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  Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the ALAC ExCom mid month meeting on Friday 17 May 2013 at 1300 UTC
  Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
  Heidi Ullrich:Hi All!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Hi Julie
  Julie Hammer:Hi Cheryl, just got home from the Ten Tenors Concert!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Nice :-)
  Heidi Ullrich:My thoughts exactly, Evan!
  Heidi Ullrich:Sounds great, Julie!
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:lovely
  Julie Hammer:It was!
  Gisella Gruber-White:The crackling I believe comes from Cheryl's headset
  Heidi Ullrich:AIs from 29 April ExCom meeting:
  Julie Hammer:No, not me.
  Tijani BEN JEMAA:ok Olivier, I will
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I'm already in the DT  Alan
  Evan Leibovitch:Of course the issue of PvsI has interest to me. I was on the panel on this issue in Beijing. But so long as this is a GNSO WG I will personally have nothing to do with it.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I ahree Tijani be in it to influence
  Evan Leibovitch:We can comment on it at any time.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Evan  yes  we know your views  clearly
  Alan Greenberg:I don't remember the exaxct lineage, but if the Board did say explicitly the GNSO should do this, we could also write a note to thre Board now.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:indeed Alan  probaby worth checking
  Gisella Gruber-White:Rinalia has just joined the AC room
  Evan Leibovitch:EVeryone complains about the isolation and reactive nature of the GAC, Then they get shut out here too.
  Silvia Vivanco:ok
  Evan Leibovitch:This is an A&T issue.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:indeed it is as Aoan noted
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Alan  it should read
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Council only met on the 14th
  Heidi Ullrich:PD page:
  Heidi Ullrich:I will be seeing Bart in Brussels next week.
  Heidi Ullrich:I can follow up with him in person on this point.
  Heidi Ullrich:Comments received on Fy14 PC:
  Heidi Ullrich:Each of the PD workspaces starts with At-Large
  Heidi Ullrich:it is the format of how staff title wikispaces
  Heidi Ullrich:to make searching easier
  Heidi Ullrich:Correct, Olivier - ALAC statements
  Evan Leibovitch:An At-Large statement suggests explicit RALO endorsement.
  Rinalia:+1 on silence
  Evan Leibovitch:+1 on anal silence
  Rinalia:Depends on the tool
  Evan Leibovitch:I am not interested in any ALAC input that is construed as "piling on" tha GAC. If we have something to say we also need to be as clear on the (many) issues on which we agree with the GAC
  Rinalia:+1 on f we have something to say we also need to be as clear on the (many) issues on which we agree with the GAC
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Agree Evan
  Alan Greenberg:Except that the GAC CHair has made clear that comments in both directions ARE welcome.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Hiw  could she say otherwoese
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:othetrwise
  Rinalia:agree w CLO.
  Rinalia:What's the follow up process?  Call for comments form ALAC members?
  Alan Greenberg:That would be a good way forward
  Evan Leibovitch:The Board "consoltation" of the community is IMO a knee-jerk reaction to the virulent nature of the Beijing Public Forum
  Alan Greenberg:And we were told that this was not the case.
  Evan Leibovitch:How could they say otherwise?
  Rinalia:A balanced and sensitive response from the ALAC with constructive feedback is fine by me wih regard to the GAC communicae Annex 1.
  Rinalia:Reaffirm those common points!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:indeed
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and  draw upon our prior statements
  Evan Leibovitch:We saw in the XXX debacle that content does matter. "xxx" itself is a fairly benign string
  Rinalia:Agree on a "guided" approach by the leadership of the ALAC.
  Rinalia:I would say don't discuss in meeting.  Do it via online feedback.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I doubt that wouod wprk
  Alan Greenberg:Why didn't we do that a month ago?
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:not on time
  Evan Leibovitch:good question, alan
  Rinalia:We didn't want to comment last month.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Shoert IS GOOD
  Silvia Vivanco:Please state your name before speaking
  Silvia Vivanco:thank you
  Rinalia:It was 2 people working together not quite integrated.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:a month ago we did not have the same information as this time around (re: GAC advice)
  Rinalia:But Holly has attempted to integrate that.
  Heidi Ullrich:Current process:
  Heidi Ullrich:7. Decisions to de-certify an ALS shall require a 2/3 majority of the members of the ALAC who cast a vote as provided in the Rules of Procedure of the ALAC, and any decertification decision shall be subject to review as provided in the ICANN Bylaws, Article IV, Section 2. Reasons for the ALAC to pursue de-certification action, and to de-certify an ALS, may include persistent non-compliance with significant ALS requirements. The ALAC will provide advance notice to the ALS in question, and the ALS will have an opportunity to be heard and respond to the ALAC prior to a decision on de-certification. The ALAC will notify the ALS of its de-certification decision and provide information on requesting a review of the decision.
  Rinalia:IMPORTANT: Advance notice should be given to ALAC members about this vote.
  Rinalia:Which will be conducted during the meeting.
  Rinalia:I understand that.  I appreciate an email message ahead of meeting about vote.
  Rinalia:Other ALAC members would appreciate that too.
  Heidi Ullrich:+1, Rinalia
  Evan Leibovitch:There is one NARALO ALS in which "due-DE-diligence" is happening. That is, there is a need to prove that the ALS does not exist and cannot be contacted through its on-record contact info
  Evan Leibovitch:(that is, nobody from the ALS exists to tell us they don't exist anymore)
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:that would probably constitute reasonable evidence, btu the ALAC will have to vote 2/3 majority of those voting
  Evan Leibovitch:(sorry, there are TWO NARALO ALSs in that process)
  Rinalia:Evan, we had a similar situation with one ALS in APRALO.  The problem was that one contact person was designated and that contact person went AWOL.  Once another contact person was secured, engagement started to happen.
  Rinalia:AWOL + unresponsive for whatever reason.
  Silvia Vivanco:thank you
  Alan Greenberg:all wrinkled!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:you have ni flexability  on this ATM'
  Rinalia:but tiring.
  Alan Greenberg:indeed. We could wish that the forms be filled out with just a bit more clear.
  Alan Greenberg:clearly
  Rinalia:Yes I think the forms need better clarity.
  Rinalia:And due diligence need to be more vigilant on discrepancies and checking immediately without the ALAC raising it.
  Alan Greenberg:If we look at the ISOC Canada application, it was just done sloppily.
  Alan Greenberg:For TEDIC, filling in a section asking about the general membership characteristics which listed 6 or 8 named people SHOULD have been called out and fixed.
  Rinalia:ALan, in one form there were 9 members listed even, which added even more confusion.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:the regional advice needs to come in before ALAC decides  bit  ALAC  can start looking at applications ASAP
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:agree Tijani
  Rinalia:I've always wondered why the ALAC doesn't have a "Membership Committee' considering that ALS certification is important.  If the ALAC is to have an early look at application, having a membership committee makes sense to make a recommendation to the ALAC in addition to the regional advice.  
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: It used to  and  then  the issue was ALAC volunteers  being too =busy woth their Due Dilligence on that and not enought time for policy
  Rinalia:I believe 3 members of the ALAC agreed on some form of subcommittee.
  Alan Greenberg:Our volume of new ALS is not that large.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:individual ALAC Members from a Region  did the DD originally
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:we had some real empire bui;ders on a few pf them
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:talk about  CAPTURE
  Heidi Ullrich:ALAC Objections workspace:
  Alan Greenberg:It would be rather amaizing if a process we put together 5 years ago did NOT need updating.
  Rinalia:I thought I volunteered for that.
  Rinalia:The Team.
  Rinalia:Am fine with Seth.
  Heidi Ullrich:At-Large ALAC and RALO Elections 2013 Workspace:
  Heidi Ullrich:Deadline for the ALAC to send the ALAC voting reps to the NomCom will be 31 July 2013
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I was just cut out :-(
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:please get adobe to call again
  Heidi Ullrich:will do
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Olivier - calling you back
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:back on thanks
  Rinalia:Report back is Chair to Chair or shared openly?
  Rinalia:Meant performance feedback.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Report back is Chaor to Chaor
  Alan Greenberg:is attendance spreassheet public?
  Rinalia:The monthly report card has attendance Alan
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:within the report cards  yes(ish)
  Alan Greenberg:Why not on the web/wiki?
  Alan Greenberg:in clear form
  Heidi Ullrich:
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I wanted to the ALAC Reps on the NomCom to post the report cards to their RALOs
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:some do. Some don't. Some months, all do. Some months, only 1 or 2 representatives do. I have emailed each representative separztely in private to herd them into doing it....
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:....with more or less success
  Heidi Ullrich:
  Heidi Ullrich:Monday, 15 July 2013AFRALO Showcase and ReceptionTime: 18:00-19:30 (TBC)
  Evan Leibovitch:I would actually prefer that Maguay appeared before the Regulatory WG. That might free up time at the ALAC mtg.
  Heidi Ullrich:
  Heidi Ullrich:Would you like me to ask Maguy re having her session on Monday?
  Heidi Ullrich:Currently the Regualatory Group is scheduled for 90 mins
  Heidi Ullrich:I could extend it to 2 hours
  Evan Leibovitch:just got hung up on
  Heidi Ullrich:do you need a dial out?
  Heidi Ullrich:Alan suggested to keep Maguy on Sunday
  Rinalia:should be 60mins.
  Evan Leibovitch:will try to dial back in
  Heidi Ullrich:@Rinalia, what should be 60 mins? Maguy's presentation?
  Evan Leibovitch:look, I'm just trying to ease the pressure on Sunday.
  Heidi Ullrich:Rinalia - 6o mins - SSAC
  Heidi Ullrich:it was an AI to extend it to 90
  Rinalia:good.  I heard 90 minutes earlier.
  Heidi Ullrich:so keep Maguy on Sunday?
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Olivier
  Heidi Ullrich:and Tuesday?
  Evan Leibovitch:Bad idea, but it's your call.
  Evan Leibovitch:The whole point of WGs is to offload work from all of ALAC.
  Julie Hammer:I have just checked email string after our meeting with SSAC in Beijing.  That meeting was 40 mins, and we agreed it should be extended to 60 mins (not 90 mins) in Durban.  However, I will work on a list of possible topics and we can then discuss how long the session should be.
  Evan Leibovitch:Having Maguay work with the WG enables a more frank, informal and focused discussion than presenting to all ALAC.
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Julie!
  Alan Greenberg:I like that!
  Heidi Ullrich:@Evan, Olivier asked that Maguy's presentation be on Sunday, but that she be invited to participate in the Regulartory Group meeting on Monday
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:yes -
  Alan Greenberg:Rinalia, NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  Rinalia:I have IDNs to worry about.
  Heidi Ullrich:co-moderators? OCL and Rinalia?
  Evan Leibovitch:I agree on a shortened, formal presentation by Maguay on Sunday, and more-informal time at the WG
  Evan Leibovitch:I really need to go.
  Gisella Gruber-White:ALAC meeting 28 May:
  Evan Leibovitch:bye all.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:5 more minutes max
  Evan Leibovitch:already way over for me
  Rinalia:I might be late as well for the meeting next Tuesday.  
  Rinalia:Will keep staff updated.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks for the advance notice Rinalia & Cheryl
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Olivier  canyou  (and staff if needs be stay on the call for a moment after you close please
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:sure
  Silvia Vivanco:Bye all, have a nice weekend
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks all!