Versions Compared


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Comment: Reverted from v. 89


The small team will be asked to perform the very narrow task of reviewing the Outputs marked as “pending” by the Board and suggest a path for resolution. A key assumption is that the path forward to resolve Board concerns may not be the same for every recommendation. Therefore, the small team will carefully review recommendations marked as “pending” in the Board’s communication to the Council: and perform a triage exercise. The triage exercise could result in the recommendations being placed in buckets for their ideal path forward rather than each recommendation being address individually.

Start date:  21 March 2023

End date: 

Mailing list archives

Deck of Cards


Alan Barrett, ICANN Board
Anne Aikman-Scalese
Becky Burr, ICANN Board
Bruna Martins dos Santos
Greg DiBiase
Jeff Neuman
Justine Chew
Kurt Pritz
Nacho Amadoz
Paul McGrady 
Stephanie Perrin
Susan Payne
Tomslin Samme-Nlar

Small Team PlusGroup / SME or Alt SME
Tijani Ben JemaaAt-Large / SME
Greg ShatanAt-Large / SME Alternate
Jorge Cancio GAC | SME pending on topic
Jason Merritt GAC | SME pending on topic
Zeina Bou Harb GAC | SME pending on topic
Nigel HicksonGAC | SME pending on topic
Jim PrendergastRySG | SME pending on topic
Sebastien DucosRySG | SME & Alt pending on topic
Chris Disspain RySG | SME & Alt pending on topic
Karen DayRySG | SME & Alt pending on topic
Elaine Pruis RySG | SME pending on topic
Paul DiazRySG | Alt pending on topic
Karen BernsteinIPC | SME - IPC on the Recommendation 24.3
Mike RodenbaughIPC | SME 
Reema Moussa NCSG | SME
Namra NaseerNCSG | SME Alternate

Observers are welcome. They will be added to the mailing list with read-only rights, and during meetings will be in a listen only mode and no access to chat. Please have any observers contact to complete the sign-up process and be joined the mailing list.

Kathy Kleiman

Staff support: Steve Chan, Marika Konings, Julie Hedlund



Updated Assignment Form (as accepted by the GNSO Council during its 21 September 2023 meeting): Updated Small Team Assignment - SubPro Pending Recs - September 2023.pdf


Assignment Form: Small Team Assignment - SubPro Pending Recs_16Mar2023.docx

labelMeeting Recordings


21 March 2023 

21:00 UTCZoom Recording
28 March 202320:00 UTCZoom Recording
03 April 202311:30 UTCZoom Recording
04 April 202320:00 UTCZoom Recording
10 April 202311:30 UTCZoom Recording
11 April 202320:00 UTCZoom Recording
17 April 202311:30 UTCZoom Recording
20 April 202318:30 UTCZoom Recording
24 April 202311:30 UTCZoom Recording
11 May 202320:00 UTC Zoom Recording
15 May 202311:30 UTC(Cancelled)
18 May 202320:00 UTCZoom Recording
22 May 202313:00 UTCMeeting with the ICANN Board and GNSO Council. See wiki page:
25 May 202320:00 UTCZoom Recording
01 June 202320:00 UTCZoom Recording
26 June 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording
03 July 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording

10 July 2023

14:00 UTCZoom Recording
17 July 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording

24 July 2023

14:00 UTCZoom Recording
31 July 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording
07 August 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording
14 August 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording
28 August 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording
11 September 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording
18 September 202314:00 UTCZoom Recorrding
25 September 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording
02 October 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording
09 October 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording
16 October 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording
21 October 202315:00 CEST ICANN78 session page
06 November 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording
20 November 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording
27 November 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording
04 December 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording
11 December 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording
18 December 202314:00 UTCZoom Recording


27 Nov 2023

Introduction of new members & overview of approach & next steps

- Commence review of Recommendation 17.2 (expanding scope of financial support)

Small Team Plus
04 Dec 2023

- Recommendation 17.2 (expanding scope of financial support) – continue deliberations

- Commence review of Recommendation 22.7 (exemption from Continued Operations Instrument (COI))

Small Team Plus
11 Dec 2023

- Recommendation 17.2 (expanding scope of financial support) – finalize deliberations

- Recommendation 22.7 (exemption from Continued Operations Instrument (COI)) – finalize proposed modification

- Commence review of Recommendation 24.3 (updating standards of confusing similarity and string contention) & Recommendation 24.5 (single / plurals)

Small Team Plus
18 Dec 2023- Recommendation 24.3 (updating standards of confusing similarity and string contention) & Recommendation 24.5 (single / plurals) – continue deliberationsSmall Team Plus
08 Jan 2024

- Recommendation 24.3 (updating standards of confusing similarity and string contention) & Recommendation 24.5 (single / plurals) – finalize deliberations

- Commence review of Recommendation 9.2 (Single Registrant Exemption / Waiver)

Small Team Plus
15 Jan 2024- Recommendation 9.2 (Single Registrant Exemption / Waiver) – deliberate proposed modificationSmall Team Plus
22 Jan 2024

- Recommendation 9.2 (Single Registrant Exemption / Waiver) – finalize proposed modification

- Commence review of recommendation 18.1 (rejection of applications) & recommendation 18.3 (covenant not to sue) in combination with Recommendation 32.1 (mechanism that allows specific parties to challenge or appeal), Recommendation 32.2 (clear procedures and rules for challenge/appeal processes) and Recommendation 32.10 (mechanism should not does not cause excessive, unnecessary costs or delays in the application process)

Small Team Plus
29 Jan 2024- Recommendation 18.1 (rejection of applications) & recommendation 18.3 (covenant not to sue) in combination with Recommendation 32.1 (mechanism that allows specific parties to challenge or appeal), Recommendation 32.2 (clear procedures and rules for challenge/appeal processes) and Recommendation 32.10 (mechanism should not does not cause excessive, unnecessary costs or delays in the application process) – continue deliberationsSmall Team Plus
05 Feb 2024- Recommendation 18.1 (rejection of applications) & recommendation 18.3 (covenant not to sue) in combination with Recommendation 32.1 (mechanism that allows specific parties to challenge or appeal), Recommendation 32.2 (clear procedures and rules for challenge/appeal processes) and Recommendation 32.10 (mechanism should not does not cause excessive, unnecessary costs or delays in the application process) – continue deliberationsSmall Team Plus
12 Feb 2024- Recommendation 18.1 (rejection of applications) & recommendation 18.3 (covenant not to sue) in combination with Recommendation 32.1 (mechanism that allows specific parties to challenge or appeal), Recommendation 32.2 (clear procedures and rules for challenge/appeal processes) and Recommendation 32.10 (mechanism should not does not cause excessive, unnecessary costs or delays in the application process) – continue deliberationsSmall Team Plus
19 Feb 2024- Recommendation 18.1 (rejection of applications) & recommendation 18.3 (covenant not to sue) in combination with Recommendation 32.1 (mechanism that allows specific parties to challenge or appeal), Recommendation 32.2 (clear procedures and rules for challenge/appeal processes) and Recommendation 32.10 (mechanism should not does not cause excessive, unnecessary costs or delays in the application process) – finalize deliberationsSmall Team Plus
Week of 19 Feb 2024 (TBC)- Prep week session to brief community on proposed changes to recommendationsSmall Team Plus

2-7 March 2024


- ICANN79 session to obtain community feedback on proposed changes to recommendationsSmall Team Plus
18 March 2024

- Review of community feedback & updating of proposed modifications as deemed appropriate

 Small Team Plus
25 March 2024- Continued review of community feedback & updating of proposed modifications as deemed appropriateSmall Team Plus
01 April 2024- Finalize review & updates of proposed modificationsSmall Team Plus
Week of 1 April 2024- Submit Supplemental Recommendations (modified recommendations) to the GNSO Council for its considerationSmall Team Lead
April Council meeting- Council consideration of Supplemental RecommendationsGNSO Council
After April Council meeting- Assuming Council adoption, submission to the ICANN Board of the Supplemental RecommendationsGNSO Secretariat
May / June- Board consideration of Supplemental Recommendations