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DRAFT AGENDA Friday 30 March 2012


Standing Agenda Items

1.  Roll call and apologies – Staff (2 min)

2.  Review of AIs from At-Large, ALAC and Executive Committee meetings during ICANN's 43rd Meeting - Olivier (40 min)

Items for Discussion/Decision

3.  Policy

  • Participants: Olivier Crépin-Leblond,  Evan Leibovitch, Tijani Ben Jemaa,  Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Alan Greenberg, Carlton Samuels
  • Apologies: 
  • Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, and Gisella Gruber
  • Summary Notes and Action Items:

1.  Roll call and apologies 
2.  Review of AIs from Executive Committee meeting of ALAC meeting of 24 January 2012 and ExCom Meeting of 26 January 2012
-The various AIs were reviewed and updated as necessary
3.  Policy Advice Development Calendar -- Tijani, Olivier (20 30 min)
-The various status of the Public Comments were discussed and confirmed. 
- The status of each Statement can be found here -
4. Discussion of whether the ALAC should add the topics suggested by Evan to the ALAC Board meeting agenda (10 min)
a. Red Cros/Olympics: Alan Greenberg gave an update on this topic. It was decided, after discussion amongst the ExCom, that the topic would not be on the official ICANN Board-ALAC Agenda.
b. Scope out the Board's taste for an Internet Users' Bill of Rights embedded into ICANN practise. (including its contracts such as RAAs going forward) 
- OCL: We should build something up so we can ask this question in Prague.
5. Discussion of what Subjects to ask Steve Crocker to Raise (5 min)

6. Discussion of what Subjects the ALAC Chair should take to the CEO-SO/AC Chairs meeting (10 min)

7. Discussion on what subjects the ALAC Chair should take to the proposed meeting with the Board Chair (5 min)
"Various topics were discussed. OCL presented teh following questions:

See:  ICANN Public Comment page

     See At-Large Policy Development Page

a. Recently approved ALAC Statements:

i. ALAC Statement on the WHOIS Policy Review Team Draft Report Workspace

ii. ALAC Statement on the Reservation of Olympic and Red Cross Names in the gTLD Application Procedure

b. Statements currently being drafted or reviewed by the ALAC

i. ICANN Board Conflicts of Interest Review - Revised Conflicts of Interest Policy and Related Governance Documents - Deadline: 2 April 2012

ii. Draft Advice Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and Competition - Deadline: extended to 17 April 2012

iii. Security, Stability & Resiliency of DNS Review - 8 April 2012

iv: Fake Renewal Notices Report - Deadline: 20 April 2012 - Alan Greenberg is preparing a draft statement

c. Current open policy forums that the ALAC/ExCom have yet to decide whether to prepare statements:

a. Global Policy Proposal Recovered IPv4 Address Space - 4 April 2012

b. Review of the ASO - 6 April 2012

c. .com Registry Agreement Renewal - Deadline: 17 May 2012

4. ICANN Academy - Next Steps - Olivier (10 mins)

OCL: We need a call for the curriculum committee 

TBJ: We should invite the other SOs and ACs to work on this as well. 

5. ICANN Academy and its benefit to get ICANN volunteers to work smarter.- How is ICANN changing, given the new Board Chair and CEO changes?- Now that the big challenge of getting the gTLD program on track is out of the way, what are ICANN's next big challenges? What are the ICANN Chair's priorities going to be now?- Following up on the Applicant Support Program -- what are its outcomes?- Talking about accountability & transparency is not enough. How will the ICANN Chair instil the multi-stakeholder model and more openness into ICANN's processes?- Opening the door to work on user rights (an expansion of "consumer choice") would be welcome too, bearing in mind the ALAC has an issue with the Board's definition of "consumer" since our community strives to bring the voice of the end user into ICANN, whether they are consumers or non consumers of domain names; they are Internet users."
OCL: We don't want to appear to have just 
Conflict of Interests Statement was discussed. 
8. San Jose, Costa Rica - Agenda Development (5 min) - Olivier
9. Review of the 28 February ALAC Meeting (10 min)
10. Any other Business -- Olivier (5 min)
-Current ALS application were disucssed, particularly those where the regional advice was to NOT accredit the applicant. 

TBJ: TBJ: I would like to suggest the FBSC take into account a spreadsheeet I madeon priorities. If OCL will call for a meeting