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A G E N D A 

Standing Agenda Items

1.  Adoption of agenda; call for Any Other Business or other amendments – Olivier (



2.  Roll call and apologies – Staff (2



3.  Review of the Action Items from the 20 December 2012 ALAC Meetings - Olivier (10 minutes)

4.  Review of current ALS applications – Olivier, Staff (


10 minutes)

a. Recently Accredited ALSes


See:  At-Large Structure Applications and Certification Process

5.  Reports – Olivier (


5 minutes)

See:  At-Large Reports from WGs,


vi. Consultation on gTLD Delegation and Redelegation Performance Standards and Consultation on ccTLD Delegation and Redelegation Performance Standards - Comment period closes 28 February 2013. Reply period closes 21 March 2013. – Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Alan Greenberg to prepare a draft joint statement.

Items for Discussion

7. Post-WCIT Discussion - moving forward with At-Large - Olivier (


15 minutes)

8. Update from Selected At-Large Working Groups - WG Chairs (


15 minutes)

a. ALAC RoP WG  - Cheryl Langdon-Orr


c. ALAC Sub-committee on the ATRT2 - Rinalia Abdul Rahim

8. Review of At-Large Meeting Schedule for the 46th ICANN Meeting in Beijing - All (


15 mins)

a. Schedule of ALAC and At-Large meetings - See At-Large Beijing Meetings Workspace
