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                                                I think perhaps what we should be recommending to the ALAC to do is to formalize with an appropriate cross-regional grouping. This is where I think the regional secretariat would be a starting point, they may not be the end point but where we have a continuing open dialogue in the communication channel to ensure that our tool use and the assistiveness of our communication goes out from ICANN and back into ICANN is the best it can be to meet the needs and usage pattern of tools at the end.

Wiki Markup                   I’m pretty keen to have that as a firm recommendation. ALAC’s role, in my totally unbiased view, is to facilitate and make magic happen at the ALAC ends. Its job as an Advisory Committee to the Board of ICANN and expand into specific roles in post-development would be a \[break in audio\] in ICANN is quite clear, but what it needs to do is to make sure that its mechanisms are not meaning that 15 or 20 people are giving some sage-like counsel wisdom imparting their personal views but representation from as many of the internet end-users as possible coming to the                    I’m pretty keen to have that as a firm recommendation. ALAC’s role, in my totally unbiased view, is to facilitate and make magic happen at the ALAC ends. Its job as an Advisory Committee to the Board of ICANN and expand into specific roles in post-development would be a [break in audio] in ICANN is quite clear, but what it needs to do is to make sure that its mechanisms are not meaning that 15 or 20 people are giving some sage-like counsel wisdom imparting their personal views but representation from as many of the internet end-users as possible coming to the system.

                   So I’d like to have some form of languaging recommendation to codify that need and see that at this stage while we have an ALS/RALO/ALAC structure that we have a formalization of some standing mechanism that allows us to deliver that triple-layer cake and ensure that happens. The reason I’m saying that is that what we all want to do is get it as far toward the end-user as possible but what we want to make sure of is that the Advisory Committee to the ICANN Board is a necessary part to the internet group otherwise we have the reversion to the well, we’ve built it, ICANN’s built it, it’s got public comment mechanisms.  


                   Okay, thank you so much everyone. Thank you for taking the time to stay in this meeting. I wish you good day, good night, good evening, wherever you are, and morning of course, and I look forward to the next call. Thank you Seth, Olivier, Sandra, Cheryl, Wolf, Gordon, Dev, and thanks to Carlos. Thanks so much everyone.

Wiki Markup\[End of Transcript\]