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  • Don Blumenthal – Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC)
  • Evan Leibovitch – At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC)
  • Chuck Gomes – GNSO Registry Stakeholder Group (RySG)
  • Avri Doria – GNSO Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG)
  • Steve DelBianco - GNSO Business Constituency (BC)
  • Brian Winterfeldt - GNSO Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC)
  • James Bladel - GNSO Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG)
  • Aparna Sridhar - GNSO New TLD Applicant Group (NTAG)Google

Panel Questions

1. What is from the perspective of your community the main priority with regard to the discussion on policy vs. implementation
2. Do you believe that an overall framework could be created for all policy implementation activities within ICANN or should specific models be created that would apply for ASO/ccNSO/GNSO policy implementation activities?
3. One of the questions that was raised in the staff discussion paper is how to deal with instances where no consensus can be reached on key issues or competing ‘policy advice’ is received from different SO/ACs? From your perspective, should additional mechanisms be developed that would ‘force’ cross-community engagement and decision-making (see for example EU conciliation procedure or should alternative approaches be explored?
4. What should be the next step in addressing this issue? Some have suggested the creation of a cross-community WG. What is your view on this approach? Are there certain elements that would need a cross-community approach while others should be addressed within respective SO/ACs?

Welcome – David Olive, ICANN, VP Policy Development Support (2 minutes)

Introduction of the panel, outline of the session – Bruce Tonkin, ICANN Board, Vice-Chair (3 minutes)

Short presentation of staff paper and comments received in response to public comment forum – Marika Konings, ICANN, Sr. Policy Director (5 minutes)

Question 1 - What is from the perspective of your community the main priority with regard to the discussion on policy vs. implementation

Response Panel (10 minutes)

Comments / questions from the floor (8 minutes)

Question 2 - Do you believe that an overall framework could be created for all policy implementation activities within ICANN or should specific models be created that would apply for ASO/ccNSO/GNSO policy implementation activities?

Response Panel (10 minutes)

Comments / questions from the floor (8 minutes)

Question 3 - One of the questions that was raised in the staff discussion paper is how to deal with instances where no consensus can be reached on key issues or competing ‘policy advice’ is received from different SO/ACs? From your perspective, should additional mechanisms be developed that would ‘force’ cross-community engagement and decision-making (see for example EU conciliation procedure or should alternative approaches be explored?

Response Panel (10 minutes)

Comments / questions from the floor (8 minutes)

Question 4 - What should be the next step in addressing this issue? Some have suggested the creation of a cross-community WG. What is your view on this approach? Are there certain elements that would need a cross-community approach while others should be addressed within respective SO/ACs?

Response Panel (10 minutes)

Comments / questions from the floor (8 minutes)

Conclusion & Next steps – Bruce Tonkin (8 minutes)
