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5. Updates/Items for discussion - 29 30 min

      a.  Preparation of next AFRALO Webinar series 2022 and update on the first webinar webinar (AFRALO Universal Acceptance Training Session 2) -  Bram Fudzulani/ Tijani ,Aziz,All )    - 3 min

      b.  Update on  Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Statement - ICANN75 -   ( Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong ,Staff ) - 2 min  


      e.  AFRALO General Assembly planning-  (Seun Ojedeji ) - 5 6 min

      f. AFRALO Social Media Working Group -  (Bukola Oronti and Team ) - 6 min


6. AFRALO Membership Matters ( Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong & All ) -  9 8 min

The African region  has 69 ALSes located in 32 countries and territories



Member Individuel and Observers

Newly Certified (0)

  • Sangai Moliwulo, Liberia
  • Victor Rweyemamu, Tanzanie 
  •  Ms. Fatou Sarr, Senegal 
Pending ALAC Vote (0)NoneNone
Decertification (1)

#208 ISOC GAUTENG (AFRALO)- Decertified by vote 15 September 2022

Awaiting RALO Feedback (0)

Awaiting advice  #325  (AF) Internet Society Chapirte Togolais,

Processing Due Diligence (2)

#324 Appui Solidarité pour le Renforcement de l Aide au Développement,Mali

(awaiting GSE  feedback) 

#305 Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach Uganda - AFRALO (received GSE feedback, potential hold for AFRALO


1) Josh Agukoh,Kenya

(did not reply to questions from leadership)

2) Dorothy Mambulasa (Malawi)- pending approval by AFRALO.

3) Annett Bonuke (new application)

On Hold (1)

#282 Association pour le Développement des Sociétés de l'Information au Tchad (ADESIT) - AFRALO (awaiting applicant feedback - may formally be put on hold)


7. AOB – (Seun, all) 2 min


Ordre du Jour (Français) 
