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Board authorizes CEO and COO to finalize a lease for office space in Southern California.


Whereas, ICANN's current lease in Marina del Rey expires 30 June 2012.

Whereas, ICANN's primary operations and staff are located in the greater Los Angeles area.

Whereas, current and future office space needs for primary operations will be at least 27,000 square feet.

Whereas, ICANN has an organizational benefit being located in and about a primary technology center.


Wiki Markup
 (2011.09.17.03), the ICANN Board authorizes the CEO and COO to negotiate for and finalize a lease for office space in Southern California \[REDACTED\]

Resolved (2011.09.17.04), the Board approves the redaction of the details of the Resolution 2011.09.17.04 and corresponding rationale pending completion of negotiations.

Implementation Actions

  •   Negotiate and finalize office space in Brussels.
    •  Responsible entity: CEO and COO
    •  Due date: None provided
    •  Completion date: 2011


ICANN's lease for office space in Marina del Rey is expiring 30 June 2012. In addition to the expiration of the lease, the amount of space ICANN has been leasing is insufficient to meet anticipated future needs, particularly with the launch of the New gTLD program.

Wiki Markup
{_}Alternatives considered included purchasing a building, leasing additional space (if available) in the current location, and leasing space in an alternative location. \[REDACTED\]_

This Board action should not have any impact on accountability and transparency or any effect on the public, except that ICANN staff members should have more and sufficient space within which to perform their duties in furtherance of the public interest. There will not be any significant variance to pre-planned expenditures. Annual expenses for any new lease will be included in future annual budgets and reported in future annual financial reports. This Board action will have no impact on security, stability or resiliency of the domain name system.

Other Related Resolutions

  •  Other resolutions TBD.

Additional Information

  •  The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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