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Measure related to End-User Trust


Anticipated Difficulties in
Obtaining and/or Reporting

3-year target

End-User Confusion
14.1Frequency of success in reaching the intended information supplier through direct entry of domain namesSurvey of end-users; SEO research

Note 1 

Neutral or increase
14.2Frequency of landing at unintended destinationsSurvey of end users, SEO analyticsNote 1
Selective sampling of analytics may help determine the success of typo-squatting or other unintended destinations
Neutral or decrease
14.3Frequency of redundant or defensive domains (ie, multiple domains pointing to the same destination)Survey of registrantsNote 2Neutral or decrease
14.4Frequency of dead-end domains (registered but do not resolve)Registry data + automated samplingNote 3Proportion relative to total domains should decrease
14.5Numbers of complaints received by ICANN regarding improper use of domainsICANNSupplements GNSO metric 1.9 by ayssessing volume of end-user complaints (which may not come from name owners or result in URS/UDRP action) 
Growth in use of both domain-based and non-domain-based alternatives for Internet resource access
25.1Relative preference of explicit use of domain names versus search engines for end-user general Internet useSurvey of end users; SEO analyticsNote 1Note 4
25.2Growth in use of hosted pages for organizations (such as Facebook or Google+)Market researchIe, ComScoreNote 4
25.3Growth in use of QR codesMarket researchie, ScanLifeNote 4
25.4Growth in use of URL shortening servicesMarket research Note 4
25.5Growth in registrations in ccTLDs relative to gTLDsRegistry data Note 3A significant increase in the use of ccTLDs could mean reduced trust in generic TLDs.
25.6Growth of Software Defined Networking (SDN) as alternatives alternative to the DNSMarket research  Note 4
Complaints to, and action taken by, police, regulatory agencies and advocacy groups
36.1Number of consumer complaints to government agencies related to confusing or misleading domain namesGovernment regulatory agenciesEstablishing relationships with consumer protection and regulatory agencies may be difficult to initiate; however ICANN is expected to have such relationships in place anyway, either directly or through GAC representativesProportion relative to total domains should decrease
36.2Number of complaints to police agencies aledging fraud or misrepresentation based on – or traced to – domain namesLaw enforcement agenciesICANN already has existing communications with LEA groups. Supplements GNSO metrics 1.15 and 1.16 buy adding complaints as well as remedial action 
36.3Number of fraud investigations where WHOIS information positively assisted investigation and identification of offending partiesLaw enforcement agencies  
Transparency of contact information and domain-allocation policies for all gTLDs
47.1How many gTLD registries have privacy policies which are clearly and easily accessible by end usersRegistry websitesManual auditingAs many as possible

How many gTLD registries have allocation policies which are clearly and easily accessible by end users

Registry websitesManual auditingAs many as possibleSee Note 5 
47.3How many registries disclose end-user information regarding their codes of conduct for sub-domain owner/operatorsRegistry websitesManual auditingAs many as possible
See Note 5 
7.4How many registries have been the subject of complaints related to their Public Interest Commitnents (PICs)ICANN  
7.5How many registries have lost a dispute resolution process related to their PICsICANN  
Accuracy of new gTLD promotion to end users
58.1How many complaints are received by ICANN related to confusion or misunderstanding of TLD functionsICANN  
58.2How many registries uphold to their Public Interest CommittmentsICANN, independent auditWhether or not PICs are enforceable, they are public and likely indicate how each registry is marketed 5.3How many registries are subject to Compliance investigation based on breaches of RRA related to objectives or PICsRAAICANN  
Technical issues encountered (including application support)
69.1Are end-user software applications capable of implementing all of the new gTLDs; Can browsers and DNS clients in end-user systems resolve all new gTLDsAudit All major browsers and operating systems should have versions capable of resolving all new gTLDs, including IDNs
69.2Which browsers or other end-user applications require plugins or user-installed enhancements in order to use new gTLDsAudit Support should preferably be native rather than as an add-in


  1. As the scope of ALAC and ICANN itself is global, we anticipate and expect that any metrics to be measured by survey (both the ALAC and GNSO metrics) would need to be globally distributed and multi-lingual
  2. External sources (such as business intelligence publications) can supplement (and reduce the cost of) customized surveys.
  3. An automated system could sample random second-level domains to perform based on lists of domain names supplied by registries. The witholding of source data for metrics by contracted parties, in order to prevent collection of metrics which may be perceived to reflect upon them negatively, could impact the metrics and prevent ICANN from accurately measuring end-user trust
  4. Significant growth in alternative methods of accessing Internet services may indicate a corresponding reduction in the relative trust of domain names to perform the same function. When possible, statistics should provide comparison with similar statistics for legacy TLDs.This metric was originally listed in the GNSO metrics report, but was removed (over ALAC objections) and re-introduced here