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Cheryl has recently been appointed as a the Chair of the 2014 ICANN Nominating Committee  and continues to serve as a consumer advocate representative to the Australian Communications Compliance (CommCom) Advisory Committee a new independent code monitoring (and reporting) body, that is to ensure that Carriage Service Providers (CSPs)  in Australia are compliant with the Telecommunications Consumer Protection (TCP) Code, since appointment in late 2012.Late in 2012 she was appointed as the Chair Elect of the 2013 Nominating Committee by the ICANN Board  "Resolved (2012.10.03.06), the Board adopts the recommendation of the BGC and hereby appoints Yrjö Juhani Länsipuro as the 2013 NomCom Chair and Cheryl Langdon-Orr as the 2013 NomCom Chair-Elect."  and 

is currently the She continues in the role of 2013 NomCom Chair-Elect." until end November 2013 and during 2012-13 Cheryl continues to serve as the ALAC Liaison to the ccNSO (2010 -20122013 ccNSO , and details of her activitiesare maintained on the ccNSO Liaison Reporting page ALAC ccNSO Liaison Wiki .  Having  Previously she served as a Vice Chair of the ICANN At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) 2010-2011), after three terms (2007-10) as  ALAC  the ALAC Chair.

Within ICANNs At-Large Community she represents ISOC-AU as an ICANN accredited At-Large Structure (ALS) in ICANN's Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organisation (APRALO) and also as an APRALO in representative to the ALAC, has been reappointed to serve a second two year term (2009 (2007 - 2011) for APRALO in the ALAC. As Chair of the ALAC she was appointed to serve on the 1st Affirmation of Commitments Review Team for ICANN looking at Accountability and Transparency.;  Within the ICANN Community Cheryl has served on a number of  Working Groups, Work Teams and Task Forces (listed and linked below.   My ALAC / At-Large Statement of Interest (SOI) is found here Cheryl Langdon-Orr SOI  and my GNSO Statement of Interest (SOI) found  here  Cheryl Langdon-Orr GNSO - SOI


ICANN SO, AC and Cross Community Chartered Work Groups, Work Teams, Task Forces etc.,


Cross Community  SO/AC WG on DNS Security and Stability Analysis (DSSA-WG)

Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support (JAS-WG)

GNSO Policy and Implementation Work Group 

ALAC Budget and Finance Committee ( Chair from 2007-2010; APRALO Rep 2006 to Current) 

ALAC Improvements Implementation Task Force (AII-TF) - CHAIR

ccNSO/GAC Framework of Interpretation (FOI-WG)

ALAC  At-Large Metrics  Sub-Committee (AM-SC)

ALAC Outreach Sub Committee (Chair to June 2013; Member to Current)

APRALO ALAC Rules of Procedure Review (ROPR-WG)ccNSO/GAC Framework of Interpretation (FOI-WG)Interim Chair)




Cross Community  SO/AC WG on DNS Security and Stability Analysis (DSSA-WG)

GNSO Policy and Implementation Work Group Charter Drafting Team


ccNSO/GAC Study Group on Use of Territory and Country Names (NTC-SG ) 

ALAC Improvements Implementation Task Force (AII-TF) - Chair

ALAC Rules of Procedure Review (ROPR-WG) - Chair

GNSO (Charter endorsed by and representation from ALAC) Consumer Metrics Project (ConsumerCCI-WG)

PAST:Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support (JAS-WG)

ccNSO Cross Community SO/AC WG on IDNccTLD Fast-track


I am a telecommuter, and licensee of domain names in .au as well as in the global DNS, but most importantly, I am an avid end-user of the Internet for work and recreation. Twelve Fourteen years ago we started a spin off project called BuildersNet , which was developed from some of the TQM (ISO-9002 etc.,) activities of Hovtek; Eight Ten years ago this became a stand alone Pty Limited Australian Company, (Pty. Ltd.,) and relies totally on the Internet to facilitate its operation.

Our clients in Australia are Micro Businesses and SMEs - and internationally mainly SMEs and Government or Aid Funded bodies; We service and communicate with them almost exclusively online and the majority of our importation of raw materials and products as well as export documentation bookings etc. is now handled that way. I am a Director in several Associations and a NFP company interested in Global Trade and SME growth, facilitated by Internet use, under the auspices of UNCTAD.

I believe the Internet should be seen as a public asset and needs to be developed and maintained as a cost-effective and accessible resource for communication, education, community, social and business opportunities by the Australian and wider global community; my work within ICANN with its remit as the coordinator of  the unique identifiers (addressing) across i.e. in the Naming, Numbering and Nomenclature withing within the Internet Ecosystem with its commitment to a multi-stakeholder, bottom-up consensus driven policy development model is an essential part of this aim.


In 2008 and 2009 in addition to my work within APRALO and ALAC and specifically within the arena of communications consumer advocacy in Australia I was instrumental in the formation of a new National peak body to act as a co-ordinated voice of communications consumers Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) See ; ; 

I am also a member of Women several organisations and associations including  Women On Boards and ; Women in the Boardroom ;  the TED community and the International Sustainable Development Resource Centre, Geneva; and as an individual and corporate representative in ACCAN

Current focus and engagement in Australian Government Policy Development includes active participation in Govt 2.0 ; Public Sphere activities specifically in Australia and NSW Public Sphere 
