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Transcript: EN

Zoom Chat: EN




  1. Welcome and roll call - Staff (2min)

  2. Review of Action Items EURALO EGAP Call  (0 minute)

  3. EURALO EGAP Calls - Sébastien Bachollet (7 minutes)

  4. EURALO EGAP Organization - Sébastien Bachollet (7 minutes)

  5. EURALO F2F General Assembly - June 2021, Trieste, Italyduring Eurodig2021 – June 28-30

    1. Other possible dates

    2. Agenda

    3. Participation

  6. Participation to Eurodig

  7. Preparation of the training program

    1. Agenda

    2. Participation

  8. Finance need

    1. Goodies/Promotional Materials

  9. EURALO EGAP Action Items summary

  10. AOB (5 minutes)