiated and managed by the Council. The PDP process is a cornerstone of policy making within the GNSO and, as such, the work of the Council.  The PDP outcomes and associated processes are the subject of focus and attention both within the GNSO and the broader ICANN Community. The Council has previously discussed a paper prepared by ICANN staff on potential improvements to the PDP process.  The discussion is now encapsulated in a table form and further work needs to be done on reviewing the table and agreeing concrete next steps.

8.1 – Review of table of prospective PDP Improvements(Marika Konings)

8.2 – Discussion
8.3 – Next steps

Item 9: DISCUSSION – Policy issues surrounding string confusion (10 mins)

The Council previously discussed issues associated with the string confusion decisions that have been taken e.g. relating to plural and singular versions of the same term and the apparently contradictory decisions on identical strings.  The Council agreed to write to the ICANN board and new gTLD programme committee and to consider appropriate additional action. Further, the Council subsequently (10 October 2013) agreed that additional action will be contingent on receiving advice from ICANN legal counsel as to whether or not any additional GNSO work on the topic will have the potential to be used in a timely and effective manner within the new gTLD programme. Here the Council needs to hear if any such advice, requested via ICANN policy staff, has been forthcoming and, if so, what further action to take.

9.1 - Update on advice received
9.2 - Discussion
9.2 - Next steps

Item 10: UPDATE & DISCUSSION – Protection of IGO-INGO Identifiers in all gTLDs Policy Development Process (10 mins)

The WG Chair will provide an update on status of WG deliberations and the public comment solicitation process for the draft Final Report.  This PDP WG was formed to develop a set of policy recommendations to address the issue of whether and if so, what types of protections should be provided for the identifiers of certain IGOs and INGOs including the RCRC and IOC at the top and second levels in all gTLDs.  For further information please see:

10.1 – Review of proposed WG recommendations (Thomas Rickert)
10.2 – Discussion
10.3 – Next steps

Item 11: UPDATE & DISCUSSION – Planning for Buenos Aires (10 mins)

Making the most out of the face-to-face meeting time available at the ICANN Meeting in Buenos Aires will take planning.  GNSO Council Vice Chair, Wolf-Ulrich Knoben has again volunteered to lead this and will be working with the Council and staff on this effort.

Here the Council has the opportunity to feed into plans and provide input based on past experience.  Included in this item will be the opportunity to shape the approach to and substance of the Council’s proposed meetings with other groups in such as the CCNSO, the GAC and the ICANN board.

11.1 – Update (Wolf-Ulrich Knoben)
11.2 – Discussion
11.3 – Next steps

Item 12:  Any Other Business (5 mins)

GNSO Council Meeting - 10 October 2013  
