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What is it about: The Council has considered motions on this recently; no agreement has been found. As the original request to work on a set of recommendations on a global GNSO outreach program came from the ICANN Board, the Council leadership feels an answer should be provided.

*Background information:*As part of the GNSO improvements, the Operations Steering Committee (OSC) sent to Council recommendations for a Global Outreach Program and Outreach Task Force (OTF). The OTF Drafting Team presented a draft charter to the GNSO council for approval. This motion as well as an alternative one have been defeated.


14:30 - 15:00 - Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part C (IRTPC) Update

*What is it about:* The Co-Chairs of the IRTP Part C Policy Development Process Working Group will provide the GNSO Council with a status update with regard to the activities of the WG in addressing the following charter questions:
a) "Change of Control" function, including an investigation of how this function is currently achieved, if there are any applicable models in the country-code name space that can be used as a best practice for the gTLD space, and any associated security concerns
b) Whether provisions on time-limiting Form Of Authorization (FOA)s should be implemented to avoid fraudulent transfers out.
c) Whether the process could be streamlined by a requirement that registries use IANA IDs for registrars rather than proprietary IDs.
In addition, the Co-Chairs would welcome any input or feedback the GNSO Council might have for the WG in relation to the charter questions and its proposed approach for tackling these.

*Background information:* The Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) is a consensus policy adopted in 2004 to provide a straightforward procedure for domain name holders to transfer domain names between registrars. An overall review of this policy identified areas that require clarification or improvement. Because the initial review identified a wide range of issues related to transferring domain names, the issues have been categorized into subsets. At its meeting of 22 September 2011, the GNSO Council passed a resolution chartering a Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group (WG) to address the topic of Inter-Registrar Transfer Policies (IRTP) Part C. This Working Group tackles the issues referred to as “Part C”.


15:30 - 15:30 - Status of implementation of  IRTP Part B & PEDNR recommendations

*What is it about:* The GNSO Council’s recommendations on Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery were adopted by the ICANN Board at the ICANN meeting in Dakar (see The GNSO Council’s recommendations on IRTP Part B were adopted by the ICANN Board in August 2011 (see ICANN Staff will provide an update on the status of implementation with regards to both sets of recommendations.
The GNSO Council’s Policy Recommendations on Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery (PEDNR) aim in part to create predictability and reduce registrant confusion about renewal and redemption of domain names.


16:00 - 16:30 - Cross Community Working Group: status and next steps


What is it about:


As ICANN policy work is increasing where close co-operation between different SOs/ACs is apparently needed a working model for such “Cross Community Working Groups” is to be established.

Background information: In the past several “Cross Community Working Groups” have already been established - e.g. JIG (Joint ccNSO/GNSO Internationalized Domain Working Group), JAS (Joint Applicant Support), VI (Vertical Integration). Chartering of such Working Groups as well as evaluating of their results is critical. On Oct 6, 2011, a motion to create a GNSO Drafting Team on Cross Community Working Groups (CCWG) was adopted. This team is responsible for developing a proposed framework under which working groups jointly chartered by other ICANN Supporting Organizations (SO) and Advisory Committees (AC) along with the GNSO can effectively function and produce meaningful and timely reports and recommendations on topics that are of interest of such SO/ACs.


17:00 - 17:30 - Geographic Regions Review WG Final Report

*What is it about:* Staff summary of Working Group status and review of current recommendations. Final Report may be close to completion by this time.  Opportunity for GNSO dialogue and discussion of potential comments on WG recommendations.
