Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • To what extent is this is Staff process
    • capabilities
    • amount of time it would take
  • Professional (paid) survey or informal survey
  • Statistical poll or set of clarifying questions
  • Include both Outreach and Support in one process or two
    • Developing Country applicants
    • Aid application
  • Did ICANN do a PR report on the outreach efforts


A. Theory formation (till December mtg)

Team: Tijani  ?

B. Survey

B1. General outreach


  • ALSes
  • ISOC chapters
  • GAC
  • ccTLDs
  • follow up from questionnaire


C. Draft initial report on causes (Beijing + 4 weeks)

Team: ???


D. Draft proposed solutions (till Durban )


  • Fix for next round
  • Propose remediation round