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On 30 November 2020, the ICANN Board approved recommendation 3.5 issued by the Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3), directing ICANN org to initiate the first Holistic Review as a pilot, “subject to prioritization and available resources” and “pursuant to community-agreed Terms of Reference and relevant elements of the Operating Standards for Specific Reviews.”

The purpose of this review is to:

a) define the inter-dependencies between future Holistic Reviews and other Specific and Organizational Reviews or Continuous Improvement Programs (CIP), and ongoing work streams,

b) address, based upon community input, methods for future Holistic Reviews including the make-up of the review teams and their role,

c) define the roles of the community structures, the Board and ICANN org, and whether, and if so how, external parties should be involved,

d) consider what Bylaws amendments may be necessary to ensure that future Holistic Reviews can be conducted in accordance with the Third Transparency and Accountability Review Team (ATRT3) recommendations and the findings of this review.


A Pilot Holistic Review Terms of Reference Development Team was formed to work collaboratively to develop the Terms of Reference for the Holistic Review Pilot. The team includes a subset of former ATRT3 members, of the Organizational Effectiveness Committee of the Board, facilitated by ICANN org.

The revised version of the ToR, developed by the PHR ToR Development Team, was published for public comment. Report is due on 20 December, 2023.



ICANN79 Prep Week
  • Join us Click here for Reviews updates during ICANN79 prep week, held on Thursday 22 February , for updates2024.

Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference
The ICANN Board sought the community's input on the proposed Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference (read cover note), report is due on 20 December 2023. See public comment proceeding here.

Pilot Holistic Review - Revised Draft Terms of Reference Webinar 
21 August 2023 - The Pilot Holistic Review Terms of Reference Development Team held a webinar to present the revised Draft Terms of Reference and present how the questions and issues raised during the proceeding were addressed. See recording here.

ToR Development Team Reconvened
March 2023 - An analysis of the public commentsrevealed diverging community views on the pilot and Holistic Review. The Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC) reconvened the ToR Development Team to address the questions and issues raised during the proceeding.

First Pilot Holistic Review Draft Terms of Reference Published for Public Comment
30 August 2022 - The ToR Development Team completed its work in June 2022 and a Public Comment proceeding on Pilot Holistic Review Draft ToR opened on 30 August 2022, running through 10 November 2022. The proceeding sought input on whether the Draft ToR seemed fit for purpose and if it was tailored to the community’s expectations based upon ATRT3 recommendation 3.5.

Terms of Reference (ToR) Development Team convened
March 2022 - A Terms of Reference (ToR) Development Team, consisting of ATRT3 Shepherds, former ATRT3 members, and members of the ICANN Board, was assembled to draft the ToR with ICANN organization’s (ICANN org) facilitation. The team worked collaboratively for four months to draft a ToR that addressed the information gaps identified by the ICANN Board and was in-line with the ATRT3’s vision for the Holistic Review.

ICANN is preparing to launch the Pilot Holistic Review
22 April 2022 - Subject to prioritization and available resources, the Board directed ICANN org to initiate the first Holistic Review as a pilot to be operated pursuant to community-agreed upon Terms of Reference (TOR) and relevant elements of the Operating Standards for Specific Reviews. The OEC discussed how to progress the pilot Holistic Review in a timely manner during their November and December 2021 meetings Read more here.