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Zoom Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN




  1. Staff Introduction - Staff (2min)

  2. Review of Action Items from previous meetings (5min)

  3. Regional Policy Session

    1. EUS and IDN

      UA Merged: Open Panel Discussion on the results of the ALAC Survey (Jonathan) and reactions (Akinori,Edmon). Justine to coordinate with Jonathan

      - time TBC

    2. RALO Coordination Meeting (part 1) - current leaders: Cross RALO / Regional Policy Hot Topic (from APF/Satish) 

    3. RALO Coordination Meeting (part 2) - NEW leaders

      Merged into 75/90 session?

  4. Social/Cultural Program (Ali and Gunela to lead)

    1. Budget USD 1,200

  5. APRALO Networking Event 

  6. Outreach and Engagement with Students (Ali and Aris to lead)

    1. Dates and format

    2. Logistics

  7.  APRALO Monthly F2F Meeting merged with NextGen and Fellows session 

    1. Tuesday 20 September, block 3, 13:15-14:30 Local 

  8. AOB

    1. Next Meeting Thursday


      11 August at 06:00 UTC