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JIG -- Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group


MOTION RE: Outreach and Participation Initiatives

Made by: John Berard 
Seconded by: ______

Whereas, GNSO Constituencies/SGs, ALAC, the Board Public Participation Committee, and ICANN senior staff are engaged in or considering approaches for outreach and participation and which should be taken into account in development of Outreach and Participation initiatives that are funded by ICANN and in support of the GNSO Constituencies/SGs and ALAC and other ICANN entities, including the GAC.

 Whereas, significant changes within ICANN have taken place since the original creation of the proposal that the GNSO create a Global Outreach Program, including new ICANN staff proposals that are driven by the AoC, various activities by ALAC, activities and outreach proposals developed by Constituencies/SGs of the GNSO, and the GAC

Whereas, ICANN has a Fellowship program underway which is part of an overall ICANN supported initiative of outreach and participation,

Whereas, participation and outreach for involvement in ICANN extends beyond the GNSO, requiring the leadership and involvement of all SOs/SGS and ACs,

Whereas,  it is important that decisions by the GNSO Council, and the GNSO constituencies/SGs be fact-based,

Be it resolved,

 The council thanks the chair and members of the OTF for their work, and notes with appreciation the staff support to the development of the DRAFT charter for a proposed Outreach Task Force

The Council notes that the support by ICANN staff will be useful background materials to inform the outreach and participation initiatives of the GNSO, ALAC, and other groups at ICANN,

ICANN staff are therefore asked to gather, compile, summarize and present information about ICANN’s existing materials and activities, including inviting input from the groups in the SOs/SGs/ACs regarding present or proposed activities in support of Outreach and Participation, including proposals for ICANN budget/operating plan support.

The GNSO Council hereby resolves to postpone any further discussion and consideration of the role and involvement of the GNSO Council in Outreach and Participation until receipt of the ICANN staff report on such activities by the GNSO’s Constituencies/SGs; ALAC, CCNSO, GAC, and members of the Board Public Participation Committee.