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Any Notes of relevance to the ALAC / At-Large from GNSO Council Meetings will be highlighted at the top of any Agenda listed below in colour

ANNOUNCING  OPEN to OBSERVERS - Webinar for the GNSO Council


Board discussion on the Standardized System for Access/Disclosure (SSAD) 22 February at 19:00 UTC 


  • The purpose of the meeting is for the Board to explain how it envisions conducting the ODP and to the extent possible, showing how the elements flagged in the Council’s letter [] should more or less be captured already in the Board’s concept of the Operational Design Phase (ODP)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting: GNSO Council on the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG – Final Report Webinar

Date/time: Thursday, 28 January 2021 at 20:00 UTC for 90 minutes

This webinar is open to observers who will be in read-only and listen-only mode.

Before joining the call: 

Please be sure you have read the Expected Standards of Behavior []

Check your time zone: 

Councilors should notify the GNSO Secretariat in advance if they will not be able to attend and/or need a dial out call,

Please click the link to join the webinar (recommended):

Passcode: ?ucL4!t%MD


If you are joining via audio only:
iPhone one-tap : 
US: +13126266799,,92033087809#,,,,*6872519179#  or +19294362866,,92033087809#,,,,*6872519179#

Webinar ID: 920 3308 7809

Passcode: 6872519179

NUwzN09VTVJFd3hIVC95M3VBTU1sdz09 []

Zoom Meeting ID: 992 2650 1836

Zoom Passcode: GNSO@2021#


Audio only:

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,99226501836#,,,,*7835608785# US (San Jose)International numbers available:


Key Resolutions of Interest to At-Large from GNSO Council Meetings


  • Councillors are encouraged to review the GNSO Review report (All)
  • Inform Staff if Stakeholder Groups/Constituencies wish to meet with the Westlake team and the GNSO Review Working Party during Constituency Day in Buenos Aires so that time slots can be arranged.(All)





Mar 2015:  ALAC has appointed Olivier Crepin-Leblond as the new ALAC Liaison to the GNSO Council to serve from March 7th, 2015, to the end of the AGM at the ICANN #54 meeting in Dublin 2015.


Jan 2015:

  • Policy Update Webinars are being presented as preparation for ICANN #52 Meeting see

  • Policy work of the GNSO; in a bid to provide for easier access to the different information sources that are currently available as well as further direction on what information is provided to guide both newcomers as well as veterans, staff has created a new one-stop information web-page ( As of  end January, the new page is linked from the GNSO home page ( – either via the ‘quick link’ button at the top or via the quick links in the left-hand column. 

  • Additionally there is now a new page that centralizes important GNSO-related information for the upcoming ICANN52 meeting that we hope will assist attendees in their preparation for the meeting ( Updates to this page will be made for all future ICANN meetings.


Wed, 11 February 2015 - 13:00 to 15:00 SGT Room:  Canning



29 JanuaryGNSO Council Teleconference

12:00 UTC
