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A G E N D A 


  1. Appel /Roll call (2 minutes)

  2. SG1: Capacity Building

  3. SG2: Showcase

  4. SG3: Assemblee Generale / General Assembly

  5. SG4: Reunion AFRALO-AfrICANN / Meeting
  6. SG5: Sommet des Pays en Developpement / Developing County Summit
  7. Autres questions / AOB
  1. Introduction

  2. Jour, heure et fréquence des appels (Ramadhan inclus)

  3. Programme des évènements AFRALO à Dakar

  4. Partage des tâches / formation des équipes

  5. Divers


Agenda - English - to be updated

  1. Roll Call and Welcome (Fatimata)

  2. Call schedule (day, time and frequency - including Ramadan)

  3. Program of the AFRALO events in Dakar

  4. Task distribution / forming of teams

  5. Any other business