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Staff and Community MembersEmail Addresses
Janice Douma
After great discussion with this Ad Hoc community group on what is currently the situation with our Budget Documents, Staff sat down and decided to take a look backward to see the progression of documents since 2008/2009.  Then, looking at structure of current Framework and Budget, came up with a couple of proposals.  Most information is below; draft Ops Plan and Budget is attached for comment that can be tracked on word document (paper cliip)




Looking Back in Time:

  • Started Framework in 2008 for FY2009 Budget when a budget framework in ppt was produced for the New Delhi Meeting
  • FY2010 the format was the same as the draft Budget and Operating Plan; community feedback...document was "half-baked"
  • FY2011 and 2012 the format returned to a power point

Going Forward:  


From Community Perspective:


Questions to consider:


What is the perceived rationale and value for the current framework document?  How much time should the staff and community spend on this document if the current content is not “hitting the mark” of community expectations?


What are suggestions for modification of current framework content, if consensus from Ad Hoc group was that the structure was OK as is?

From Staff Perspective:

In the current time frame that the Framework is scheduled to be posted for comment, it is staff’s challenge to provide meaningful financial and operations data for community to consider.
Framework should be high level document to drive initial  discussion with community.  An example of this would be to present ICANN budget baseline for coming year based on exit run rate from previous year, an analysis of spending and forecasted strategic objectives and the fiscal year priorities that are being considered. From this, community input will be to focused on incremental work, projects, and new core activities from a high level perspective i.e. does ICANN reduce fees, if there is excess or surplus, should it be added to reserve fund, what are other uses for reserve fund, input on headcount based on strategic priorities.  
Suggestion is that this kind of information noted above is provided to community in advance of pre-scheduled community work sessions, as well as opportunity to comment on wiki.  As an initial consultation, this would no longer go through a formal public comment period, but we would always reach out through community leaders and ICANN staff to engage whoever n community would like to access the wiki to engage in comment and discussion.


I.                   Intro
II.                  Strategic Overview
                     a.      Link Operating Plan to Strategic Plan with charts and priorities
III.                Operating Plan and Budget
                     a.      ICANN Operations
                                     i.      Functional view (core and project combined)
                                     ii.     P&L
                                     iii.    Revenue & Revenue Source
                                     iv.    Traditional View: Expense Category (core and project combined)
                                     v.     Project Costs
                     b.      New gTLD  Application Processing
IV.                 Reserve Fund
V.                  Appendix