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a. Recently Accredited ALSes

i. ASOCIACIÓN DE ESCRIBANOS DEL URUGUAY (LACRALO(174) Armenian Association for the Disabled "Pyunic" (APRALO) - (APRALO)

ii.  Internet Society Philippine Chapter (176) University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (UniBIT) [PDF, 107 117 KB] (APRALO)iii. dotHIV ( - (EURALO)

b. Organizations that are Currently undergoing the Accreditation Process


ii. (170) University Community Partnership for Social Action Research - (NARALO) Additional questions being asked of the applicant.

iii. (174) Armenian Association for the Disabled "Pyunic" (APRALO) - (APRALO) Awaiting Regional Advice.

iv. (176) University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (UniBIT) [PDF, 117 KB] - (EURALO) ALAC to begin voting shortly

v. (177) Swiss Privacy Foundation (SPF) - Application withdrawn177) Tecnologia, Educacion, Desarrollo, Investigacion y Comunicacion (TEDIC ) - (LACRALO) - Staff are conducting Due Diligence.

See:  At-Large Structure Applications and Certification Process


vii. IDN Variant TLD Program -- Draft Final Report Examining the User Experience Implications of Active Variant TLDs - Comment period closed 8 February 2013. Reply period closes 1 March 2013.

Items for Discussion



ALAC & At-Large involvement in GNSO activities - Matching Supply with Demand - All (15 mins)

8. Update from Selected At-Large Working Groups - WG Chairs (15 minutes)

a. ALAC RoP WG - Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Alan Greenberg

b. At-Large New gTLD Review Group - Dev Anand Teelucksingh

c. ALAC Sub-committee on the ATRT2 - Rinalia Abdul Rahim


9. Meeting Strategy WG - Endorsement of ALAC representatives - Olivier (5 minutes)

10. Education Needs -

11. Review of At-Large Meeting Schedule for the 46th ICANN Meeting in Beijing - All (15 mins)

a. Schedule and agendas of ALAC and At-Large meetings - See At-Large Beijing Meetings Workspace

i. Questions for

b. Update on APRALO Beijing Events - See APRALO Beijing Events Workspace


12. Any Other Business – Olivier (5 minutes)