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7.  Additional Information


Annex A


-- Links to Other Reports and References


Annex B


-- Status of GNSO Council-requested WHOIS studies – November 2010 Update



  • 2005 – (June) – GNSO Council combined remaining work of three TFs into a single Task Force to:#
    1. Define the purpose of WHOIS in the context of ICANN's mission and core values, international and national privacy laws, and other specified factors; and
    2. Define the purpose of the Registered Name Holder, technical, and administrative contacts, in the context of the purpose of WHOIS, and the purpose for which the data was collected.


  • 2006 – (15 March) -- Preliminary Task Force Report on the Purpose of Whois and of Whois Contacts -- Looked at the purpose of WHOIS contacts (registered name holder, administrative and technical contacts); what data should be publicly accessible and how to access data that is not publicly accessible; and how to improve the process for investigating and correcting inaccurate data.
  • 2007 – (12 March) -- Final Task Force Report on Whois Services -- In the course of deliberation, several Registrars offered an "Operational Point of Contact (OPOC)" proposal, in which every registrant would identify an operational contact who would be identified in WHOIS in lieu of the registrant's information currently displayed. In case of an issue with the domain name, the OPOC would contact the registrant to resolve, or to reliably pass on data to resolve, operational issues relating to a domain name. When the GNSO Council met on 28 March 2007, it created a WHOIS Working Group to further examine the OPOC proposal. The Council considered the results of that report on 31 October 2007, and opted to pursue further studies of Whois rather than recommend to the Board that the OPOC proposal be adopted.


  1. Determine the prevalence of false or incomplete contact data in Whois, .org, and .net domains;
  2. Determine the extent to which false data are corrected within 1month of being reported to ICANN; and
  3. Describe steps the Department of Commerce and ICANN have taken to ensure the accuracy of contact data in the Whois database. *
    • Based on a survey of 900 domain names (300 each in .com, .net and .org), GAO concluded that 2.31 million domain names (5.14%) were registered with patently false data (data that appeared obviously and intentionally false) in one of more of the required contact information fields.
    • GAO also found that 1.64 million (3.65%) were registered with incomplete data in one or more of the required fields. In total, GAO estimates that 3.89 million domain names (8.65%) had at least one instance of false or incomplete data in required Whois fields.

2002 -- Ben Edelman's analysis: Large-Scale Intentional Invalid WHOIS Data: A Case Study of "NicGod Productions" / "Domains For Sale"  **


Wiki Markup
*\[OTHER -- TBD -- as Review Team identifies needs\]*

Annex B -- Status of GNSO Council-requested WHOIS studies – November 2010 Update


Study Area/Topic

Specific studies defined (work in progress)

Current status

Other Information

1.     WHOIS Misuse Studies
Extent to which publicly displayed WHOIS data is misused

1.     Experimental: register test domains and measure harmful messages resulting from misuse
2.     Descriptive: study misuse incidents reported by registrants,  researchers/ law enforcement

Council decided 8 Sept 2010 to proceed with this study.
Cost: 150,000
Time estimate: 1 year
Contract negotiations underway.

§  Can count and categorize harmful acts attributed to misuse and show data was probably not obtained from other sources
§  Some acts might be difficult to count
§  Cannot tie WHOIS queries to harmful acts, which makes it difficult to prove that reductions in misuse were caused by specific anti-harvesting measures
§  Difficult to assess whether misuse is "significant"

2.     WHOIS Registrant Identification Study

1.     Gather info about how business/commercial domain registrants are identified
2.     Correlate such identification with use of proxy/privacy services

5 RFP responses received.  Staff analysis to Council on 23 March 2010.
Cost: 150,000
Time estimate: 1 year

§  Can classify ownership and purpose of what appear to be commercial domains without clear registrant information, and measure how many were registered using a P/P service
§  Might provide insight on why some registrants are not clearly identified
§  Use of P/P services by businesses

3.     WHOIS Privacy and Proxy "Abuse" Study

Compare broad sample of P/P-registered domains associated with alleged harmful acts with overall frequency of P/P registrations


3 RFP responses received.  Staff analysis to Council on 5 October 2010.
Cost: 150,000
Time estimate: < 1 year

§  Can sample many harmful acts to assess how often alleged "bad actors" try to obscure identity in WHOIS
§  Compare bad actor P/P abuse rate to control sample and to alternatives like falsified WHOIS data, compromised machines, and free web hosting
§  Some kinds of acts not sampled due to irrelevance and/or difficulty
§  Cannot reliably filter out "false positive" incident reports

4.     WHOIS Privacy and Proxy "Relay & Reveal" Study

Analyze relay and reveal requests sent for P/P-registered domains to explore and document how they are processed

RFP posted on 29 September, responses due 30 November 2010.

RFP and Terms of Reference:


5.     non-ASCII registration information

Technical analysis of how non-ASCII registration information is displayed. 

On hold pending work of Internationalized Registration Data WG.

IRD WG Workshop was conducted in Brussels. Interim report to be presented in Cartagena. See: Internationalized Registration Data Working Group Interim Report

6.     WHOIS service requirements

Compile a list of WHOIS service requirements based on current + previous policy discussions

Final report complete.
