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Table of Contents:

Table of Contents



ccTLD News Sessions

ccTLD News Sessions have an excellent collection of case studies, statistics, new developments, trends and more. The ccTLD News Sessions have been a part of the ccNSO Members Meetings for several years and has provided a global platform for both experienced and new people to meet, share experiences and discuss ccTLD-related aspects. The sessions are open to all.

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ccNSO Newcomer Webinar

Are you new to the ccNSO, or would like to learn more? During this 1-hour ccTLD Community Webinar for  Newcomers, Pablo Rodriguez (.pr) will help you to gain an understanding of the work of the ccNSO, what to expect from the ccNSO at the Virtual ICANN72 Virtual Annual General Meeting, as well as how ccTLD community representatives can participate in the important work that affects you and your region.  Pablo is Vice Chair to the ccNSO Council, and Chair of the ccNSO Outreach and Involvement Standing Committee (OISC).

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titleRegister to Attend

Sign up today to join us for ICANN73

  • You must be registered and signed in to view the ICANN73 schedule and participation details.  Access and ability to log into the schedule platform can take up to 30 minutes after completing the registration process. 
  • Zoom recordings are posted on the ICANN org schedule platform within the session description of each session as soon as they become available, which is generally the same day as the live session, by the end of the day or within 12 hours of the session conclusion.


Follow ICANN on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram to get the latest #ICANN73 news.  Follow ccNSO on Twitter.

ccNSO Members Meeting

Session Summaries | Read more about the ccNSO schedule at
ICANN73 here.

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id2titleQ&A Council candidates

Q&A with ccNSO Council candidates
Tuesday, 26 October 2021 | 16:00-17:00 UTC 

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Session Chair: Irina Danelia (.ru)

The 3-year term for five members of the ccNSO Council will end in March 2022.  Mid-September 2021, the ccNSO opens a call for nominations to fill those seats.  All candidates that accepted their nominations are kindly invited to participate in the Q&A session, which  will provide the ccNSO members and broader ccTLD community an opportunity to interact with the Council candidates. In preparation of the Q&A session, the written candidate statements and possible other material shared by the candidates will be posted on the ccNSO website.  Read more here.

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titleGovernance ccNSO


ccNSO Governance Session

Tuesday, 26 October 2021 | 17:30-19:00 UTC 

date & time to be confirmed  

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Session Chair:David McAuleyICANN72 marks the 4th ccNSO Governance Session, building on the previous sessions at ICANN69, ICANN70 and ICANN71, where the ccNSO Council and Members have been discussing the need to update the internal rules of the ccNSO, which were adopted in 2004.  A ccNSO Working Group held various consultations with the ccNSO membership to identify issues, find solutions and to update about progress.

The goal of this ICANN72 session is to consult the ccNSO membership on the proposed revised internal Rules of the ccNSO, and to collect feedback. The new Rules will have a direct impact on the governance structure of the ccNSO, specifically on the respective roles and responsibilities of the Council and ccNSO membership. Based on the feedback, the Working Group will finalize its draft, which will then be put before the ccNSO membership for adoption.

Background documentation

You are highly encouraged to review these materials prior to the session.

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About this Session:


ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning Committee 
Tuesday, 26 October 2021 | 19:30-21:00 UTC 

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Session Chair: Giovanni Seppia (.eu)

The aim of the SOPC is to coordinate, facilitate, and increase the participation of ccTLD managers in ICANN and Public Technical Identifiers strategic, operational planning, and related budgetary processes. The SOPC meets regularly with representatives from ICANN org and other ICANN stakeholders. The goal of this ICANN72 session is to explore how the ICANN Prioritization Framework could work in practice, from a community perspective. The session will prepare the SOPC and other stakeholders on prioritization, as part of the next operational and financial planning cycle. 

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titleDNS Abuse


ccNSO DNS Abuse Session
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
Part 1: 21:30-23:00 UTC 
Part 2: 23:30-00:30 UTC 
date & time to be confirmed  

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Session Chair:Alejandra Reynoso (.gt)
Nick Wenban-Smith (.uk)
Jim Galvin (GNSO), Gabriel Andrews (GAC), John Crain (ICANN org), Kristof Tuyteleers (.be, .brussels), Angela Matlapeng (.bw), Byron Holland (.ca) 

About this session: Join us for a discussion with ccTLD managers and representatives from GAC, GNSO and ICANN org. The goal of the session is to understand what the ccNSO should do with respect to DNS abuse, in addition to what is already happening at the local and regional ccTLD level. Based on the guidance of the ccTLD community, the ccNSO Council will plan the ccNSO involvement in the discussions pertaining to DNS abuse and related activities that could assist ccTLDs. If a plan moves forward, it will be shared with the community during ICANN73 or an intersessional webinar.

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titleccNSO & ICANN Board


Question & Answer Session with ccNSO-related ICANN Board members and others 
date & time to be confirmed  

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Joint session: ccNSO COUNCIL & ICANN BOARD 
Thursday, 28 October 2021 | 16:00-17:00 UTC

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ccNSO topics

Session Chair:

  • ccNSO recommended policy on the retirement of ccTLDs: introduction of the policy, its scope, why we believe it is needed. In preparation of a possible implementation process: what are the next steps from a Board perspective, and how does the roadmap look like?  
  • change of Article 10 and Annex B of the ICANN Bylaws to allow the inclusion of interested IDN ccTLD Managers in the ccNSO: what are the next steps of the process?
  • At the end of ICANN72, Nigel Roberts will be stepping down as member of the ICANN BoD.  What are Nigel's views on his years on the Board, the relation between ICANN and the ccTLD community in general, and the ICANN Board and ccNSO specifically?

 ICANN Board topic:

how to efficiently identify and work more closely with governments globally, as well as educate, train and interact when it comes to geopolitical issues relating to ICANN’s mission


About this session: 

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Thursday, 28 October 2021 | 17:30-19:00 UTC

date & time to be confirmed  

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About this session: 

TLD-OPS Session
Thursday, 28 October 2021 | 19:30-21

The ccNSO Council will have its 177th xth meeting at ICANN72 on Thursday, 28 October 2021 (17:30-19:00 UTC)ICANN73. All Council meetings are open to observers. Topics for discussion will include next steps following the ICANN72 ccNSO Members Meeting, DNS abuse session, and the ccNSO request to change ICANN Bylaws to include Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) ccTLD managers in the ccNSO. Additional topics for the ccNSO Council meeting will be made available on the ccNSO Council workspace.

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TLD-OPS is the incident response community for and by ccTLDs that brings together people who are responsible for the operational security and stability of their ccTLD. The goal of the TLD-OPS community is to enable ccTLD operators worldwide to detect and mitigate incidents that may affect the security and stability of ccTLD services, such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, malware infections, and phishing attacks. TLD-OPS further extends members' existing incident response structures, processes, and tools, rather than replace them. TLD-OPS is open to every ccTLD, regardless of ccNSO membership. 

TLD-OPS is fully governed by the ccTLD community through the TLD-OPS Standing Committee, which consists of representatives of ccTLDs and liaisons from the Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC), the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), and the ICANN security team. The Standing Committee oversees the daily operation of its list and the further development of the TLD-OPS ecosystem.The TLD-OPS Standing Committee will meet during ICANN72 to reflect on its past activities and determine next steps.

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ccTLD News Sessions

ccTLD News Sessions have an excellent collection of case studies, statistics, new developments, trends and more. The ccTLD News Sessions have been a part of the ccNSO Members Meetings for several years and has provided a global platform for both experienced and new people to meet, share experiences and discuss ccTLD-related aspects. The sessions are open to all.

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Wednesday, 6 October | 13:00 UTC 
Marketing, Policy, Operations, Finance

Guðrun Poulsen (.fo), Session Chair

  • The .ng promo experience | Chioma Keke (.ng)
  • If I had a million dollars | Dana Ludviga (.lv)
  • Promoting .ar web accessibility | Romina Guirardo (.ar
  • Launch of 2nd level registrations in .au | Bruce Tonkin (.au)
  • 3 projects to increase domain name stability & security in .RU/.РФ | Irina Danelia (.ru/.РФ)
  • ccTLD voluntary financial contributions | Cecibel Izaguirre (ICANN org)

Thursday, 7 October | 06:00 UTC
Internet Governance

Annaliese Williams (.au), Session Chair

  • Mary Uduma (African IGF)
  • Jordan Carter (.nz)
  • Peter Koch (.de)
  • Oscar Robles (LACNIC)
  • Alyssa Quinn (.ca)
  • the roles and responsibilities of the various members of the ccNSO Council
  • the election of the ccNSO leadership team, consisting of one Chair and two Vice Chairs
  • topic placeholder
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Additional topics for the ccNSO Council meeting will be made available on the ccNSO Council workspace.


ccNSO Newcomer Webinar

Monday, 18 October | 20:00 UTC
Wednesday, 20 October | 11:00 UTC

Are you new to the ccNSO, or would like to learn more? During this 1-hour ccTLD Community Webinar for  Newcomers, Pablo Rodriguez (.pr) will help you to gain an understanding of the work of the ccNSO, what to expect from the ccNSO at the Virtual ICANN72 Virtual Annual General Meeting, as well as how ccTLD community representatives can participate in the important work that affects you and your region.  Pablo is Vice Chair to the ccNSO Council, and Chair of the ccNSO Outreach and Involvement Standing Committee (OISC).

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