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Upcoming EURALO Regional Events

IGF Vilnius/Lithuania 2010  and GA of EURALO

14 - 17 September 2010


Name of Person Attending

ALS Representating

Dates/Times Available to Participate in EURALO Outreach Event(s)


Wolf Ludwig



Olivier Crepin-Léblond



Sébastien Bachollet



Annette Muehlberg



and other EURALO members


Wikimania 2010

09 - 11 July 2010

Gdansk, Poland


Name of Person Attending

ALS Representating

Dates/Times Available to Participate in EURALO Outreach Event(s)


Wolf Ludwig






For the second time, EURALO is involved in organising the 2nd European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) in Geneva. EuroDIG is a regional platform for stakeholders (governments, business, civil society) to discuss relevant Internet Governance issues from a specific European angle in regard of the next Internet Governance Forum (IGF) which is convened in late autum in Egypt this year. Broad participation from European civil society groups (among others) is welcome! For more information see Removed and Removed

Name of Person Attending

ALS Representating

Dates/Times Available to Participate in EURALO Outreach Event(s)

Wolf Ludwig


present all the time from 13 - 16 Sept.

Annette Mühlberg

Netzwerk Neue Medien (NNM)


Sébastien Bachollet

ISOC France


Olivier M.J. Crépin-Leblond



Max Senges

Committe for a Democratic UN


William Drake




This Workshop offers another face-to-face opportunity - after the Internet User Summit organised by ALAC at the ICANN public meeting in spring 09 in Mexico-City - for the working group on Internet Rights and Principles to develop a common understanding and to continue the drafting of a Charta. It's organised in conjunction with the 2nd EuroDIG and an intermediate step to the next IGF in Egypt. For more information see Removed and
