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Historical Information

The ALAC Liaison positions, and those currently occupying them, are listed below.

 GNSO liaison – Currently held by Alan Greenberg (see: Added)
   ccNSO – Currently held by Cheryl Langdon-Orr (see: Added and Added)
   SSAC – Patrick Vande Walle ( Added)
   IDN Policy – Currently held by James Seng (see: Added)
   NCSG – Currently held by Beau Brendler
   dotMOBI – Currently held by Andres Piazza


Election Schedule

  • 11 October 2011 - Election Call  (to be sent to lists.)
  • 24 October 2011 -  Deadline for Liaison Nominations (to be sent to lists.)
  • 27 October 2011 - Chair to post to the public ALAC list an “election summary” message (sent to lists).
  • 27 October 2011 - Nominations are discussed.
  • 28 October 2011 - Deadline for Nominees to Accept their Nomination (sent to lists and or as notified and recorded on the relevant Election Pages of the At-Large Wiki.)
  • 31 October – 4 November 2011 - Election of ALAC Liaisons – if elections are required, they will be held 31 October through 4 November. Where only one nomination is received for any Liaison position, the nominee will be confirmed in that role on October 28th.
  • 4 November 2011 - Election Results announced and any unconfirmed Liaisons begin in their roles.


    • 5.1 There is no requirement for a Liaison to be a member of the At-Large Advisory Committee;
    • 5.2 A conflict of interest statement must be filed; 
    • 5.3 A person may not serve two different liaison positions at the same time in;  
    • 5.4 All liaisons can be removed before the end of their term by a vote of recall according to rule 11; 
    • 5.5 All liaisons have a duty of performing their roles with diligence and loyalty to the Committee, and are bound to meet the minimum participation requirements set forth in Rule 21. In case of failure to do so, the Chair shall call a vote of recall. 
    • The mission and responsibilities of each Liaison of the ALAC are:** 5.7 To participate diligently in the meetings and activities of the body he/she is liaison to; 
    • 5.8 To communicate and advocate the positions of the ALAC to such body; 
    • 5.9 To report to the ALAC the current and upcoming activities of the body he/she is liaison to, as far as this is possible under the timing and confidentiality constraints of such body; 
    • 5. 10 When this is possible under such constraints, ask to the ALAC for advance instructions on matters that are going to be discussed by such body.  


Privileges of Liaisons 

    • 6.1 All liaisons have the same rights of access to information, mailing lists and documents as the ordinary ALAC members.* 
