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ALAC Top 10 Issues

Policies and Procedures


* 16 September 


- At-Large JAS WG Final Report Workspace - Adopted


* 07 September 


 Revisions to Conflicts of Interest Policy and Bylaws to Allow Board to Consider Compensation for Director Services -- Adopted


* 07 September 2011 -- Phase II of Public Comments Process Enhancements  - Adopted


* 02 September 2011 -- ALAC Statement on the Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery Recommendations for ICANN Board Consideration - Adopted


* 22 August 2011 - Comments for the Strategic Plan 2012-2015 


* 08 August 2011 -- ALAC Statement on the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Part B Policy Development Process (PDP) Recommendations for Board Consideration -- No Statement


* 03 August 2011


- ALAC Statement on the  WHOIS Policy Review Team  Discussion Paper - Adopted


* 30 July 2011 -- GAC/ALAC Statement on Applicant Support -




* 22 July 2011 -- ICANN's statements in response to the IANA Further Notice of Inquiry (FNOI) -- Adopted


* 03 July 2011


- ALAC Statement on WHOIS Policy Review Team – Discussion Paper -- Adopted


* 02 July 2011 -- ALAC Statement on the Preliminary Issue Report on the Current State of the UDRP -




* 02 July 2011 -- ALAC Statement on Communication Plan to Raise Global Awareness of New gTLDs -- Not completed or submitted


* 13 June 2011 -- Statement on Pre-Registration (NARALO) -


Not completed or submitted


* 04 June 2011 -- ALAC Statement on the Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget -- Adopted


* 23 May 2011 --  ALAC Statement on Proposed ICANN Process for Handling Requests for Removal of Cross-Ownership Restrictions for Existing gTLDs - No Statement


* 19 May 2011


- ALAC Statement on the Academia Representation on NomCom - Adopted 


* 19 May 2011


- ALAC Statement on the eG8 Forum - Adopted 


* 11 May 2011 -


 ALAC Statement on Proposal for Renewal of the .NET Registry Agreement - Adopted


* 07 May 2011 -


 ALAC comments on JAS WG's Second Milestone Report - Comments accepted through 09 May at 22:59 UTC.


* 26 April 2011 -- Brief ALAC Statement on the Applicant Guidebook.


* 21 April 2011 -


 Proposed ALAC Statement to the ICANN Board on the RAA Negotiations


* 11 April 2011 -


 ALAC Statement on Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery Working Group Proposed Final Report - Comments accepted through 22 April at 23:59 UTC.


* 04 April 2011 -- ALAC Statement on the Proposed Framework for the FY12 Operating Plan and Budget -  Adopted


* 30 March 2011 -- ALAC Statement on the Whois Review Team - Adopted


* 30 March 2011


- ALAC Statement on the Draft Proposal for the Study of Issues Related to the Delegation of IDN Variant TLDs -- Adopted


* 29 March 2011


- ALAC Statement on the Stability, Security, and Resilience of the DNS Review Team (SSR-Team) - Adopted


* 29 March 2011 -


 ALAC Statement on the Proposed Recommendation for a Global Outreach Program - Draft - ALAC currently voting on statement


* 28 March 2011 -


 ALAC Statement on the Inter-Register Transfer Policy Part B WG Proposed Final Report - Adopted


* 24 March 2011 -- At-Large Workspace on the New GNSO Policy Development Process; ALAC Statement on Proposed PDP Policy - Draft - Adopted


* 18 March 2011 -


 Draft Response to 2011 GAC gTLD Scorecard - Adopted


* 17 March 2011 -- ALAC Comments on NTIA NOI - Adopted


* 02 March 2011 -- Revised ALAC JAS Charter - Adopted


* 01 March 2011 -


 ALAC Statement on Interim Report of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group - Adopted


* 27 February 2011 -


 ALAC Comment on Draft Process for Recognition of New GNSO Constituencies - Adopted


* 17 February 2011 -


 GAC-Board Meeting - Organization of Meeting and ALAC positions


* 15 February 2011


- ALAC Statement on GNSO WG Guidelines - Adopted


* 26 January 2011 -


 ALAC Statement on Interim Report of Geographic Regions WG - Adopted


* 26 January 2011 -


 ALAC Statement on ATRT Final Recommendations - Adopted


* 23 November 2010


- Draft ALAC Statement on Draft Final Applicant Guidebook


* 17 November 2010 -- ICANN Strategic Development Planning