Versions Compared


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Recursive Server for Enterprise Network,


ISPs (Not Public & Open Resolvers)

  1. Best Practices

    1. Hardening the Operating Service Environment
    2. Service

      1. Must 
        1. Limit Access
        2. Enable DNSSEC Validation

      2. Should
        1. Enable QNAME Minimization

      3. May
        1. Enable
      4. Encrypted Look-Up (DNS-over-TLS)
      5. Enable DOH
      6. System
        1. Must
          1. Limit Access
          2. Limit Services to Need 
        2. Should
          1. Document implementation
          2. Maintain Version Control
          3. Monitoring Service performance, Intrusions, Errors, etc
      7. Network
      8. Must
        1. Limit Access
        2. Limit Services to Need 
      9. Should
      10. Documentation
      11. Version Control
      12. Monitoring for Intrusions, Errors, etc
        1. DoT
        2. Enable DOH
        3. NSEC Cashing (if validation is enabled)
    3. Establishing Implementation Guidelines
      1. How-Tos
      2. Checklists
      3. Configuration Processes
      4. Examples