Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


As Carlton requested on 5 August, even if you introduced your suggested change during a JAS WG call, please also list it on this page (by following the instructions below).


*{+}In-Kind (non-financial) Support/Relief{+}* \[[U1]\|
] from ICANN
Two of the
\]+ +{*}{+}from ICANN{+}*
Two of the WG's objectives are:

  • Wiki Markup
      3: To identify what kinds of support (e.g. technical assistance, organizational assistance, financial assistance, fee reduction) and support timelines (e.g. support for the application period only, continuous support) are appropriate for new gTLD applicants fulfilling identified criteria.
  • Wiki Markup
    Objective 4: \[[U3]\|\]
     To identify potential providers of the identified kinds of support as well as appropriate mechanisms to enable support provisioning.

The following types on in-kind support have been identified as necessary:


  • Logistical assistance;
  • Technical help;
  • Wiki Markup
    Legal and filing support\[[U4]\|\]
  • Wiki Markup
    Awareness/outreach efforts including efforts to ensure more people in underserved markets \[[U5]\|\]
     are aware of the new gTLD program and what they can do to participate in it.
  • Deferred requirement of DNSSEC
  • Relaxed Vertical Integration regulations

Wiki Markup
*Support from third parties facilitated by ICANN*\[[U6]\|\]

Pool of collected resources and assistance


For registries located in areas where IPv6 connectivity is limited or unavailable, ICANN will facilitate support from IPv6 providers to provide IPv6 gateways into the registry IPv4 services.


Wiki Markup
[U1]\|\]Support or relief? Glossary clarification

Wiki Markup

Wiki Markup

Wiki Markup
[U4]\|\]Application filing? If yes, be specific

Wiki Markup
[U5]\|\]Underserved markets, developing economies, etc consistency and glossary

Wiki Markup
[U6]\|\]This is unclear. Do we mean the webpage where entities willing to provide assistance can be listed? If, yes, maybe we should be more specific.