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FR Interpreters:

Call Management: TBD


Review of the Strategic Outlook Trends  session - what priorities were identified (15-20 minutes) (I can lead this discussion)

Follow up on MSM. Marita - I have done the draft slides - taking your input to the ALAC comments on the Budget - what we are asking for  (15 Minutes) (Marita - do you want to take this session?

Report on the Prioritization Sub group - Ricardo, good suggestion to review our priorities in light of the Strategic session and the work of the Sub Group (10-15 Minutes_


  1. Roll Call - Staff (3 minutes)

  2. Welcome and Outline of Agenda - Holly Raiche, Chair of the OFB-WG - Holly Raiche, Chair of the OFB-WG (2 minutes)

  3. Review of Draft Statement on the ICANN Bylaws Amendments: ccNSO-Proposed Changes to Article 10 and Annex B - Holly Raiche (10 minutes)

    1. Draft Statement
  4. Overview of the Strategic Outlook Trends Identification Process - Holly Raiche and Becky Nash, VP, Planning (10 minutes)

  5. Moving Forward with the Priority Initiatives - Holly Raiche and Becky Nash, VP, Planning (20 minutes)

    1. Priority Initiatives: 

      1. Strengthen MSM - facilitate diverse and inclusive participation
      2. Strengthen ICANN Community’s Decision making processes
      3. Universal Acceptance (tied with 2)
      4. Planning at ICANN
      5. Monitor legislation, etc that may impact on ICANN’s mission
    2. Presentation by Planning 
  6. Follow up on the MSM - Marita (15 minutes)

  7. Report on the Prioritization Sub-Group- Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Members of the Sub-Group (30 minutes)

  8. Next Steps on the FY24 Strategic Trends Outlook Session

    Next Steps - Holly Raiche

    (5 minutes)

  9. Next OFB-WG Meeting - Holly Raiche (3 minutes)

  10. AoB - Holly Raiche (2 minutes)