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Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, well then, I’ll just start then. This is Dave.

>>> Andrés Piazza: I want to ask you, the (inaudible 0:00:15) which we’re starting with. If the interpreter is going to do it simultaneously or you’re going to give her time to do it.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay.

Andrés Piazza: I prefer to do it simultaneously. Did you understand?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I didn’t hear anything unfortunately, did you call her?

Andrés Piazza: You didn’t hear anything?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: No. Carlton, did you hear anything?

Carlton Samuels: No.

Andrés Piazza: Okay, hold on a second. Hold on, hold on...

>>> Carlton Samuels: Is he speaking through the interpreter in Spanish, or is he speaking in English?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I’m not sure.

>>> Andrés Piazza: He was speaking through the interpreter. So who’s – are you going to go or is he going to go?

Carlton Samuels: He has the gavel.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yeah, he is the chair.

Andrés Piazza: Okay, hold on.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Probably a new translator, first time for everything.

Andrés Piazza: Can you hear me in English now?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, I’m hearing you in English.

>>> Andrés Piazza: It’s a few minutes late. I don’t know if you’ve taken a list of everyone that is here. We are going to do the roll call now, and I’m sorry - someone is on the Spanish channel. Ken, Carlos – is on the Spanish station. Fatima, Antonio. Good afternoon, Antonio. How are you, Andreas? I’m saying hello to everybody. Can you hear me Andreas and Sylvia?
>>> Hi Sylvia. A little bit far away. Who else? And (inaudible 0:02:49) is there even if you can’t hear him. No, we can’t hear him. (Inaudible 0:02:53) also got on the line. Maybe he needed the microphone. Shall we count on Danielle? Yes. Jose? Who else? Here, I’m here, I’m connected. Hi Jose, how are you? Who else is on the English channel? A moment, okay? Hello?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes? Hello? They wonder who else is on the English channel.

Carlton Samuels: Carlton and Dave.

Andrés Piazza: I’m sorry. Carlton and who? Say that one more time.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Dave.

Andrés Piazza: Okay, hold on a second, there’s really bad sound.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: No problem.

Andrés Piazza: Nine of us, so now we have a quorum?

Carlton Samuels: Yes, I think we do.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, we do.

>>> Andrés Piazza: Donny said he was sorry, I understand that the only people who can’t be on the list (inaudible 0:04:12) on the list, who couldn’t come?

Andrés Piazza: Okay, let’s start.

>>> Andrés Piazza: On the 20th of May I wasn’t able to participate in this meeting, and the first thing on the list is a review of what happened so we can review it. Can anybody give a small little bit of what happened in short?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: This is Dave, in English.

Andrés Piazza: Can you hear us now? Yes, Danielle, how are you?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, this is Dave.

Andrés Piazza: Hold on one second.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Sure.

Andrés Piazza: Go ahead Dave.

>>> Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Thank you. We got to the action items after I send my apologies because I have been working very hard on the at large survey that will be – which a session has to be done for on the 20th of June, in Brussels. So all of my energies have been put on that, that’s a project. So those to items, action items, are still to be done.

>>> Andrés Piazza: This is Andreas. It’s special that you are putting all of your energies into that job. I knew that, you are doing a really good job. I’m not talking about that, but that we can rebuild something verbally amongst all of us, especially me, who wasn’t there. And so we can do it all together and go on.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Oh...

>>> Carlton Samuels: Can I say something? I think it would be more useful – this is Carlton – I think it would be more useful in the interest of moving on that if the meeting notes are published, if we just consult the notes and move on. Let’s just get on with the entire agenda, as is.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, the meeting notes are in the Adobe chat room. So....

Carlton Samuels: So if we need a few minutes to just review....

>>> Andrés Piazza: Yes, that’s true. Hold on – we’re going to talk about – hold on. We’re going to talk about the open public consultation. Okay. We have a rough draft of the 2011 budget, where the working group – the one that expired today, was r..s..I can’t. Okay, the budget as far as on June 25th. That working group is ... Can you talk just a little bit about that? Can you hear me? Dave, we had a meeting with Kevin and he talked a little bit about everything.
>>> Who’s Kevin? Explain who Kevin is. That is what they are asking. He is the manager of finance of ICANN and he explained to us regarding the rough draft that’s going to be presented in Brussels. It’s going to be presented to the meeting for a final approval for the next budget of the next fiscal year. That begins in June, I think. He was talking about the comments he received about the community to make the changes, when in fact it’s in - you can see the teleconference today, everything is explained there.
>>> And one of the main things we will be talking about, the sub-committee of finance and budgets – and Adam also commented that in the rough draft it stipulated that ICANN is going to guarantee that there is going to be financial help to each one of them to do their General Assembly, only one meeting, only one General Assembly between the period that begins now until the year 2013; which means that we couldn’t do a General Assembly per year.
>>> We talked about that during the last part of the general conference with Kevin; he promised to review it and respond in writing regarding that - (inaudible 0:11:32) all the branches are worried about that, but up to now we haven’t had a final answer and we’re going to keep on working more than anything in the regions regarding that. That’s all. Okay. I don’t know if he understands. This is something we have to look at close up.

Carlton Samuels: This is Carlton.

>>> Andrés Piazza: We began seeing if we could have a General Assembly in the meeting in Cartagena in December; so then we’ll have a budget for 2011. So Cartagena is actually in that budget, the one that starts in July? That’s correct. Thank you. And on Tuesday, the sub-committee on finances is going to get together again to take a proposal of well-defined proposal to Brussels.
>>> That’s fine. Regarding Cartagena, I’m trying to see what way they could obtain the possibility of having L F M in Cartagena, and we found that this is what they are trying to do. It’s a good thing we had your representation today, we can have a statement as to the period of time that will expire the 25th, we were talking about this thing in Brussels. In fact, if we could – before the meeting in Brussels, have – so that the moment, all of the meetings – if I can there’s a small moment during the meeting we can review it, but it’s not that important I guess to stop it.
>>> The statement is from some members at that moment. That would be very important and it would help a lot, and really it’s the only thing I can think of, that we should make that statement is reaffirmed our intentions that – after the summit – conviction – once a year have a wide positive impact on our – what we do; and have that consideration. Does anybody want somebody else regarding this, because it’s something that really involves us.

Carlton Samuels: This is Carlton...

Andrés Piazza: Okay Carlton, go ahead.

Carlton Samuels: Can I speak now?

Andrés Piazza: Yes, Carlton. Go ahead.

>>> Carlton Samuels: I would say with regard to the budget, there are a couple of things that it is in our interest, the interest of LACRALO members to look for. We should – there’s a controversy, obviously – about the funding for the GA at Cartagena, I think that it is worthwhile for us to push for it, but as it is I think it would be more useful to add our voice to make sure that the budget contains some mentions for continued translation services and more translation of documents of certain classes that we have always asked for, and not just final documents, but some working documents.

>>> I think it’s important for us to push to ensure that in outreach we are given tools to do our trades with. That includes collateral, that we can leave behind collateral; printed material and so on that we have been asking for in simple languages, so that ordinary users can understand the issues. Those are yet to be developed and distributed. I think it’s important for us to continue to make a case that the – it’s important for ICANN to play a role, a more substantive role budget wise in supporting regional gatherings, regional activities, where an ICANN presence would be important, and having members of LACRALO present in that room.
>>> Those are the kinds of outreach things that we should insist that is they are going to talk about outreach, and making ICANN known to the user community, it is important that they have some budget to support these kinds of initiatives. And those are the kinds of things that I think we should make sure we ask for and ask about at the briefing.

Andrés Piazza: Carlton, hold on one second please.

Carlton Samuels: Are they still asking us to hold?

>>> Andrés Piazza: Hold on. Carlton, there’s just a terrible echo when I’m interpreting and we’re trying to fix it because I’m having a really hard time when I’m interpreting. My voice is echoing on top of it, and it’s terrible. Can you hold on just a second?

>>> Carlton Samuels: Mind you, the budget, I mean the projected budget from Doc 4 (?? 0:18:58) would be a lot if the applications start coming in now.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: You mean the projected budget ... Doc 4 or...

Carlton Samuels: Yeah, I mean – they make an estimate, it’ll be like 500 applications –

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: So that’s on the income side?

Carlton Samuels: 500 applications – you detail the applications?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: So that’s the income side you are talking about?

Carlton Samuels: Yes, well. We are talking...

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Well, we still don’t know how much it’s going to cost to evaluate them.

>>> Carlton Samuels: There’s a projected budget. That’s what the projected budget was all about.

>>> Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, but (inaudible 0:19:47) vertical integration cost, ownership, work group – I’ve been sitting on it and the ...

Andrés Piazza: Hello?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes.

Andrés Piazza: Okay, go ahead.

Carlton Samuels: So you’re asking me to repeat what I said?

Andrés Piazza: I’m just saying keep going.

>>> Carlton Samuels: Oh, I was just – I just mentioned there were outreach activities that we are committed to doing and we should ensure that the budget ((crosstalk 0:20:31))proposed and make some kind of preparation for them, and I gave some examples. For example, we have been talking about provided collateral, printed collateral for outreach in simple language, and that has not, to my knowledge, been embraced.
>>> While it’s been agreed, in principle, we have seen too many of those develop and made available. The matter of translation of documents, other than finalized documents is still an issue. I should say, though, the fact that you have documents translated and people not using them does not bode well for continued translation services, in that regard. So we need to ensure that when we have collateral, that it language specific, then they are seen to be used.
>>> I mentioned again the issue of the General Assembly in Cartagena is of moment. I believe it is going to be a tough sell, but I think in principle we know that – we know what we know. That culturally, face to face meetings are better for our members, and if we need to engage them and keep them, continue to keep them engaged in the ICANN process, probably that is the price we have to pay, that we have to have a face to face General Assembly.
>>> There’s nothing that says we have to have one, in the by-laws; but as a practical matter, keeping people connected, it is something that I believe has to be seriously discussed. The question of radio, and reaching out by radio is still on the agenda, and it is not – it so far has not gone very far. That requires budget to make these things reality; so I’m suggesting to the membership that when the fiscal briefing takes place, we look for those line items that tends to support these kinds of activities and outlook.

Andrés Piazza: Carlton?

Carlton Samuels: Yes? I’m done.

Andrés Piazza: Are you done?

Carlton Samuels: Yes, I’m done.

Andrés Piazza: Thank you very much, are you hearing me?

Carlton Samuels: Yes, I hear you.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: We are hearing you.

>>> Andrés Piazza: I think that in this case, with a lot of respect, I understand that Carlton – he was saying that we should support him and the idea of that translations that we are receiving in order to better the everything – I think that we should struggle with those things because I was looking at the budget of the project also regarding the budget has been reduced for translation by $1 million and I think that we should - in the region, make up a document demanding – because the budget for translation should take – is taken to the original place where it was last year; because last year it wasn’t enough, and we’re trying to make it better for this year.
>>> Regarding the General Assemblies, when MOU was signed with (inaudible 0:25:00) in 2007 in Sao Paulo, in 2006 in Sao Paulo, ICANN promised to support the General Assembly’s in each one of the regions, at least Latin American and the Caribbean region, because the MOU was signed in that region. And then our principles of operations that weren’t – ICANN was saying that we were going to have a General Assembly a year, and so it’s clear that their promise was to respond to support each one of those meetings, and today, they simply in this project are asking for support once every three years.
>>> And this isn’t what they promised, they’re changing, unilaterally their participation and their obligations and what they agreed to do, so I think we have the right to make a claim strongly regarding the translation also so that the same level will be maintained as last year regarding the budget. So those of us who are the base of all the international that we should have the place that corresponds to us. That’s all.

Andrés Piazza: Thank you, Carlos. Fatima wants to say something also. Yes?

>>> Fatima: I really wanted to say the same thing you are talking about, and what Carlos is saying and support what you guys are saying. One thing isn’t exclusive of something else, we need financial support with the General Assembly as well as for the translations. I really think that if we lose the money from the translations, the quality or the quantity, we’re not complying with one of the outreach principles, and we’re never going to be able to help the people. Especially if they speak another language.

>>> Andrés Piazza: I agree with both of you, Carlos’ position regarding our MOU, logically since it’s the way that Carlos says it is. It can also be included, a reference that our last regional assembly by ICANN was in Puerto Rico, because the summit in 2009 – the last time that ICANN financed a General Assembly was in 2007. In the year 2007, during the fiscal year, which was exactly 3 years ago, and now it would be the fourth fiscal time of (in Spanish) because the last time was in Puerto Rico. 2008-2009; 2009-2010, and now it’s the fourth fiscal year, and the next time in Mexico, that was supposed to be different for all the regions, not ...

Fatima: I agree with what Carlos says, we can also refer to that.

>>> Andrés Piazza: Today we don’t think that this proposal is enough to have it every three years. And what Carlos is saying, I agree 100%. I would also add that the last meeting face to face that was financed by ICANN ; during the meeting that was four fiscal time periods ago, and to add another consideration regarding the lowering of the budget; I want someone to tell me because I wasn’t able to read the whole document, if – how is the at large budget in general?
>>> But I can say that since it was made – the budget for 2010 for operational cost was less than $56 million; and we think we’re going to spend more than $70 million for this year. That’s what I was – at the same time, they earned $62 million and they think they are going to get $75 million. For that reason, what I was seeing – I can’t see a reason so significant to reduce the budget.
>>> That should be restructured. On the other hand, they have to take into consideration that on these new provisions in 2011, in the whole fiscal year until July of 2011, they are not going to add any more money, and some other costs; there’s not going to be any more money added until next year. And so it’s not such a bad situation, their economic state; at least in small proportions and the expenses; so at large at least they should continue on with what they promised, that’s all, does somebody want to say something else?

Carlton Samuels: This is Carlton.

Andrés Piazza: Go ahead.

>>> Carlton Samuels: Given that members agree now that the budget situation is not favorable to LACRALO activities, can I suggest that I – that we do this approach? A) that LACRALO would develop a resolution recording its concerns about the budget, specifically the reduction in monies available for translation, specifically for the lack of budget to support certain outreach activities that we all agreed would be useful, specifically the lack of budget to support the General Assembly; and then put it to the list for endorsement and then send it on to ICANN, that’s the first thing.
>>> I would want us to be careful, at least to correct a statement that says that there was not a GA at the summit. There was, in fact, a General Assembly at the summit in Mexico City, and that gathering, although it took everybody from all the ALOs in the world to come to Mexico City, the fact it was sponsored, it was funded entirely by ICANN; so we should not say that ICANN has only funded one GA, they have in fact funded two. That’s just a fact.

>>> Dev Anand Teelucksingh: This is Dave. It’s three, if you think about it. The one in Mexico, the one in Puerto Rico, and the one in Brazil.

Carlton Samuels: Yes.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: So...

>>> Carlton Samuels: We just need to be clear on the facts. That does not reduce the concern for funding of GA’s in principle; we are agreed in principle that a face to face General Assembly is good for LACRALO’s business, and we believe that if we are there to advance ICANN’s business, it is in ICANN’s best interest to fund those things, and I think we should make that perfectly clear. That that is a regional position. There might be quibbles about what, but those are principles I believe we can all support, and I believe we should create a memorandum that lists these kinds of things as principles for which we expect ICANN in partnership to support. That’s ended.

Andrés Piazza: What I was saying about Mexico, because in fact –

Carlton Samuels: Who’s speaking?

>>> Andrés Piazza: What I was saying about Mexico, it was paid by ICANN, it was a different budget proposal, and it paid by the rest of the world; it doesn’t mean we aren’t grateful, it just means from the beginning at least take advantage of a meeting that ICANN –

Carlton Samuels: But I don’t think in terms of payment and support that you can make –

Female: (Spanish)

>>> Andrés Piazza: Okay, Carlton. Hold on. He’s talking. I can’t talk when you guys are talking at the same time. I’m not saying that they haven’t paid; I’m just saying it could be acceptable to just have one a year. If we could ask for what we originally asked for, but I think it would be acceptable if we can do it as a counter-proposal, one every five that ICANN does; that it’s – they also finance the General Assembly. It’s much better than having one every three years.

>>> Carlton Samuels: I’m not sure where that is going. We weren’t disputing a general – the rules say General Assembly at least once a year. At least once a year, so I’m saying that in principle we should say General Assembly, face to face, and we should ask for funding. That’s not in dispute.

>>> Andrés Piazza: Okay. Okay, we’re going to write a statement about this. Does anybody else want to say anything? Fatima? Yes, I agree. Let’s make a statement about everything we’ve been talking about. I thought there was something else that needed to be said. Carlos wants to talk. Carlos, go ahead.
>>> Thank you, Andreas. What I want to say is it’s impossible to keep up with this teleconference, I’m sorry. It’s horrible not to have simultaneous – one person talks on one side, then another person talks on the other side. The truth is that it’s very complicated and I’m only understanding half of it. Not that I’m not intelligent enough to understand. That’s all.

Carlton Samuels: I agree it’s very difficult.

>>> Andrés Piazza: It’s also hard for me. But we can keep on going, right? Because we’ve been able to do a little bit.

Carlton Samuels: Oh yes, we keep on keeping on. Yes.

>>> Andrés Piazza: Hold on. Does anybody else have anything to say? There’s something that is going to expire July 1 regarding transparency and – the 2nd, the 5th, and the 9th of July of RA we’re going to have LACRALO going to have a statement prepared and then the region – I imagine we’re going to be able to send them something before July 9th. I think we have to concentrate on sending the statement before June 25th. Does anybody else have something else to add? You can say it now. Regarding what happens in Brussels? Do you want to talk about that a little bit? Can you guys hear me?

Carlton Samuels: Yes, we can.

Andrés Piazza: Do you want to say something about that, or...

Carlton Samuels: What was the question?

Andrés Piazza: The activities that are pending for Brussels, if you want to talk about that.

>>> Carlton Samuels: Okay, well – there are two issues in Brussels. The AOC, the F Mission of Commitment of Requirements for the Review Teams. There will be an interim report from the two review teams that have gone in. There has been some, two other review teams are supposed to be set up, there’s a whiz review team, as well as a security and stability review team.
>>> The membership of the teams now in discussion, and I think they will come to a head in Brussels, so as members would know, that at large gets membership, a certain number of seats on these teams, and there’s always a proffer as to how many at large members will make up the team. That is open for discussions-- the two review teams that are coming up, that is the whiz and the security one. That’s coming up for discussion in Brussels. There are a lot of activities on the virtual integration cross-ownership working group, and this is coincidental with the release of the latest guidelines on new GTLD, the so-called Doc 4 which has been released.
>>> We suspect that there’s going to be a lot of traction in Brussels on Doc 4 and the very vexing issue of vertical integration and cross-ownership. As it is at the moment, they are both 3 or 4 proposals that are on the table regarding vertical integration and cross-ownership. I won’t go into the details of them, there’s an analysis that is listed on the websites; if you go to the websites you will see what they are saying. Unfortunately, it is all in English; again this is where I think our colleagues and friends that are native Spanish speakers are disadvantaged because they can’t follow the discussions that have generated these proposals, and it is a disadvantage for you, because sometimes it’s best for you to know how these proposals come into being before you see them as is now, so you have a sense of how they came in and what were the reasoning behind them.
>>> I think you get a better sense of how these things develop if you can follow it from the start. Suffice to say that your views on these proposals will have a lot to do with the new revisions and the rules that will eventually determine new applications for the new GTLE’s and how these will be assessed. I think members ought to understand that we have some interest there; quite frankly I have been following them and I am still very much challenged to figure out what the user interest is in some of these proposals, but I mean, that’s just me from a personal, and I have trouble getting a perspective on these things.
>>> I am still waiting to be persuaded that some of them actually is protecting a user interest. I am not so sure, but those things are available for you to look at, again I say you are going to be disadvantaged because the documents are primarily in English, and again it appears understanding how lack of translation even at the work group level, affects your interest. I’m done.

>>> Andrés Piazza: Did you finish? Thank you very much. I agree very much with some of the things you just said, and I want to add one small thing. That we cannot express ourselves in English, it is not our first language, when the whole discussion is not translated. To read all those emails to find out words where a certain decision or proposal came from; it’s more difficult when it’s not your native language. Even more if you can do it, and it makes it difficult. Not impossible, but more difficult to participate.
>>> I just wanted to add that to support your argument. And something more regarding operational things that are smaller, regarding in Brussels, has to do with the agenda on Sunday; something happens in the ICANN meetings and at large and how we work in our free time here. It can end up being to an advantage that the date that we have the most activities is the first day; we get there Saturday, and then Sunday we have a complete day.
>>> And on the other side, LACRALO isn’t going to have their meeting, their monthly meeting. The meetings of the secretariat, it’s going to travel on the , let me see- I don’t know what day it is right now; I’m sorry. Here it is. On Sunday it’s a complete day, 9 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon. On Monday, we have RAA also, like from 3 in the afternoon. It’s in Latin American time, and on Tuesday we have another one, with Pralo, to talk about the policy of LS in two parts.
>>> That works out for the secretariat; we talk about policy at large, and that will be on Tuesday? Then we can’t go to the other meetings, because we’re going to be at this one, and the one; original secretariats is on June 23 at 9 o’clock in the morning, and we’re going to have a meeting with the board at lunch, we’re going to have lunch with them on Wednesday; there’s a meeting with the registers on Wednesday, it’s an interesting one at 3 in the afternoon on Sunday, on Thursday with secretariat most of the day also.
>>> The meeting Kevin Wilson that he talked about – the meeting with Kevin Wilson is regarding the budget of ICANN is June 25; it’s a Friday, at 2 in the afternoon. That is, the executive committee is going to do that meeting. And I just wanted to talk about really important things that could come out from the meeting in Brussels that could be interesting for LACRALO, and also people on different committees. The different contingencies for there are some things that are important to talk about. Does anybody else want to say anything?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Oh, actually this is Dave.

Andrés Piazza: Go ahead, Dave.

>>> Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Just to mention that we are expecting some at large will be speaking at the fellowship meeting at the fellowship morning meeting on Friday so hopefully
>>> There will be a chance of outreach. I haven’t really look at the fellowship schedule to see if there is anybody from the Latin American and Caribbean region, but hopefully we will have a chance to meet with such individuals there. That’s all.

>>> Carlton Samuels: By the way, this is Carlton. You might want to recall that some tools will be introduced, and there is supposed to be a briefing on the new tools.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: That’s right.

>>> Andrés Piazza: Carlton, they want to say something. Hold on a minute, okay? The meeting with Kevin Wilson is from Excom? Or with the regional dealers?

Carlton Samuels: No. It’s an at large meeting.

Andrés Piazza: Okay. Carlton, do you want to keep on saying something?

>>> Carlton Samuels: No, I was saying that members should take note that they are introducing a new tool to us, to the at large and there’s a briefing that was announced and maybe it may be of some interest to attend the briefing. I’m done.

>>> Andrés Piazza: He didn’t understand the word ‘tool’ that I used, and he said now he understands what you are talking about. I’m just going to agree with what you said, regarding the special text, it’s going to be substituted with another tool, and there are going to be instructional meetings so we can be trained how to use them. We’re going to have a lot of participation because it’s going to improve whatever they do in the social text. It’ll be better for our participation. I’ll also remember that’s something that’s important. Sylvia wants to speak.

>>> Sylvia Leite: I want to mention to you guys that Ben and myself have been invited to participate in a breakfast on the 25th, Friday morning; with the fellowship program so we can talk about each one of our regions. They’ve asked that we bring pamphlets of our regions, so I will bring it in Portuguese and someone else is going to bring some in English, and also someone else is going to bring some. It’s going to be very important because we know that the fellowship program also brings important people to ICANN and they contribute a lot to what we are doing, so it’s going to be very important to have their participation in LACRALO represented there.

>>> Andrés Piazza: Okay Sylvia, that’s great. I hope you guys will tell us about it later. Of course, we will. I have the pamphlets in Spanish, but – because the fellowship is not that many, only 20 or 30, that’s all. In the Spanish there must be very little. I just know one person is going to go from our region; probably no one will speak Spanish. I don’t know if they’ll have any, we can see the list.
>>> Okay, let’s keep on going. It would be good that every region is going to give a presentation; a slide presentation. We think it is between five and six minutes for each one of us; and Deb, who is the president of the sub-committee is in charge of analyzing the results, is going to do a global presentation about the five regions and what happened. That’s going to be on Sunday. That’s all. I’m sure when they do that presentation there will be information in Spanish, too.
>>> I don’t see James (inaudible 0:59:17). It would be good if we could ask them if we could get some information, especially around the – from the board. We talked about that for a while, because it came out from the public; with Kenny Wilson. Shel? I didn’t see Shel there. No. Okay. Point #10 let’s talk about. Does anybody want to say something else before?

Carlton Samuels: (Inaudible 1:00:43)

>>> Andrés Piazza: Did we talk about the initiative I commissioned, in General Assembly afterwards? The modification of the operating – Yes, we did agree that we were going to. We asked Deb to send us an email of all the people who had previously signed up to work in this working group, and we said it would be interesting to start working, and we proposed all the systems if they want to change. We’re going to talk about this again.

Carlton Samuels: Indeed.

>>> Andrés Piazza: And this working group, who volunteered to work, that they should start working – I imagine we will do it after we come back from Brussels, when we get to Cartagena we will see some details we need to work on, but we will mostly work online. That would be good. Those who are in Brussels, we can dedicate 5 minutes of this during a break to talk about this whole system and to take care of it again.
>>> Even though I have a lot of work, I’ve promised to send an email with a list to see that they are very active, to see where we’re at, at least. To see what types of things we’ve advance in, in Brussels. So we can just go forward, and not repeat things we’ve already done. Does anybody else want to say something about this?
>>> It may be important to form another group of everyone who wants to work in this group, like through Skype, so everyone can talk together. Yeah, I agree. Okay. Anybody else? I also agree with what Sylvia says. I don’t have anything to talk about on the agenda. I don’t know if anybody else wants to talk about anything else. I would like to talk about what I’ve put down here. Sherry asked us, the leaders of the regions, that we should give an initiative so that people will participate, so we can show the participation and the interest that they have in ICANN and their subject matters, so we can advise them so that there will be a remote participation. That is important.
>>> It’s very softly, but Sylvia is talking about our interest, in the outreach; it would be very important for us to keep on the survey and all this that we’re doing to make sure that these people are active and talk about that again. There are people in our region who are still talking about this who covered that. Latin America, the Caribbean region, it would also be important to keep on with our outreach and have people; other people who are also represented.
>>> I’m telling you this because I just got an email while I was on this teleconference with an organization that wants to participate from Paraguay. What I’m going to respond to them is that they didn’t know; I have to tell them that the application sent to task, and how the whole process works, and they have to vote.
>>> I got the email and I thought it was interesting to talk about it; not only Paraguay, but there are other countries that are not represented and it would be important to move ahead to have associations in those countries. Well, I have nothing else to say on my part. I don’t know if any one of you guys has anything else to say.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: This is Dave.

>>> Andrés Piazza: Go ahead. Go ahead, do you want to say something, because he’s saying goodbye.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Oh, he’s finished?

>>> Andrés Piazza: Well, he said if you have nothing else to say, he was saying goodbye, but you started talking at the same time, so do you want to say something?

>>> Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, I do. Just one quick thing, there’s a public comments process on – a survey, I should say – regarding meetings for the next decade, it’s available in English and Spanish, and it’s asking questions regarding the meetings...

>>> Andrés Piazza: Hold on one second. I’m sorry, hold on one second. Who is this? They want to know who is speaking.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: This is Dave.

Andrés Piazza: Okay, hold on. Go ahead.

>>> Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I was saying there is a survey that calls meetings for the next decade, it’s a big post survey, similar to how we filled out the ELS survey, and it’s in English and in Spanish, and it talks about – questions it’s asking relate to what meetings do you attend, how often, what parts of the meetings are important to you, and also things like documents, when documents should be released for these meetings, and so on. And so it should be, it would be in our interest at least, to fill out that survey. And that’s it.

>>> Andrés Piazza: Okay, thank you. Anybody else? I wish you guys have a great weekend, well after tomorrow anyway, and those people who are going to be in Brussels, I hope to see you next week, and those who are from a country that are going to compete in the World Cup, wish them lots of luck.The meeting is adjourned at this time, so it doesn’t matter. Thank you to everybody, goodbye.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Goodbye.

Carlton Samuels: Goodbye.

-End of recorded material-