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Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Fatimata, she has a particular group regarding the budget, and the meeting plans, and the operational plan, so there’s a particular point that needs to be dealt with. So Fatimata, if you have nothing more to say, we’re going to go to the agenda items that have been set forth.  Number four, which consists – with ALS participation, and now I’m going to pass --

Interpreter:                              And another lady is speaking, but she’s not understandable. So Tijani, could you repeat this for the English side? So Tijani is going to repeat what she said, since her line is not clear. So since her line is muffled, and it’s not possible to hear her voice clearly, I’m going to wait until she’s finished, and then ask Tijani to repeat or to synthesize at least what she has just said.  Okay Tijani, can you repeat that?  Because [not in English]. Wiki MarkupInterpreter:                              And another lady is speaking, but she’s not understandable. So Tijani, could you repeat this for the English side? So Tijani is going to repeat what she said, since her line is not clear. So since her line is muffled, and it’s not possible to hear her voice clearly, I’m going to wait until she’s finished, and then ask Tijani to repeat or to synthesize at least what she has just said.  Okay Tijani, can you repeat that?  Because \[not in English\].\\

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Fatimata has just said that we had asked the ALS to make a statement with advice that we should give ALAC.

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Interpreter:                              \[not in English\]\\

Interpreter:                              [not in English]

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    -Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    --asking for the request by FORCAS. So the accredited ALSs who expressed their opinions, they were not for accrediting FORCAS for ALAC. They were not favorable, and I’d like to ask something.

                                                So this took a lot of time with AFRALO, because it took several months to go after FORCAS so that she gives us correct information, because the requests or the presentation was not possible, not well done, so now the situation of FORCAS no longer exists. They’ve disappeared.  Another reason that internet and FORCAS (inaudible).  Does anybody have anything to add to this FORCAS situation? So I believe --

Interpreter:                              So now a lady is speaking but she’s muffled, so that could very well be Fatimata, and so I will ask Tijani to repeat when she’s finished speaking. [Not in English]. Wiki MarkupInterpreter:                              So now a lady is speaking but she’s muffled, so that could very well be Fatimata, and so I will ask Tijani to repeat when she’s finished speaking. \[Not in English\].\\

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Aziz said last time that this was the last recourse regarding a final decision, (inaudible) had already left for ALAC. Does anybody have anything, any commentary on that? 

Interpreter:                              So another person is speaking, not clear, a man. Somebody on the English line is not mute, so could you mute?  Because I’m trying to listen to the French.  Thank you. I’m going to have Tijani repeat this person who is speaking, so we can get something at least. Yaovi just spoke and said --

Wiki MarkupYaovi Atohoun:                      \-favorable at the beginning, starting with this, then when I saw the situation regarding FORCAS, when they said they were members of something, which they weren’t, so I now have changed my vote from a positive to a negative vote, a no vote. I am changing my vote from a positive vote to a negative vote.  \[He also says\] since the site is not accessible, so there’s no reason to continue. \\Atohoun:                      -favorable at the beginning, starting with this, then when I saw the situation regarding FORCAS, when they said they were members of something, which they weren’t, so I now have changed my vote from a positive to a negative vote, a no vote. I am changing my vote from a positive vote to a negative vote.  [He also says] since the site is not accessible, so there’s no reason to continue. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Does anybody else want to speak about this problem or question, or is it already taken care of?

Interpreter:                              Etienne is about to speak. Tijani is not hearing Etienne. So there’s some kind of conversation going back and forth, it’s totally not comprehensible to me, so I will wait until Tijani has heard what she has to say, or what they have to say, and then ask him to repeat it. [Not in English] Wiki MarkupInterpreter:                              Etienne is about to speak. Tijani is not hearing Etienne. So there’s some kind of conversation going back and forth, it’s totally not comprehensible to me, so I will wait until Tijani has heard what she has to say, or what they have to say, and then ask him to repeat it. \[Not in English\]\\

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Okay, Etienne just spoke. He believes that the decision taken by AFRALO was the very best decision, and so now let’s go on to point five. 


Pastor Peters:                          I have a question.

Interpreter:                              Oh, okay, hold on.  [Not in English].  Okay, go ahead English side.

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Interpreter:                              Oh, okay, hold on.  \[Not in English\].  Okay, go ahead English side. Who is speaking?\\

Pastor Peters:                          My name is Pastor Peters.

Interpreter:                              I’m interpreting.  I’m putting you on mute, but I’m interpreting for the French. Okay?

Who is speaking?

Pastor Peters:                          My name is Pastor Peters.

Interpreter:                              I’m interpreting.  I’m putting you on mute, but I’m interpreting for the French. Okay?

Pastor Peters:                          Good.  I want to find out when was this planned, and who are those responsible for this initiative?


Pastor Peters:                          When was this initiative planned?

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Interpreter:                              \[not in English\].  Okay, go ahead English side.\\

Interpreter:                              [not in English].  Okay, go ahead English side.

Pastor Peters:                          When was this planned?Pastor Peters:                          When was this planned?  I am not aware of a (inaudible) in At-Large until now, so that is why I’m asking.  When was this planned for the summit, and who is responsible for this initiative?

Interpreter:                              Okay please listen, [he’s] answering you. Wiki MarkupInterpreter:                              Okay please listen, \[he’s\] answering you.\\

Pastor Peters:                          Yeah.


Pastor Peters:                          Okay.  The initiative of the ICANN Board?

Interpreter:                              Wait a moment.  [Not in English] Okay, you need to wait because Fatimata is speaking.  Since I can’t hear her, I have to wait for her to answer. Wiki MarkupInterpreter:                              Wait a moment.  \[Not in English\] Okay, you need to wait because Fatimata is speaking.  Since I can’t hear her, I have to wait for her to answer.\\

Pastor Peters:                          Okay.


That’s Tijani hearing Fatimata, but unfortunately I don’t hear her, and there’s some kind of interference. So I will simply – unfortunate as it is for the English side, I apologize, but Tijani wants her to finish speaking and it’s taking a very long time. So she’s going through whatever she’s saying with various whistles and background sounds.

Tonya:                                    [Pita]?

Interpreter:                              Yes?

Tonya:                                    This is Tonya.  No need for all of that, just interpret what you can.

Wiki Markup
Tonya:                                    \[Pita\]?\\

Interpreter:                              Yes?

Tonya:                                    This is Tonya.  No need for all of that, just interpret what you can.  When you can’t interpret, just have the participants know that you’re still waiting and in service.

Interpreter:                              Okay, I tried to tell them, but --

Tonya:                                    Thank you.

Interpreter:                              Okay.

  When you can’t interpret, just have the participants know that you’re still waiting and in service.

Interpreter:                              Okay, I tried to tell them, but --

Tonya:                                    Thank you.

Interpreter:                              Okay.

Pastor Peters:Pastor Peters:                          Let me know when I can respond please?


Interpreter:                              Can you repeat number one? They had static on their side.  Thank you.

Pastor Peters:                          I said it appears there have been discussions among AFRALO members on this matter before now, I am not aware until now.  Secondly is that if there are particular issues to Singapore, not all of us will be in Singapore, and if every issue is discussed, I want to suggest that we \[not in English\] online, but also make our inputs and after we choose who will be in Singapore we will input to all of the common ground after what was discussed in Peters:                          I said it appears there have been discussions among AFRALO members on this matter before now, I am not aware until now.  Secondly is that if there are particular issues to Singapore, not all of us will be in Singapore, and if every issue is discussed, I want to suggest that we [not in English] online, but also make our inputs and after we choose who will be in Singapore we will input to all of the common ground after what was discussed in Singapore.

So where this is going, it appears there is discussion amongst the group and they only have a part time open line of discussion, which is (inaudible). That’s what I’m saying.


The Dakar showcase must be something that is superior to everything done in the past, so we have a little time now, but we’re not going to have much time for long, because October will be coming up. So any ideas that can be set forth and presented now are important, and also to prepare the material is important so that we are ready.  Does anybody want to have any comment about this?

Interpreter:                              Somebody just said yes, and – So you’re saying we should do something more than what’s been done up until now? It wasn’t AFRALO, it was (inaudible) and Vilnius.  It’s very difficult for us to find somebody better than – I think he’s saying [Venchus]. And there’s a bit of laughter here. I agree, when I say we need something that’s superior, just by having people participating, the material that we present – he said (inaudible) had built (inaudible) and he believes that there is nobody that is better than that gentleman, and I said I agree with him, but when you need to excel is not just the quality of the invitees, but by the content, the material that we’re going to present as well. And Aziz replied -- Wiki MarkupInterpreter:                              Somebody just said yes, and -- So you’re saying we should do something more than what’s been done up until now? It wasn’t AFRALO, it was (inaudible) and Vilnius.  It’s very difficult for us to find somebody better than -- I think he’s saying \[Venchus\]. And there’s a bit of laughter here. I agree, when I say we need something that’s superior, just by having people participating, the material that we present -- he said (inaudible) had built (inaudible) and he believes that there is nobody that is better than that gentleman, and I said I agree with him, but when you need to excel is not just the quality of the invitees, but by the content, the material that we’re going to present as well. And Aziz replied --\\

Aziz Hilali:                             Yes, so it’s up to Fatimata and (inaudible) to invite this person from Senegal.


Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    I agree; it’s a very good idea. So any other ideas? I’m not asking you to give all your ideas right now, this moment; I’m just asking you to mull it over, to think about it, and to try to come up with something.

Interpreter:                              Somebody else is now speaking. Since we’re in agreement, says another party, with respect to the ALSes, and Fatimata’s participation, then perhaps she could make a demonstration – okay, hold on. [Not in English]  Okay, Tijani is repeating. This other person is speaking, but it’s not too clear, so it’s going to be repeating.  – and inviting all the ALSes.  Now the English side, there is static on the English side.  If you could mute please.  We need to present something that is local and that works, says this gentleman. For instance, we could even maybe have Fatimata do a presentation, a local African presentation. Wiki MarkupInterpreter:                              Somebody else is now speaking. Since we’re in agreement, says another party, with respect to the ALSes, and Fatimata’s participation, then perhaps she could make a demonstration -- okay, hold on. \[Not in English\]  Okay, Tijani is repeating. This other person is speaking, but it’s not too clear, so it’s going to be repeating.  -- and inviting all the ALSes.  Now the English side, there is static on the English side.  If you could mute please.  We need to present something that is local and that works, says this gentleman. For instance, we could even maybe have Fatimata do a presentation, a local African presentation.\\

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    That’s a very good initiative. In other words, show what is being done by the local Africans at the Dakar summit, and so we could perhaps entertain the members of ALS and we could do a simulation of what has been done, and is that what you’re saying?  To do a presentation there? Yes.


Unknown:                               I’ve asked ICANN to offer that there be some presentation of what the African ALSes are doing all during that week, and that it’s reserved for the ALS all during the week for their activities.

Aziz Hilali:                             Yes \[says Aziz\] we’re going to be obliged to maintain our activities and to follow through all during the week, because it could be a permanent showcase all during the week.\\Hilali:                             Yes [says Aziz] we’re going to be obliged to maintain our activities and to follow through all during the week, because it could be a permanent showcase all during the week.

Interpreter:                              And the other answers yes, that’s what I feel is important.  Wait a moment; somebody is speaking on the English side. So in Nairobi, we need a stand or there was all this material that was presented during the showcase, during the whole week, so we need to keep that stand so that there’s somebody present there from AFRALO.  Unfortunately, certain people did not want to participate in that work, we had to have it – it wasn’t always open, and some people didn’t turn up or care enough, so there’s a back and forth now about this.  We need to have a certainty that people are committed and will participate.  I believe you said that ICANN was backing six trips?


Pastor Peter:                           Something is getting wrong, I don’t want to waste time, so let me speak myself.

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Interpreter:                              Okay, hold on. \[Not in English\].  Okay, Tijani wants to speak, and then he will have you speak.\\

Interpreter:                              Okay, hold on. [Not in English].  Okay, Tijani wants to speak, and then he will have you speak.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    I’m saying we don’t have – please put it on mute – AFRALO does not manage money, or the At-Large communities do not manage money.  Therefore the sponsoring that any countries or enterprises may Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    I’m saying we don’t have – please put it on mute – AFRALO does not manage money, or the At-Large communities do not manage money.  Therefore the sponsoring that any countries or enterprises may back for ICANN meetings have to go through ICANN, it doesn’t go into AFRALO or any other organization or – what I’m trying to say by this is we don’t have the possibility of distributing any kind of sponsorships ourselves.


It’s just that At-Large or AFRALO are not in a position to be able to do this. That’s all I’m saying, so if we can go to the next point; I’m agreeing with you.  If there’s a way to do that through ICANN it would be great. So let’s go to the next agenda regarding the working group to support – for people or requests for those who need assistance.

Wiki Markup
Interpreter:                              So there’s a second \[not in English\].\\

Interpreter:                              So there’s a second [not in English].

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    OkayTijani Ben Jemaa:                    Okay, so this working group is continuing its work, and has already presented its report. And now we are preparing a meeting in Singapore between the JAS working group and ALAC, GNSO, the two charter organizations, and the Board and the GAC, because the Board and the GAC are interested in these two working groups and their work. 

Because these working groups hope to have the feedback from the Board and from the GAC, so we’re also in the process of finalizing the various activities in the reports, and I imagine that in Singapore we’ll have meetings with members of the Board, with the GAC and with the GNSO and members of ALAC. So I finished with that question.  Now I’m going to nine. And I’m going to speak to you about the recent activity of ALAC.  I’ve spoken already too much about --

Interpreter:                              He’s asking, Tijani is asking someone else to do it.  [Not in English]. I believe he’s asking Dave. Wiki MarkupInterpreter:                              He’s asking, Tijani is asking someone else to do it.  \[Not in English\]. I believe he’s asking Dave.\\

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    So Dave doesn’t seem to be there, so I’ll have to do it, obviously. ALAC has a great deal of activity, which we haven’t been able to go over since my return from San Francisco; and now what we’re trying to do is to prepare a conference call for the working group for the future; the new working group. And this will allow us to prepare the charter for the working group and start the actual work. My second point is we had meetings in San Francisco with the ALAC registrars --


And then finally, ALAC is trying to prepare a statement of their position regarding their operational plan and the budget, which I spoke to you about before.  I’m in charge of preparing that. Those are the most important actions by ALAC that are being taken at this time.  Are there any questions, or shall we go to the next point?  And the next point are the recent activities and future activities of AFRALO and the members of AFRALO, so each one of you can give a brief feedback; what you are doing and what you plan to do.

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Interpreter:                              \[Yush\] is the name I got.\\

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Aziz Hilali:                             Regarding the future, there’s first of all the meeting; I was disconnected, so I don’t know if you spoke about the Africann/AFRALO meeting yet, because we have to set the theme of the discussion. For the next AFRALO, the upcoming AFRALO activities, I don’t know if you’ve already spoken about it, and also I personally would like to have news about the working group from the GNSO and the very territories. I would like to have news about participation of two members of AFRALO that we have designated, \[Awa\] and Mohamed, regarding the working study group.  So I’d like to have feedback from each of them.\\

give a brief feedback; what you are doing and what you plan to do.

Interpreter:                              [Yush] is the name I got.

Aziz Hilali:                             Regarding the future, there’s first of all the meeting; I was disconnected, so I don’t know if you spoke about the Africann/AFRALO meeting yet, because we have to set the theme of the discussion. For the next AFRALO, the upcoming AFRALO activities, I don’t know if you’ve already spoken about it, and also I personally would like to have news about the working group from the GNSO and the very territories. I would like to have news about participation of two members of AFRALO that we have designated, [Awa] and Mohamed, regarding the working study group.  So I’d like to have feedback from each of them.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Thank you, Aziz.  That was Aziz who brought up these two questions. Now let’s start with the African AFRALO.  [Afrolua] has suggested before, I don’t know if you remember, with Fatimata, but the theme that will be discussed is – I’m going to repeat, since you were disconnected. The subjects that we hope to have on the agenda of the summit are being developed at Dakar. We can talk about the gTLDs and all of these subjects that were mentioned before, and any subjects that can be proposed or suggested.  Did you get that, Aziz? Wiki MarkupTijani Ben Jemaa:                    Thank you, Aziz.  That was Aziz who brought up these two questions. Now let’s start with the African AFRALO.  \[Afrolua\] has suggested before, I don’t know if you remember, with Fatimata, but the theme that will be discussed is -- I’m going to repeat, since you were disconnected. The subjects that we hope to have on the agenda of the summit are being developed at Dakar. We can talk about the gTLDs and all of these subjects that were mentioned before, and any subjects that can be proposed or suggested.  Did you get that, Aziz?\\

Aziz Hilali:                             Yes, now I understand.


Pastor Peter:                           Okay, my group actually after the last ICANN meeting in San Francisco, we came in contact with (inaudible) from Nigeria, who attended the Columbia ICANN meeting---

Interpreter:                              Wait please, hold on. Okay, go ahead.

inaudible) from Nigeria, who attended the Columbia ICANN meeting---

Interpreter:                              Wait please, hold on. Okay, go ahead.

Pastor Peter:                           [Ms. Tula] worked with – she’s a government regulatory agency staff.  She works for the government, and -- Wiki MarkupPastor Peter:                           \[Ms. Tula\] worked with -- she’s a government regulatory agency staff.  She works for the government, and --\\

Interpreter:                              Hold on.


Tijani Ben Jemaa:                      --the fellowship program is now open, and wants to remind everybody who can go to Dakar to make a request if they want to.  Is there anything else, subject you would like to discuss at this point?  Otherwise, it’s late and we’ve done two hours instead of one hour.  So I would like to thank you all; it was very painful this evening.  It was one of the most difficult that we have ever had.  I want to thank you all for your participation.

Wiki Markup\[End of Transcript\]\\