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Documents (EN):

Summary Minutes: EN




ALAC AGENDA:  23 August 2011 


Standing Agenda Items


1.  Adoption of agenda; call for Any Other Business or other amendments – Olivier (2 min)


2.  Roll call and apologies – Staff (2 min)


3.  Review of AIs from ALAC 24 May 2011 and At-Large Singapore 19-24 June meetings 26 July 2011 meeting – Olivier (30 10 min)

4.  Review of current ALS applications – Olivier, Staff (5 min)

See:  At-Large Structure Applications and Certification Process

      -  Rejected:  FORCAS (AFRALO)

      -  Accepted:  European Media Platform (EURALO), Ukrainian Internet Association (EURALO), NetMission (APRALO), ISOC India Kolkata (APRALO). 

      -  Ageia Densi Colombia (LACRALO) – Due diligence completed

      -  Urdu Internet Society (APRALO) – Due diligence in progress (question of whether it is active in community is outstanding)

      -        - Discussion of pending vote on Association pour Linux et les logiciels libres au Burkina Faso (AFRALO)-- Due diligence has arrived; AFRALO decidingEURALO).


See:  At-Large Structure Applications and Certification Process


5.  Reports – Olivier (1 min)


New Business


Items for Decision


6.  Review and revise timelines on Policy Advice Development Calendar -- Carlton, Olivier (20 10 min)

See:  ICANN Public Comment page

a)  Review of recent ALAC statements (considered or submitted):


Current open policy forums:


   -        -  ALAC Statement on the Preliminary Issue Report on the Current State of the UDRP (submitted 21 July 2011)

      -  ALAC Statement on WHOIS Policy Review Team – Discussion Paper (closed Saturday, 23 July 2011)

b)  IANA Further Notice of Inquiry (FNOI) – Cheryl

      -  See:  ALAC Comments to NTIA to FNOI re IANA (July 2011) 

      -  See:  ICANN's comments in response to the IANA Further Notice of Inquiry (FNOI)

      -  See:  Joint ccNSO-GNSO Council meeting Singapore 2011-06-20

      -  See:  ccNSO Liaison Reports, 01 July 2011

c)  Does the ALAC wish to comment on these open public consultations?

      -  Expanding Developing Economies Participation in the New gTLD Program (closes 29 July 2011)

      -  Report from Board-GAC Joint Working Group (closes 6 August 2011)

      -  Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Part B Policy Development Process (PDP) Recommendations for Board Consideration (closes 8 August 2011)

Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Part C – closes 25 August

   -  Proposed IDN Guidelines Revision – closes 26 August

   -  Request for Community Input on Formulation of 2012-2015 Strategic Plan – closes 29 August

   -  Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery Recommendations for ICANN Board Consideration – closes 15 September

       -  Proposed Revisions to Chapters 3 and 4 of the GNSO Council Operating Procedures Relating to Proxy Voting (closes 9 August 2011)

Items for Discussion


7.  Update on Proposal to pool RALO funds for AFRALO GA & discussion with Akram – Olivier (10 min)  

See:  ALAC Proposal regarding Pooling of Resources for AFRALO General Assembly
See:  FY12 Summary of SO-AC-SG requests - 17 May 2011

8.  Update on JAS WG -- Carlton (10 min)

See:  ALAC comments on JAS Second Milestone Report

See:  JAS WG workspace

Items for Information

9.  Review of Singapore ALAC-GAC meeting – Olivier (5 min)


10.  Review of Singapore ALAC-Registrars meeting – Olivier (5 min)


ALAC members should update RALOs on progress with Registrars and remind RALOs to fill out:

      -  Ideas for future ALAC-Registrar meetings (what questions would ALAC members like asked of the Registrars?)

      -  Ideas for the content of educational materials to be developed by At-Large & Registrars

ICANN Academy -- Wolf, Sandra (15 min)

See:  ICANN Academy draft proposal

8.  ALAC voting delegates to NomCom for 2012 -- Olivier, Cheryl (15 min)

See:  At-Large Elections 2011 wiki page

See:  ICANN Bylaws Provisions Relating to Nominating Committee

See:  ICANN Bylaws, XI-2.4.e: The ALAC shall, after consultation with each RALO, annually appoint five voting delegates (no two of whom shall be citizens of countries in the same Geographic Region, as defined according to Section 5 of Article VI to the Nominating Committee).

See:  Main NomCom wiki page

9.  Strategic Plan 2012-15 – Olivier (30 min)

Guest:  Kurt Pritz

Items for Information

10*.  Update on* JAS WG -- Carlton (5 min)

See:  ALAC comments on JAS Second Milestone Report

See:  JAS WG workspace

11.  Update on AFRALO Dakar events – Tijani (5 11.  Update on preparations for AFRALO General Assembly – Tijani (10 min)


12.  Any Other Business – Olivier (5 min)
Compliance issue discussed on 26 July APRALO call -- Cheryl
