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This page is for you to publish your reports of the meetings you attended during the first day of the ICANN Sydney meeting. Please log in with your email address and password ad use the "edit" button to add your report.

Reports from other days:

Sunday, 22 June Tuesday, 23 June Wednesday, 24 June Thursday, 25 June Friday, 26 June

Registration Abuses Policies

Time: 07:30 - 08:30
Location: Stateroom (L2)
Author: Evan Leibovitch

Given that this was a GNSO meeting, it was surprising that there was not a single NCUC representative. The meeting appeared dominated by Registrars and IP lawyers. This drove a clear bias on issues such as the definition of "abuse" (to some participants the only abuse that matters is abuse to trade mark holders). The concept that hoarding and speculation of domain names (that don't infringe trademarks) could be seen as abuse, was seen by some in the room as preposterous. Engagement on the issue (by me, along with Rudi and Beau who were also there) brought swift and relentless pushback. In retrospect, not much was actually done because there is no agreement on what constitutes "abuse". The main pushback is that park and click-per-view pages are not abuse, they're legitimate use that "some" don't happen to like. We agreed to disagree and I'm not sure to what level this fundamental different of definitions of abuse are resolvable.

New gTLD Program Updates

Time: 11:00 - 12:30
Location: Ballroom A and B (L3)
At-Large Delegate: Chung Lao

.preI attended the New gTLD Update. Kurt Pritz led the session. My intervention towards the end was as below:

>>SIVASUBRAMANIAN MUTHUSAMY: Yeah, I'm Sivasubramanian Muthusamy from
ALAC. My question is at the moment, most of the gTLDs are concentrated
– the applicants for most of the gTLD registries are concentrated in a
certain geographic region. With 4- or 500 new gTLDs coming up, do you
think there will be a geographic distribution of registries?


Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
IDN liasion
.pre |

ALAC and Secretariats: Planning and Resource Allocation



^^ Economic Issues Re: Vertical Separation of Registries & Registrars

Time: 13:00 - 15:30
Location: Ballroom A (L3)
At-Large Delegates: Didier, CLO, Carlos, Rudi

Please write your report here

Joint SO/AC Public Meeting

Time: 14:00 - 15:30
Location: Ballroom B (L3)

I attended the Joint SO/AC Public Meeting and the session summary is to be jointly posted by the ALAC participants. My participation at this meeting is as posted below:
>>SIVASUBRAMANIAN MUTHUSAMY: I'm Sivasubramanian Muthusamy from ALAC.
I'm a participant in the ICANN process for the last one year, and I'm
very, very impressed with ICANN. It is an unusual organization. You
know, all this talk about frustration and what is missing, we fail to
take a moment to stop and admire what is extraordinary and great about
this organization, and it happens to be an organization that is
political, but has to deal with the national and business politics. It
is a nonprofit body, but it has to deal with profit interests, and the
challenges are unusual.

And it's not a small business or a small-time NCO, but a corporation
that is founded to manage critical Internet resources for the next


.pre |

Cities & Cultural TLDs: New Initiatives Content; New Communication Channels

Time: 13:30 - 15:30
Location: Function 3 (L2)
At-Large Delegates: Evan, Adam, Dessi, Pavan
Author: Evan Leibovitch

The meeting was designed to announce and present an initiative called Step-by-Step, a joint action by proponents of most location- and culturally-based gTLD (lcTLDs) applications. Their hope, through united action, is to move the Board to create a simplified and expedited TLD approval process for cultural applications that don't receive any first-found objections.
I was somewhat annoyed that the third (and longest) presentation was a blatant promotion for the IRTwith no mention of the lcTLDs, presented by IRT member Nick Wood (I think that was the last name, not sure). Much of the following Q&A was also related to trademarks. I got the distinct feeling based on the conversaation that the lcTLD people are so desperate to get their applications processed that they're prepared to hold their noses and go along with the IRT proposals. Many of them feel they won't be affected by the consequences of the IRT.

Workshop: Operating Plan

Time: 16:00 - 17:00
Location: Function 5-6 (L2)
Author: Darlene Thompson


  • Once the reserve fund (of one year’s expenses) is fully funded (will happen in the next year or two) then they can reduce revenues.
  • A new reporting view is the Expense area group (EAG) reporting view and it is how community members and interest areas can analyze ICANN’s spending. The EAG will allow ALAC to see the expenses directly attributed to it, including those staff that deal directly with ALAC (direct costs) but not those indirect costs such as Finance and such.
  • They are going to be looking at how to reduce their meeting cost. Core meeting costs cost about $1M per meeting and travel support is another $1M per meeting so it costs about $6M/year for meetings. This is why they will be looking at how to reduce these costs. |

IDN ccTLD Fast-Track Process

Time: 17:00 - 18:30
Location: Ballroom B (L3)

The Status Report at the session covered process for requesting an IDN ccTLD, proposed details about Documentation of Responsibility, IDN cost and cost recovery and the proposed details around IDN tables and management of IDN TLD variants.
Tina Dam went though the status of ccTLD fast track process. She talked about the
3rd revision of the Fast Track Plan which the main changes and said the main changes
since the last revision have to do with operational and administrative elements.
On the process post-submission of a request to ICANN, she outline four steps:


Intervention at the IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process session:

Wiki Markup

>> SIVASUBRAMANIAN MUTHUSAMY:  I'm Sivasubramanian Muthusamy.  I am

the IDN liaison from ALAC and asking a question in my unusual \[transcription error,

something missing here\] capacity. I will ask the question first and then go to ALAC

and then ask them if my question is okay.

Kurt was talking about cost accounting model which 1 to 3% of the
revenues of the registry or ccTLDs shared with ICANN to recover the
costs, and if you take a country like India, for example, our country
is very enthusiastic about IDNs and in all probability the government
of India, an agency of the government of India should be responsible
for IDN registry. And they might give it away free to the registrars.
But the end user or the registrant would inevitably pay about $10 to
$50 per domain registered.


<a href="" target="_blank"> Removed<wbr>meetings/sydney2009/<wbr>transcript-idn-cctld-fast-<wbr>track-22jun09-en.txt</a>

.pre |

Root Zone Scaling Study

Time: 16:00 - 17:30
Location: Function 4-5 (L4)
At-Large Delegates: Gareth, CLO, Allen Jong-Woei Whang,

Root Zone Scaling Study
The study must be completed by Aug 31. There will have to be follow on work.
